Anyone else notice a pattern for BHVR's killer reworks?

First, you learn that X killer is getting a rework. Everyone's excited, you start to see more of X killer following the announcement.
Second, the PTB drops, que the forums showing the duality of man.
Third, full update drops, and you see a lot of X killer for about a week.
Fourth, you hardly ever see X killer again. The reworked killer becomes like the extraordinarily rare unicorn.
Barely seeing Freddy and Clown.
But lots of Doctors and Bubbas.
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Surprisingly I haven't seen any of those four in over a month.
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How often did you see the killer before the rework, though?
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Definitely see a lot more bubbas now.
Billy players have almost disappeared.
I've seen a competent Billy today on Midwhich. I got curved myself which got me excited. Never have I been more excited to get curved as someone who also mains Billy.
He got 1 kill in the end.
Damn...Only if he played perfectly.... /s
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More often than after, I saw some clowns before his rework. Essentially none after his rework.
I guess most of them migrated to the forums.
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I always liked Clown but dropped him after that laughable "buff". I lost all faith in him ever becoming even the slightest threat.
I still see a decent number of Freddies.
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I mean, he is a threat. You just have to be a hyper competent clown main for him to be one.
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That is pretty much what I expected. Freddy's failure of a rework turned him into Mr. Generic Power and was made even worse by this recent nerf, which somehow failed to address his actual issue.
I barely see him anymore, actually haven't seen one in a over a month. It is sad.
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I remember those great times when people actually played Billy
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Indeed. Now he is as rare as a golden unicorn running around with Sprint Burst pre dropping pallets with pallet vacuum while being chased by a perkless Old Bubba.
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We need your Freddy Version 3.0
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Ah, thank you so much, my friend <3
You have no idea how much that means to me! I tried my best to go for a perfect power, only the best for the killer I love most, and it warms my heart to see that I might have succeeded.
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It depends on the rework. Clown's rework was terrible so not surprised he's not seen much. Same with Billy. Neither of their reworks were met with much praise.
Bubba and Doctor are still around a lot. Not surprisingly their reworks were fairly popular. Its all about quality. If the rework is good then the killer will still be used regularly.
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Yes. Since Freddy Version 2.0 and 2.1 are so boring.
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Because the update was a net negative for him. they took away all the good addons and gave him a power that can literally be ignored because it almost does nothing.
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I see a lot more bubbas and doctors after their reworks.
I also see freddy in kinda the same frequency...
I never saw nurse before crossplay anyway so...
I rarely see clown, but it was the same before his rework
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Agreed. To be honest, Freddy on-release was literally his best version.
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I like freds new rework I get less hate mail now. As for Clown (I am no clown main) but I personally love his one on one find it best in the game (IMO) assuming hindered works of course problem is the game is 4 vs 1 so. Still he is fun and my go to in custom matches against lobby full of friends.
Wraith - I have not played him a tremendous amount but the 4-5 games I played with tier 1/2 not so good perks has him in A-tier on my list. Top 5 on my personal list top 10 overall I think he better than slinger why he cracked top 10. Mobility, ease of use, and powerful add-ons put him past slinger to me.
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Not... really. Even if you're the best Clown in the world, that's a relatively low bar. His skill ceiling is just very low. A competent team of players will just drop the safe pallets early and run down your bottles while the other 3 bang out gens.
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Posts like these are a perfect example of hearsay and opinion.
We need to see statistics on pickrate before and after a rework, not "I never see X Killer"
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I still play him on mobile and PC. I love him!
Survivors usually love playing against him too
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Ah yes, showing statistics to the community, because that's always gone well :)