Toxicity from survivors

Everytime i try to play killer regardless of if its a swf group i get hate mail from a person who is way better who tells me to uninstall and other rude things fro having to resort to camping and tunneling just to get one kill with the bugged match making or me trting to learn a new killer
Does anyone else deal with this?
Go to privacy settings and disable messages from randoms
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What platform are you on? There's different ways to turn off receiving messaging from each platform.
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Ur name is hot
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People are cruddy. Just gotta deal with it. If I were you I'd not play Killer until the fps gets fixed, its just not worth the stress.
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I play on xbox where random fps drops can just stop hits from connecting or turning my camera away from the survivors
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Are you camping and tunneling? Maybe try a new strat and see if the anger mail stops.
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Change your settings so only friends can send you messages or just delete them as soon as they come in. I personally delete messages from survivors or just send them a thumbs up because I could care less about some stranger on the internet.
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The sad part is i dont do either of those but still get hate mail because i am not good with most killers but still try to learn how to play them. Most hate mail i get is for not being able to destroy swf groups due to struggling with lack of perks unlocked
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I turned off all messages and friend requests on PS4 to escape the stupid messages. Whether I played killer or survivor, survivors would send me messages complaining about something I did wrong.
Right now I'm playing on Switch, and I am soooo glad no one can send me messages. I have no perks, I can't see anything on that screen, and I'm all thumbs with the joycons. I land about 1 in 20 hits I attempt. I can't get hooks unless I get a lucky gen grab or pull someone out of a locker. I'm rank 20. I can imagine the messages the green ranks I go up against want to send me, but luckily they can't. No one could possibly play worse than I do on the Switch right now. I mean that.
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I am rank 14 and tend to get matched with rank 6 and bellow so i know your pain
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Don't listen to them. I don't know the reason people feel forced to tell others when they don't play like a top 1 player. If you can, turn off your DMs. I don't own a console, but I guess it's possible to turn them off.
The most important is you having fun. If you feel you're not super good now, keep playing, you'll improve and have even more fun!
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Everything is considered camping and tunneling from your perspective, bubs.
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I have been called a toxic camper for patrolling because i saw scratch marks or tunneling becuase they used ds or they ran into me so i dont understand what qualifies as toxic for us killer mains as everything seems labeled toxic other then us sitting in a corner and not doing our objectives
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Some survivors expect you to play sub-optimally while they themselves play as optimal as possible. (Killer has to chase healthy guy, Survivors rush gens without healing etc) It's bad logic but what can you expect, many survivors basically treat Killer players like they are NPCs for their enjoyment.
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This is sadly true as i cant even play my main doctor with out hate mail for using overcharge and Haunted grounds of all perks
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It is possible but it doesnt stop in game toxicity like t bagging and flashlight clicking
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I haven't played survivor in over 3 months and just recently started playing survivor again ( killer main ) and always thought the survivors were more toxic then killers. What has happened? I would say more than 50% of the matches I am in I see BM's. I'm not talking about tunneling and camping, i dont care about those things.. im talking about trash talking after the match and hitting on the hook and downing everyone and letting everyone bleed out. What happened? I thought killers had more of a code of honor than that?
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I get both sides mostly hate mail but i do occasionallyget the sweat squad
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A lot of the fair killers have become toxic just to trycand counter survivor toxicity
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I have and so far it has worked
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Why should anyone listen to toxic people and give in? And if survivors don't like you, that is only positive because it means you are doing your job as killer.
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Played against a twitch streamer last night who had in his bio 'Toxic plays'
Just speaks volumes of the class of people who play this game.
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I have never thought of doing it that way but it sounds like thats the way to learn
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If you look at most popular youtubers and streamers i see a lot of how to be toxic videos or videos of toxic plays which does show just how bad the community is for being toxic
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Yeah man hate mail is pretty standard. Its almost every match. And youll get it whether you camp and tunnel or not.
One of the greatest mind games the survivors play is getting you to follow their imaginary rules. Dont fall for it
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Smacking people on hook is fair game after 3 years of the messages i get 😂
I dont do those other things, thats trash
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Been wondering if that was the case.
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If whats the case? Smacking people on hook? I dont see it as a big deal, i lmao every time a killer does it to me. No different than tbagging which 99% of survivors do at gates. Its all in good fun imo
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I'm assuming that is where it comes from. Most of my experience is getting a lot of hate during and after matches as a killer and normally just do a GG WP <3 as other killers normally do ( back when i played more survivor ) but now I see it as about even with BM'ing. I was surprised killers BM this much now. They didn't used to nearly this much imo.
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Yeah its a newer development with me too. Its like, hey theyre having fun trashing in game, i might as well too. I dont send hate messages or bleed them out on purpose, but a lil love tap wont hurt anyone.
I learned recently that if you stab a hooked survivor while in feral frenzy it doesnt knock you out of it. You can stab them like 8 times before it ends 😂
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LULz on the 8 stabs lol
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Its fast af too 😂
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Turn off your messages. I get messages from killers too. It's not unique to survivors.
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Just solo queued with a group that body blocked so I would get hit and then kept unhooking/stopping/unhooking animation over and over again and then threw the entire game. What is wrong with people? Is this type of stuff supposed to be funny?
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I'm a jerk but I give it right back. That's what I was taught when I was learning and it's served me well.
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Honestly anyone who plays this game should just turn their messages off, no matter which side you’re on. I’ve gotten horrible things sent to me by killers and survivors.
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The way i deal woth groups like that is to just reset the game as they wont get rewards for a dc that way and then you can get into a new game faster. Its not toxic to dc when you have had enough of toxic behaviour in my eyes