An update to Nemesis

The core of Nemesis' gameplay is potentially very strong...
- A fast windup with no real audio cue
- Great for hits as you round a corner
- Great for hits on survivors if you predict the exact moment they pass in front of a window
- A 115 killer with a projectile
- One of the best pallet breaks in the game
- Extra tracking from your zombie Jabronis
...and it has some innate weaknesses and counterplay....
- Useless at tiles if you aren't approaching them head on
- Shack window if you loop from the outside
- Can hit over terrain, but is extremely unreliable/inconsistent in those cases.
- Tiny hitbox.
- Since you lock in your angle the moment you press M1, your flicks have to be predictions.
If he started in T3 and just started with his power doing damage, I'd say he's an A tier killer.
Unfortunately, that is not the case.
- You have no map mobility whatsoever. As such, your ability to apply pressure is garbage.
- Your whip actually starts out pretty weak in T1
- Inability to fast break pallets in your first 1.5 chases is brutal
- Missing that 1 meter of reach renders certain general tiles much less playable.
- Marvins Blood alleviates this for the most part, but because you need to use them every game, you will run out of those.
- Contamination doesn't do anything for Nemesis. It just means you need to hit survivors three times for a down.
- Think about this for a second. How often do you lose 1-3 generators for your first chase on a killer that only needs to hit once or twice for a down? Even if the hits are a little easier, this is still a massive weakness.
- On top of Contamination making his early game weak, the existence of Vaccines makes his midgame weak.
- In an ideal world, you'll be doing three chases on each survivor. A normal killer would need to get six hits in to kill that survivor. Nemesis needs to get in eight. Across an entire team you're going from 24 hits to 32, which is just insane.
Between your power not being super strong early, your total lack of mobility, and you needing to hit three times to down each chase, you simply don't have time to get enough chases in against competent survivors.
Because of all this, I'd say he's a high C tier.
We can do so much better.
T-Virus Changes
- Contamination no longer allows Tentacle Strike to do damage
- Tentacle Strike just does damage now (still applies Contamination, but doesn't need contamination to do damage).
- Zombie damage paradigm unchanged (infect, damage, down).
- The Tentacle now starts with the ability to break pallets, and has a default reach of 6 meters.
- If you hit a survivor over a dropped pallet with Tentacle Strike, you will now hit the survivor and break the pallet rather than just hitting the survivor.
This is the core of the changes proposed. With this, Nemesis' early-mid game chases are no longer so painfully slow, and he can be the fleshy wrecking ball he's meant to be.
The other changes are much less important. I would personally just scrap Mutation Rates, and leave Contamination as purely a third health state versus Zombies, but I think we can do some more interesting things.
- Contamination is now a progressing debuff, with progress visible to all players.
- Starts at 0% progress when you are first struck by Tentacle Strike or a Zombie.
- Progresses by 0.25% per second if you are healthy, and 0.5% per second if you are injured. Does not progress while hooked or dying.
- Progresses by 20% each subsequent time you are struck by Tentacle Strike or a Zombie
- Contamination now has unique effects depending on how contaminated you are, increasing the personal threat of Zombies to you.
- If you are at all contaminated, Zombies can smell you, tracking you without LOS or noise within 50% of their sight range.
- Zombies are now agitated by the presence of the Virus; their movement speed is increased by 0-1 m/s while chasing you, based on your current infection percentage.
- If you are 100% contaminated, Zombies perusing you gain the ability to perform lunge attacks (rather than standing in place).
- Reworked Mutation Rates. They now increase the global impact and threat of Zombies and the Virus.
- T1: The same Zombies we know and love now.
- T2: +2 Zombies
- Increased charge requirement to hit T2 from 6 to 10
- T3: Vaccines no longer cure the virus, only regressing it to 0% progress.
- Increased charge requirement to hit T3 from 15 to 20
Even if the Zombies are seriously low IQ, this is enough to make them a threat.
In the late game, with four Zombies on the map, the Zombies moving twice as fast, and using the tutorial Trapper AI to know how to lunge, this is enough to make them a major threat at tiles when they just so happen to shamble in.
- If the number of remaining vaccines is less than the maximum, supply caches will respawn at a rate of one every three minutes.
These are still extremely limited, but no longer finite. As getting rid of Contamination no longer ######### over Nemesis himself, but does reduce the threat of his Zombies, so it turns his T3 into a kind of pseudo game slow as survivors need to shoot up every couple minutes to avoid getting swarmed by fast, lunging undead at each tile.
The number of vaccinations per game is increased with this, from 4 per game to about 7-8 over the course of an average 12 minute match.
Add-on Changes
Unmentioned Add-ons are unchanged
Many of these add-ons are changed not because they are weak, but because I want to give each one a unique effect, rather than have the player stack them to double up on the same bonus.
Some of them, though, were just trash.
- Visitor Wristband
- Effect increased from 2 meters and +10 degrees to +6 and +30 degrees.
- S.T.A.R.S. Field Manual
- Now turns the Zombie yellow for 6 seconds whenever it attempts to swing, and turns it blue if it successfully hits.
Lets just expand the use cases for this. A survivor getting hit by zombies when you aren't nearby is pretty niche until RCPD is re-enabled.
