dbd is dying and it's impossible to save it

you gotta love infinite loop rng on coldwind + the infinite abattoir building loop + the infinite loop connecting into 3 infinite loops that connect to a jungle gym
these loops are really fun to play against, hopefully they fix another cosmetic bug
Except that none of those are infinite loops. I remember actual infinites all too well and they were much, MUCH stronger than this.
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they are though lmao did you watch the video?
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This forum is a big killer complain fest. If it’s so bad, stop playing. Honestly, it’s a video game and a killer sided one at that.
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huntress is a slower killer that could explain a few things
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killers complain yet its a killer sided game? yeah nah
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yeah, the fact that all killers aren't 115% still is sad
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You're playing a ranged killer who's bad against round loops and high wall loops, and playing her with an addon that only gives her one shot and blatantly hindered you for the entirety of this clip. You were overeager on all of your throws - if you had waited to get closer so they couldn't immediately turn the corner while you were charging, or waited until you could force a pallet drop and threw at that, or just stuck to her and forced the M1 instead of continually dropping chase to reload your single hatchet, you would have gotten her eventually. There were a lot of pallets in that area, but you were exhausting them, and you can play over pallets anyway.
And then you ragequit because the other survivor was able to do a gen, in a situation where there's only two survivors left, both are injured, one is running away from you, and the other still has to do another full gen? Yeah, no, this one's on you.
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so a killer is hindered because of map design, yes thanks for clarifying
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Yes I did. Not only that, I've lived it, as I've unfortunately played reworked Coldwind many times. And just like that I've played with actual infinites many times in the past.
This video may help:
This video may be very old, but surprisingly enough some of those structures took quite a long time to get fixed.
Edit: For context purposes, I started playing DBD in 2018. Things were not as insane as shown in the video, but many infinites were still there.
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They heavily buffed Coldwind, but those loops aren't infinites. Which isn't to say they're fair.
But the game also isn't dying, it's just the least interactive it's been because survivors realised they don't need to loop killers, using the genuinely unloopable killers as an excuse. It's unfortunate that even Nemesis has been dragged into it, a killer who has more counterplay than Huntress.
13 -
the game can't die its the only one of these types of games that has had MAJOR success so until true competition comes to BHVR this game will last a while longer
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pretty sad a game needs competition for the devs to put any effort into it
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Huntress can't play around those loops unless survivors make mistakes or you make survivors make mistakes, otherwise suck it up and blood lust it, wouldn't take longer than 10-20 seconds and then its gone
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They're not infinites, but that was complete rng garbage. I feel bad for you. If you go counterclockwise at the pig tree it forces survivors to medium vault, which makes survivors drop the pallet much quicker then normally
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Those weren't infinites. The survivor merely played them well. (in one case you literally stood still for 5 seconds trying to mindgame someone that had long left. Huntress is a 110 killer. It's going to take her a long time to catch up on loops like that without using your ability. But that's what your hatchets are for.
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lmao i stood still debating on whether i should dc or not, which is basically a 50/50 in this game now
the fact i cant mindgame because survivors are in thirdperson is so great
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Ahh yes, disconnect because you got outplayed. Totally alpha move.
24 -
#1 - Don't play instadown if you can't land hatchets
#2 - 0:22, 0:46, 1:55 > Refer to #1
#3 - 0:24, 1:23 standing still like that does nothing but give the survivor more distance
#4 - 1:10 didn't reload and tried to loop m1 as a 110 killer somehow expecting not to get destroyed i guess
#5 - 1:32 she had no reason to take the window there and she knew you had no hatchets
Basically get good
27 -
Coldwind is a crap map for most killers. If you want a killer's power specifically getting screwed over by a map, look at Billy and indoor maps, or Blight on Rotten Fields, or Trapper on Hawkins. In this clip, you were mainly hindered by your addon, which kept forcing you to reload mid chase in order to have a power. However, you were taking risky shots and praying the Yui would get Huntress Hitbox'd, and you kept running straight into pallets instead of going for a shot at the right time (when the survivor would have no choice but to drop the pallet on you if you M1ed. Not foolproof, but effective. When you do start trying to predict Yui at the pallet in the jungle gym, she's too far away to fall for it; she's not going to predrop against a Huntress) or just bloodlusting and brute forcing it, which wouldn't have taken long.
