The cannibal's power is too strong. Instant down is too much!

Just had ANOTHER match where someone playing the cannibal was basically given a free win because they were able to press a single button on their controller. This is why I will NEVER and I mean NEVER go for end game saves ever again when playing against this killer. I had the door open, 2 survivors on their 2nd hook. I step out of the exit gate to try to see if I could possibly make a save. One of them ran out of time and just as I was about to go for the other the cannibal shows up. I am literally only a few feet outside of the opened exit gate and just as I turned around to try to run out they made it to the exit gate as I did (because terror radiuses in this game will never make sense to me) and simply pressed ONE BUTTON that requires absolutely no other conditions to grant an instant down and down me right at the very end of the exit gate. I get picked up, thrown on the hook and just to be toxic the killer decides to hit me on the hook. When things like this happen in DBD I cannot tell you how much I just don't want to play the game. Killers that have this much power in a match that require no other conditions but to press a single button simply make the game completely unenjoyable to play. Until this killer's power is nerfed into something fair I will not be making anymore save attempts with this killer on the map. As much as I want to, and I always try to, I simply find making those save attempts against a killer with this much power is not worth the effort. This killer is rewarded with far too much for doing very little.

The cannibal's power needs to be changed. The instant down effect it has needs to go. Replace it with the broken status effect or something. ANYTHING but an instant down. There are just too many situations where this killer is overly rewarded for very little effort. I never have fun playing against the cannibal. Seeing this killer in a match immediately makes me want to give up and not even try. I don't want to have these kind of experiences in DBD. I want to have fun and playing against this killer is not fun for me at all.



  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Actually, I kind of agree with the OP. With Billy or Oni, you have a chance to dodge insta-downs in deadzones. Bubba on the other hand, has a guaranteed insta-downs in dead zones. The only way to outplay him as survivor is with a window or an extremely well played pallet, otherwise you wasted a pallet on a chainsaw which goes through them instantly.

    Bubba can chainsaw through loops. Bubba ignores pallets unless it is well enough timed to stun him. Billy and Oni both cannot one-hit down through a loop.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Few basics to know about Bubba.

    1.Don't clump that is a rule with each killer to mitigate snowball potential but especially with someone like Bubba.

    2.Go for windows over pallets. Position yourself near windows. Important to conserve pallets by being near windows. And he hits a pallet destroyed. A windows a stun then you gain mad amounts of distance. And only short windows will be ineffective against him.

    3.You have reaction time. It's easy to keep track of where a Bubba is while looping he's on the louder end of killers and is tall. You can deliver good mind games against a Bubba. And have good time to keep track of his chainsaw charge time.

    4.No mobility he won't zoom like a Blight or Hillbilly.

    5.When he's about to hook hop in a locker. Every Bubba runs BBQ

    6.Avoid the shack or main building if there's a basement. Bubba is the best camper in the game. Best not to risk it.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    it has a charge time where he's super loud and moves slower than usual, he can't just whip out the chainsaw, if you got caught by surprise by cannibals chainsaw that's on you.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    1,329 hours played. My feedback on this isn't based on a 1 match experience. This kind of thing has happened to me more times than I can remember and every single time its the same frustration.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 2021

    I have to hold down M1 for 80 seconds to complete 1 generator. It takes 5 to power the exit gates. The cannibal has to press 1 button and can down multiple survivors in mere seconds. If other killers have to progress their power to make it stronger during the match then why doesn't cannibal? The plague for example has to collect infected water fountains for her vomit to damage survivors. Cannibal starts the trial with an instant down power with no other conditions.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Hillbilly has to cancel a dash at the right time and can't move around like cannibal can with his instant down. Oni has to collect blood to build up to his power which only lasts for a short duration. Ghost face has to build up his power being in your line of sight to gain a TEMPORARY instant down effect on you. The shape has to build a meter to also gain a temporary instant down ability. What does cannibal have to do? Press a button and be close to you. Yea... very fair.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    I agree, he should give survivors deep wound.


