If dbd is so survivor sided, why are most matches ….
Not only that. You have to factor in Tome Challenges. While killer challenges are basically just your usual objective anyways and you don't divert from playing your usual game at all - the survivor challenges are more often pretty weird and you need to go out of your way to complete them.
In casual play this makes survivors not play at their A-game and not efficient at tall, thus giving the killer way more time to 3/4k. A sweaty competitive team however would never do that. They play to win, not to complete their tome, while many casuals play to complete their tome and put that before actually winning.
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"my Games are fine thus you are wrong mentality"
What People try to say is ... the Devs have to find a way how to nerf these tryhard swf >red< ranks ending games in 5mins and buff new solo survivors at rank 20...
Thats why we have survival rates of 25% at rank 20 and above 75% at rank 1 (search the dev statistic they released a while ago).
When 4 solo survivor at rank 20 with no perks play a match it favors the Killer.
When 4 great survivor with the best perks in a swf group on discord go tryhard the game heavly favors survivor.
When 1-2 survivor do random things you have a decent game (i.e if you sit at rank 11 most of the games have a decent length).
Long Story short if you sit in red ranks and dont play the strongest Killers you can complain... if you play spirit at rank8 and above and complain well get gud :D.
Adjusting Killer Hitbox to match Survivor Hitbox would be the go-to solution (cuz most survivor dont even know they can run certain loops tighter then the killer and waste insane amount of time). So it would only affect the best 1% of survivor and not the casual playerbase.
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Data says nurse is bad would you consider buffing her? Im genuinely wondering? Also kill rates for a victory as killer in red requires at least 3 kills under the current pip system. There are exceptions with some high point scoring killers.
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Ah another useless post of the most survivor biased forum user. Even more then the lord sluzzy.
Just git gud noob survivor.
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Everyone just saying it's bad survivors gives me the impression they think all killer players are equal. There's bad killers too and I would think that evens out the rates just as much.
One bad survivor can screw over their entire side, two bad survivors will do it for sure then everyone goes down with the ship, especially with end game collapse now.
Survivors are more vulnerable to bad players.
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Because the game isn't balanced for solos anymore. Yet somehow they also arent commiting to balancing for SWF. So we're in this weird limbo of solo being incredibly weak but swf still being stupid strong.
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I've never seen such a neutral, non biased post on this forum get so many upvotes. Are people finally waking up?
Agree wholeheartedly btw. I think people that watch their favorite streamers who play the game for a living then get upset they aren't as good are also in a similar spot.
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Because Survivors suck. This is the game where the majority of the Killer cast is objectively, mathematically hard-countered by running in a straight line.
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"if this game is survivor sided how come all of my survivor friends who suck at the game cant win?"
this is what this sounds like
There's a handful of things that are survivor-sided within this game, that doesn't make every survivor automatically have an advantage against the killer. There are many MANY survivors out there who are, to put it simply, horrible at the game, which is why this data exists.
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Hey just a guy thats interested. Where can I find the data youre using to reference?
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Then why do bad survivors get swamped by bad killers?
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Because they're worse than the killer.
Edit: You need to remember that baby survivors don't know anything. They can't loop or hit skill checks.
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This is extremely true haha. I'm def somewhat more of a killer player now but I'm still new to it. I know it's my fault because im not that experienced when I fail to apply map pressure and only land myself with a 2k sometimes. It's fine though, can't win them all however it's def a learning curve for next games.
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Why are they worse then the killer?
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Stats also says Nurse is the weakest killer with an average ofless than 50% kills if i remember correctly... just saying...
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Best thing you can do is find a Killer you really like to play. It can take hours of experimentation to find THE ONE, but when you do, it doesnt matter if you win or lose. Its these characters that keep me playing this game.
I just want the fps fixes to come soon so I can play killer again. I was born to be Ghostface.
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This x1000. If I can play Trickster at red ranks and win most my matches (there are some hard losses though, Mother's Dwelling's hugeness is rough for that slow KPOP man) in Red Ranks... I really don't know if these people are just salty when they don't 4K constant which some on here admitted that is the only WIN for them or they are just really.... really bad.
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Ahhah yeah, many people think that they are better than they actually are so if they lose it’s automatically the games fault, never take a few minutes of their life to analyze gameplay and see if they did something wrong.