DBD is not in a death spiral because you got tilted and quit because you couldn't catch a survivor fast enough for your tastes in a game you were already hard winning.
9 -
lmao i chased the claudette around the slaughterhouse for 3 minutes and got the chance to hit because she made a mistake
but she skillfully dead hards and continues the infinite
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xd funny git gud meme xd
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None of those were infinite's. You simply played bad.
Dbd is beginning to die alright, but not for these reasons.
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Yeah point out that one part where I memed while failing to acknowledge the countless mistakes you've shown yourself making.
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bruh the entire game was like this lmao, legit nothing i could of done
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these comments prove bhvr can still get you to play while they ruin the game in front of your eyes
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Have you ever thought that people like this game and don't wanna completley quit? People complain because they wanna see the game improve, and this game needs a lot of improvement.
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this. i like the idea of an asymmetrical 1v4 game and the lore is incredible, but the amount of ######### this playerbase lets slide is horrendous and is a big reason it's dying
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That's not even close to a real infinite
16 -
Youre a 110 killer that only has 1 hatchet, im not saying youre a bad huntress (lord knows im not great) but if youd had better add ons you could have hit at least one of those. The green wind up one, and more than 1 hatchet at a time.
PLUS, she read you hard. You wound up every time you got close. You needed to just follow through with this chase since you only had one hatchet. Yes it was a strong loop, but it was made worse by your build.
All that said, you had 2 dead, 2 alive and 1 gen left. You could have came out of this with a 3k. She couldnt stay there forever and there was another survivor that might not be in such a strong area.
7 -
You had a 2k already, couldnt have been that bad 🤷♂️
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These comments explain that your issue isn't what you stated it out to be.
There are some in the comments not trying to insult you or say you are bad. But that genuinely isn't an infinite.
But that comment made it seem like this discussion was bait
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Yes, good tip. In fact most loops are best run in that direction
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Really? What's another loop that works well going counterclockwise?
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If you think this game is killer sided you must be rank 20
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Im sorry- imagine how the survivors felt when they found out you were using iri head. Come on dude, you cant complain when your running iri head-
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damn harsh truths
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At least the number is permanently set to 1 and belts can't change that. I can live with that personally
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Iri head is a horrible add-on. What do you mean?
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Body is one character too short
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He was using iri head and hes complaining. like- its not horrible because it insta downs survivors. its nerf did make a big impact but it can still be very toxic to run.
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- Running an add-on isn't toxic.
- It's nerf killed it completely. Don't get me wrong Iri Head needed a nerf, but now it's practically useless.
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How is this proof that DBD is dying?
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Iri head went from a broken add-on to a hinderance. If the Huntress isn't experienced enough it's really easy to bait out hatchets and then she's a slower than average m1 killer until she reloads which gives you loads of time to make distance. I fail to understand why it's toxic to hinder oneself.
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Sorry man, im a killer main too, i totally understand your frustration. I do, huntress would be op af at 115. Have you watched coconutrts at all? You dont want that guy walking at 115 tossing hatchets
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Jungle gym, makes it much harder to use that safe window
I guess most was the weong word now that im thinking about it.
TL too
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- Some add ons are that grant you instadown or exposed
- Even though its nerfed does it not grant you the ability to insta down? Also have in mind you were running iron maiden?
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What’s with the title?? “Dying??” Lmao
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Wait, is that true?
Writing that down
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How is it dying?
I dont get it we have a stable player base?How is it dying?
If you mean by ''dying'' the game gets worse with each update.Then yes i have to agree with you.
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With the TL its a little more complicated than straight firward counter clockwise, kind if depends which side youre on i guess. Jungle gym where youve got the safe vault on a long wall if youre running them counter clockwise you force them to play the wall then you can head fake through the window once theyre on the outside of it (pallet to your back). (Thinking about it, yeah TL you go through the middle then force tgem counterclockwise no matter which side youre on, then mind game the window, its 50/50)
Id have to look at it again but i THINK the Z tiles are best run counter clockwise too because it makes the window insafe...I think. Dont quote me on it.
Shack is clockwise because it makes the window unsafe. If you run a survivor clockwise and they run the outside of shack instead of through the door, becareful with that one cause they know what theyre doing.
Nothing is 100% obviously, tiles become situational quick