  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    There are no windows in exit gates which is where my latest terrible experience with cannibal happened. I also feel like I have to always be near windows or pallets playing against cannibal or there is no chance for me to escape. At the very least cannibal should have to build up to an instant down power and it should be temporary each time. I don't think that is being unreasonable or unfair.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Solely on survivor I assume? I don't think there is hope for you if you still can't deal with Bubba with that amount of time spent on this game. All I can say is, quite literally, git gud. Bubba is fine and definitely manageable by people who know what they are doing.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    Leatherface's chainsaw seems a bit bugged lately in that sometimes you don't hear him taking out the chainsaw and revving it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Come on he's a mid tier killer. Neither good or bad. Try playing him yourself. If the killer player is better than you that is not Bubbas fault.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The point I made in my OP is that cannibal's power is too strong with no conditions for having the instant down effect. Its like his power is basically noed that you can't get rid of. I've ran cannibal's before and have even escaped against him but my overall experience with this killer is a very negative one where I feel overwhelmed in comparison to what they can do to me and what I can do back to avoid them. Cannibal is manageable in certain spots on any given map, not just by people who " know what they are doing." Thats a rather insulting thing to say. Its one thing to gain an instant down power at certain points in the match but to always have it from start to finish is very unfair in my opinion.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    The only nerf Bubba could use is a fraction of a second longer delay after breaking a pallet with his saw. Otherwise he's fine.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Alright then, but what do you even do? This killer was weaksauce before, how do you nerf this guy without killing him? Nerfing the insta down potential would kill him, and you really can't do anything else because his design is too simple and he is licensed.

    Other killers have strong conditions for having similarly powerful effects as well. Take Blight for example, he just has his power readily available for free all the time and is far stronger than Bubba, but even he can still be dealt with.

    Saying things like "This killer needs a nerf" when there are several reasons that said killer should not be nerfed and is in a good spot is pretty repetitive especially on these forums.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    use windows or pallets when being chased.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 2021

    When a killer is not fun to play against the reasons why people say he isn't fun to play against should be considered. As far as what to do to change him, how about make his power conditional? Let him earn the instant down power instead of always have it. How about for every successful M1 hit he gains meter progress to gain the instant down power on his chainsaw for a duration? If he downs a survivor or goes too long without using it the power resets and he is able to gain it again. When he doesn't have the instant down power allow the chainsaw to apply other effects like deep wounds or broken for a duration.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    Just because the opponent doesn't find something fun, does not mean it's a balance issue.

    I find it really annoying how people's first respond to facing something they don't like is to ask for nerfs instead of learning how to play against it. Most killers are not that bad and can even be fun to play against once you do understand how to play against them.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    So what compensation will he get for earning this one shot down. As has been said in this thread, he's already largely considered a middling killer. If you want to make his one hits significantly worse he's going to need some other buffs to keep him at all competitive. Unless you think he's actually secretly top tier, in which case i think we need more evidence that that's actually true.

    DBD_IS_AWSOME Member Posts: 65

    Bubba is not OP. You just need to learn to counter him. Lockers, Windows, Pallets, almost anything that he can’t hit you in will do it. When he hits a wall or something, he has a huge cool down. It balanced if you ask me.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    *Holds Shift W Against Any M1 Killer* "I agree with you sister."

    *Gives a thumbs up while holding M1 at a gen* "Definitely a too little skill required to win."

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    YOU don't have to hold M1 for 80 seconds. FOUR of you have to hold M1 for 80 seconds. A commonly forgotten thing.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    So, your complaint about exit gates is invalid, there's no reason to complain that you didn't make the gate in time.

    However, one thing you said does ring true: cannibal is too punishing of altruism. Being able to potentially mow through 4 healthy survivors when they're trying to get a single unhook is way powerful, and all they have to do is combine that with hook camping and/or insidious and its a guaranteed win for killer, unless body rescues all game and focuses on gens.

    All he really needs is the Insta-down removed from his chainsaw if within 16 meters of a hook, which persists for 10 seconds if he is within that range when the person is unhooked

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The ability to instantly down survivors is what he will get. Cannibal should have to earn his instant down power. So many killers have to play addons or work up to gain more power in a match but cannibal just starts with it. It isn't fair and I don't say that lightly. As I said before, it feels like he gains too much for little effort. Also I said above that they can add extra effects for chainsaw hits without the instant down to give a reason to use it until the chainsaw can instant down. From a survivor perspective, being knocked down fast isn't fun and unless you have a really good place to utilize the cannibal is probably going to down you very fast.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    You missed the point, as is common when survivors try to give feedback here.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Just because a killer is unfun to some doesn't mean they should be straight up nerfed. That's like saying Huntress should be nerfed because her latency issues suck. M1 killers like Pig or Myers are weak because that is pretty much all they have to get survivors, the m1 ability. This allows them to be looped forever because their powers don't do much in a chase or outside of a chase either. The idea you pitched would kill bubba and also doesn't really make sense. You m1 a survivor and gain, idk lets say 2 charges for his chainsaw. Well now you have to catch up to that survivor you just hit in order to use your chainsaw, but at that point do you even need to if they are injured?

    He also would be weak in a chase if he couldn't threaten survivors with his chainsaw to get the pallet.