- Damaged Syringe
- No longer increases killer instinct duration
- Added injection time increased from +2 seconds to +3
- Brian's Intestine
- Effect increased from 0.25 m/s to 0.6 m/s
Not the highest speed boost to your Zombies, but it's always active.
- Zombie Heart
- Increased bonus from 0.5 charges to 1.5
Hunting Zombies takes forever, so this had better make it worth your time.
- Mikhail's Eye
- Increased maximum Contamination zombie speed boost by 0.75 m/s
More speed than the intestine, but they need to be completely contaminated to get the full value and they need to be spotted by the Zombie.
- Adrenaline Injector
- Effect increased from 3 seconds to 5
- Admin Wristband
- No longer improves Zombie tracking.
- Now allows The Nemesis to see the auras of Supply Caches.
- Tyrant Gore
- No longer grants bonus mutation rate for killing Zombies
- Increased respawn bonus from -5 to -10
- Now causes respawning Zombies to prioritize hooks close to high repair progress generators
- T-Virus Sample
- No longer grants bonus mutation rate for killing Zombies
- Now increases passive contamination buildup by 0.25 c/s (uninjured) and 0.5 c/s (injured)
- Licker Tongue
- Increased bonus to 0.15 to 1.25
- Tentacle Strike does not do damage to survivors who are not already contaminated.
The concept is actually really cool, but the numbers are dogshit.
With this, the Hindered duration lasts the same duration as the post-hit speed boost, causing them to only move at 4.3 m/s for that time instead of the 6.0 they would normally.
In exchange for this crippling debuff, you need to play under the "3 hits to down" system.
Very Rare
- Depleted Ink Ribbon
- No longer increases Zombie movement speed or decreases their respawn time
- Now causes three extra Zombies to appear behind each exit gate the moment the generators are completed.
- Does not require you to kill the Zombies with you in the trial.
This is the coolest add-on you've made in years, please go all-out with this.
Ultra Rare
- Shattered S.T.A.R.S Badge
- For the active duration, sets Zombies to 4 m/s (from a +1 m/s bonus)
- Does not stack with other speed add-ons, or the contamination speed bonus.
- Triggers for 60 seconds when the last generator is completed.
- Triggers for the remainder of the trial once the End Game Collapse begins.
- For the active duration, sets Zombies to 4 m/s (from a +1 m/s bonus)
Zombies entering some crazy frenzy for a while when a generator gets done is a super fun idea, but the way you implemented it is the most milquetoast thing I can think of.
Oh boy... they walk slightly slower than a walking survivor. OOOH SPOoooKY.
With this, though, it's more like "Hey ######### we're 28 Days Later now."
- Iridescent Umbrella Badge
- Decreases the time between Supply Cache respawns by 2.5 minutes.
- Until you reach Mutation Rate 3, survivors cannot progress beyond 50% contamination.
- Once you reach Mutation Rate 3, contaminated survivors are explicitly notified of the add-on.
- Contaminated survivors who die will turn, becoming a Zombie.
- Survivors who reach 100% Contamination will become terminal, becoming unable to benefit from Vaccines and causing them to succumb the next time they are struck by Nemesis or a Zombie, instantly dying (and subsequently turn).
Even with this update allowing for more vaccines, the previous version of the add-on was bad on a conceptual level.
This, while unlikely to actually get you kills (thanks to the super-fast 30 second cache respawn), is completely ######### terrifying, essentially requiring all survivors to drop their items and keep Vaccines on hand at all times.
There are a lot of add-ons that pair nicely with this, so that should also be pretty fun.
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Very detailed and well explained! I do hate early game Nemesis but I think of him as similar to Oni in that you have to power up with hits first. I'm curious if 1st hit with tentacle contaminating AND dealing damage would be enough of a change for him. Survivors cant really loop you at tier 3 (or at least none of mine have been able to). Their only defense is to avoid contamination as long as possible...
I do love your vaccine/contamination changes though!
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I do think that just the first section of power changes would be enough to put him in a good, balanced state.
Thing is, because so much of his design (not to mention add-ons) is wrapped into contamination, vaccines, and mutation rates, there's no way the devs would scrap all that.
The rest of the changes are there half because I think they're cool, and half because "contamination and mutation need to do something"
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A big issue I have with him is his tier 3. Wow, so much work for... 1 extra meter of my m2? There really is no point in trying to get it.
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I agree it's super anti-climactic, but it's a massive upgrade.
There are a lot of tiles (including a lot of common tiles) that are not playable with a 5 meter range, but are playable with 6.
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You really like your italics and bold, huh?
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While the extra meter may actually be very useful, the sheer amount of effort you put into trying to go into tier three without addons is terrible. There should be something worthwhile you get out of it other than just a one meter increase in your attack.
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Yes, they improve readability by allowing me to insert emphasis and tone into text.
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The changes don’t need to be that deep, and the A.I isn’t an issue. The main issues with Nemesis are:
Wristband should be base. The detection cup of a zombie is horrible and only gets better if you run this add on.
Marvin’s blood should have a nerfed version base kit. The mutation % is not rewarding enough for how unforgiving your secondary is.
Last but not least, remove the contamination hit sprint burst.
Then he’s strong.
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As a Nemesis player. I must be built different.