Camping: Yet another suggestion

I'm going to keep it simple.

Solution 1: Killer loses 'x'% speed for every 'y' seconds near a hooked survivor (apathy/dullnes/bloodapathy).

Solution 2: Hooked survivor's progress bar slows down when killer is close. This way the other survivor's have more time to do gens.

Exception to 1: When in chase or at 'x' meters from a hooked survivor, apathy is reduced by 1 level every 'y' seconds.

Exception to 2: When in chase or at 'x' meters from a hooked survivor, progress bar recovers speed


  • The_BiggCheeze
    The_BiggCheeze Member Posts: 457
    edited June 2021

    Or camping is a valid strategy when used appropriately and shouldn't add debuffs of any way.

    Imagine playing killer and you get steamrolled by survivors and you want ONE kill. You are forced to camp them. And now because you want one kill you are penalized by losing speed, or hook progress being slowed. This would solve nothing and cause more problems and especially hurt newer players.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah, it's really hard to write rules for punishing killers for staying near a hook with in game disadvantages that aren't unfair. IE you handle chase solutions, but what if you hook a survivor between 2 regressing gens? What if that survivor has seen a hard to find totem location that you need to protect, what if there's only two survivors left? How do you communicate that camping is causing them debuffs to new players? how do you teach new players WHAT to do when they hook someone, seems unfair to say "hook people and kill them, but you can't protect your hooks to cause kills" to new players without giving them the tools to do something else.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a killer main, but i play survivor a little, in the cases where a killer is just hard camping someone for little to no reason sucks, and we should try to curb that behavior the best we can, where we can. i've been making this pitch enough times I just made a post about it i can quote.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    but camping is a valid strategy so no

  • spookyscary
    spookyscary Member Posts: 11

    dude, every killer is going to have to accept the fact that there will be at least 1 game where they don’t get a single kill. It isn’t fair for new survivors to be punished for the killer being bad and having to sit through a facecamp/tunnel

  • The_BiggCheeze
    The_BiggCheeze Member Posts: 457
    edited June 2021

    And it isn't fair for killers who are still learning to get penalized for trying to get a kill.

    The problem for you is that you ONLY see it as a survivor problem. Please have an open mind and look at it from BOTH angles. Not just one.

    Edit: Survivors are not entitled to an escape just like the killer isn't entitled to a kill. But you shouldn't penalize people for trying.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Here's a camping nerf, Kindred basekit.

  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17

    I understand your idea, It's logic, but we have a problem with camping and I think It needs to be solved.

    I play both surv and killer.