    He does not need a nerf.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah but you are strictly making cannibal worse by making him have to earn the right to on ehit kill, even if you make the chainsaw do broken status effect or something when it's not one hit killing. You are going to have a hard time getting support for making a killer strictly worse outside of like, spirit and nurse.

    for game design if something is not too strong, but is unfun to fight against, you have to suggest a change that makes the counterplay more fun without weakening the target, which usually means adding and subtracting things. not just subtracting.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    You... You know you can run him into literally anything on the map and cause him to tantrum right? Like all of these people are saying to use windows and junk, but in reality the true counter to Bubba is tight looping. Bubba, like a other of other killers, is meant to be good at 'contesting' that is to say, threatening multiple survivors at once. Other killers that are good at contesting are ones like Oni, Hag or Huntress. This is not the same as being good in the 1v1 chase, even though they appear similar.

    If you, as a player, decide not to deal with the contesting power of a killer then that is your prerogative to adapt your playstyle. Ultimately its your entitlement, believing that you are OWED the ability to save all your teammates that causes you to be upset about this. The unfortunate matter is that in the scenario you described there is no other objective to defend but the hook.

    Furthermore, your argument about the one button goes to the ad absurdum as nearly every power in the game takes management by 1 button to deal with it, and comparatively everything that survivors do only takes one button. So by your own logic, everything survivors can do should be nerfed because it only takes 1 button to do it.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Then suddenly you see 2 survivors on a gen during that chase and now have an instant down chainsaw to use. See the points I'm making here? This game is situational. My point with cannibal is OVERALL his power is too strong. He has it the entire match. You're crap out of luck if you don't have a window or pallet. Too many times does it feel hopeless and pointless to even try to run from cannibal. Why does the shape have to earn his instant down and be nothing but an M1 killer inbetween but cannibal doesn't? That doesn't seem fair. Besides that, my opinion on cannibal having too much power remains. I have always felt this way about cannibal since I started playing and I don't see it changing until this killer is changed to be more fair to play against.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Then why doesn't every M1 killer have a permanent instant down power?

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Wraith: Can traverse the map undetected at rapid speeds. His ability allows frequent free hits, and demands people heal or they are one shot downable at any point.

    Doctor: Built in game slow down, anti-loop, and detection means that, unlike Bubba, you cannot hide from him, and even if you do, he is better at ending loops than Bubba is, because he does not care about pallets OR vaults. In fact, downed pallets help him.

    Freddy Krueger: Massive map mobility and the ability to stop vaults.

    Clown: Is Weak #########, and arguably the second worst killer in the game.

    Legion: Effectively has a one shot down, because most people will not heal against them. Increased speed. When you spend all of your time injured, you are technically always one shot down.

    Plague: As above, except if you heal, she gets ranged AoE attacks.

    Demogorgon: Massive map mobility, detection, and increased looping abilities due to much longer attack range

    Pyramidhead: Can negate powerful perks, doesn't need to waste time hooking, and can attack THROUGH WALLS.

    Blight: Highest mobility in the game. Once mastered, one of the easiest killers to get hits on, just below Nurse. Even chain hits are not difficult.

    Twins: Can be in two places at once, including guarding hooks from across the map. Ability to chain downs. Extremely large map presence.

    Nemesis: Increased detection/map presence due to zombies. Ability to hit over objects.

    So, in summary, here are the abilities the M1 Killers have that Bubba does not instead of a One Hit Down:

    Massive Map Mobility: 5

    Increased Speed In Chase: 4

    Ability to get 'free' or ranged hits: 5

    Ability to get Anti-Loop Hits: 11 (That is all of them)

    Slow Down: 2

    Increased Map Awareness: 7

    None of these things does Bubba have. You can consider his ability to break pallets faster (Shared with 3 of the above) to be Anti-loop, but it really isn't.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    By comparison, M1's who DO have One Hit Downs:


    The Shape

    The Pig



    Only two of these characters are considered strong.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    So Bubba doesn't need a nerf and is in a balanced state

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 2021

    A lot of those killers just don't feel that threatening to me, but it also depends on who is playing them. Not that they aren't powerful enough to cause a threat but they just feel much more manageable than a killer with a permanent instant down. I'd take any of them over cannibal though. Even the shape has to play an addon to make his power do that and still has to work for it during the match. I just feel like a killer's power being a permanent instant down is too much. I love playing against the Shape for example because it adds an element of fear when his instant down power does activate and also the fact he is silent for much of the match. The moment I find out I am playing against the cannibal I just have that instant huge sigh and just want the match to be over with. Why would it be so bad if cannibal got reworked and they actually gave him more things he can do while making his instant down something he works up to? A killer who's power is simply press button and instantly down anyone in front of him doesn't make for a fun or exciting experience for the survivor. Its just annoying and frustrating and doesn't give me much to look forward to in the match but quick death in many situations.

  • Spencerjnlouis
    Spencerjnlouis Member Posts: 117

    The Cannibal is strong but if you know how to counter him by running close to corners and objects he can collide with them, I think he just needs slightly slower movement speed while raving.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    That is part of his power though. It is a powerful ability he has, being able to pressure survivors off of generators like that. And like I said earlier, you know who else has an even stronger ability with no condition to activate it? Blight. But you don't seem to complain about him. Even with windows or pallets, he can catch you pretty quickly AND has map mobility.

    Insta downing is cool and all, but once you get used to playing around it, it isn't that big of a deal most of the time.

    He is fair to play against. I am not sure if I can convince you to see that, but it doesn't matter if he earns it or not because he is a killer. For his easily counterable chainsaw, does he really have to earn the privilege of using it?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 2021

    And there it is... the same old "entitlement" argument being thrown at me for leaving feedback about a killer based on my experience with them. I didn't say I deserved to save them no matter what and neither did I feel entitled to win. The killer's power strongly discourages me from even wanting to attempt a save in that situation. When a "why bother" feeling comes across in a match that to me is a sign that the killer has too much of an advantage over me. I simply think the cannibal needs a rework. He can be redesigned to make him have a more interesting ability other than press button and W towards survivor to down them.

    As far as your "every power takes 1 button to use" argument goes... theirs don't instant down you like cannibal's does in most situations. They offer more mechanics that don't involve simply instant downing survivors. Nemesis for example builds up his power to make his tentacle do more than just infect you. All of the other powers seem way more balanced than an instant down. Please realize how devastating an instant down ability is for survivors. We only get 2 hooks to stay in the game. If that happens in half or less of the time it normally would against any other killer then the match will end a lot faster and be much more frustrating to play.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    It sounds like you have a pretty different experience with cannibal, his one shot down is threatening but it has lots of counters, and his lack of strengths other than the one shot down really puts him in a pretty middling spot. Like I said, I think it's going to be hard to win a lot of converts if your conceit is that cannibal is actually too strong overall. windows and pallets stop hjim/slow him down, he has no built in tracking, has no built in map mobility, has no built in slow down, his one shot down still requires him to essentially win a chase + a little extra for rev time/slow down. He's really not that strong at all. not bad for sure, but not particularly amazing.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I mean, your opinion based on anecdotal evidence doesn't make you "entitled proof". I think the biggest problem you're having is that you want his power to become essentially useless. He just needs a SLIIIIGHT tweak, as I mentioned in my previous comment

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    A permanent instant down power paired with the right 4 perks will basically make cannibal unstoppable in my opinion. Maybe the best survivors out there can handle it, but most survivors aren't in that kind of skill level. The highest rank I've been is 4 and there are still a lot of situations with certain killers I really just don't know what to do but run for it.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    well it's a permanent instant down the requires several second to charge up while simultaneously slowing the cannibal down, makes a bunch of noise, and requires them to not hit any obstacles. if you stick to areas with walls and windows you're fine, and if you get caught in the open before he starts revving try and get to a window before he's done. if there's no way to get a downed survivor without going in the open and cannibal is not leaving maybe the answer is to just leave. Being good at stopping you from unhooking someone after end game collapse doesn't make him over powered.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    You are not suppose to have the advantage in every situation. The game is a 4v1. I get that it might suck but the counter play is to not put yourself in that situation in the first place. You thinking "why bother" isn't justification for a nerf, you shouldn't have an advantage or an option in every situation, thinking you should is entitlement.

    Plus it hasn't even been a year since Bubba got some love, and he is still B tier tops in most people eyes. Between this and the endless complaints lately about Wraith and Hag, it seems survivors want killers to all be weak.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Sorry, are you complaining that the killer is able to down you when you've already finished all 5 generators and are in the middle of the 20 second gate opening sequence? Have you considered laying low to let the killer patrol away before opening the gate? It's 20 seconds. Also, ANY killer can 1-shot down you at that point with No One Escapes Death.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I just got a 4k with death slinger with noed all because 2 survivors wanted to meme at the gates. Way more op than bubba lol

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Apparently you didn't read my OP. Assumptions get you nowhere but in the wrong usually. The gate was open. I was right in front of it to the left by a wall. The cannibal came in from the right and I ran back to the exit gate as soon as I heard the terror radius. He literally just lifts the chainsaw up and downed me right after. Full health state too as if that mattered though. The whole thing felt like it happened in less than 3 seconds. I hate leaving survivors behind but simply me thinking about if the situation could possibly end well ended up with everyone dying. No hex totem needed. No special addon required. No power build up. Just run to exit gate and press ability button. There is hardly any safe spot to be in the exit gate with a chainsaw ready cannibal there.