I can’t hold back any longer. I swear a lot on these forums are children.



  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Cote doesn't want anyone to play something else. How do I know? Because he isn't stupid. He wants to keep us playing DbD because it's his moneymaker. That's why Survivors are coddled to an insane degree.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Maybe they know how frustrating their game can be, since they kinda designed it that way, so they don't want people to keep beating their heads against a wall.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited June 2021

    Oh... my... god...

    The irony of making a post about (to paraphrase) “by all means, make complaints, but stop making up fairy tales like a bunch of kids.”, only for the post to be inundated with EXACTLY that: rubbish without actual supporting evidence.

    You can’t use something as loose as just the past in order to confirm a bias. You CAN however use that as enough basis to INVESTIGATE further to challenge whether something is or is not true.

    I don’t have a life threatening disease. I also breathe air. I’m not about to be an idiot and claim with total conviction that simply breathing air prevents life threatening disease.

    You need to have something MORE than just correlation to support a claim or theory.

    Post edited by TheClownIsKing on
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Nothing vague about it. The forums are bombarded with posts like I described daily.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’ve copy and pasted one of my other comments.

    Is there a point you are making?

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I think a lot of them are still around Highschool age. I say that because you know the saying of teens being the best lawyers?

    Well, this forum is infested with poor lawyer talk, to the point that it gets me laughing. No offense to anyone of course.

    If they aren't, well... if you don't have anything nice to say and all that.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245





    HIVE - that is what we call these forums on my Discord. We say things like "Gonna go check out the HIVE" "Did you see what so & so said on the HIVE?" etc etc

    I can't remember who specifically came up with the acronym but it is quite appropriate and has been in use way before the RE8 chapter was even a thought.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’ve never checked out the Discord (I’m not social media savvy). Is it healthier than here? I love and live DBD, but sometimes it’s just “too much” here, if you get my meaning.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788
    edited June 2021

    Bro just so you know mentioning the cancer word is the reason I got in jail, and I didn't even use it in the disease context. You may want to edit this post.

    Hell I might get banned for even mentioning here...

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Its bad to think that way, that being a dev you shouldnt listen to streamers/players

    They are what makes your game stay alive, of course im not saying you should do everything they want, but when a streamer for exemple got like over 4k Hours in the game and he makes a suggestion... it may be good to at least take it as a feedback

    If many players asks for one comon buff/nerf... it may be good to listen and take it as a feedback

    If the player base feels like you dont care about them, youll doom yourself, and right now DbD didnt doomed itself for one big reason: the lack of real competition

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The complaining can go a bit far, but honestly at this point, after 5 years of trying to communicate with BHVR and getting next to nothing in return, I can't blame anyone for being annoyed and going off on rants when the company you so desperately want to support and a game we all love so much is currently barely functional, and so many great suggestions and reports have fallen on deaf ears. How long have people been complaining about console optimisation? Or the grind? Or some of the major bugs that have been in the game for over a year? There's no communicating with BHVR, we just have to sit there and take it because they currently have no reason to pick up the pace of their work, because there's no competition.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Given the number of people I've seen who appear hellbent on making DbD fail and spread false information on purpose, I can hardly blame the devs for not listening too closely.

    right now DbD didnt doomed itself for one big reason: the lack of real competition

    Define "real competition".

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The majority of any gaming community is made up of children unfortunately.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    For example, instead of selecting people to improve the technical part of the game, they make an unnecessary chat filter, an autokick system ... This ######### is enough for me in other games. But the developers apparently took this terrible path (

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    Well 'bout hexes, my opinion is that they're BS because of three reasons.

    1 Totem spawn next to generators or out in the open from time to time and they can be cleansed within 30+ seconds if survivor's spawn decide to do put them next to hex meaning they give you high risk and low reward for most of the time considering how fast they can be cleansed

    2 There are 3 anti-hex perks that do decent at their job. Small game lets you learn totem spawns, detective's hunch helps you out cleanse every totem combined with open-handed + map, counter-force lets you cleanse every totem and even gives you speed boost for doing so and completely negates Hex: Thrill of the hunt

    3 Undying nerf alongside with counter-force that's basically designed to counter old undying in my opinion and inability for killers to know which hex is one that you must actually protect (for example haunted ground + ruin etc)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's the lack of objective feedback and an inability to discuss something without insulting people is the main problem some people have.

    There has been quite a few posts that do go about discussing grievances in an appropriate way, and those are excellent analysis. I also get the slow reactions to problems are frustrating, and especially the issues with this chapter was especially bad PR for BHVR; increasingly so because of the franchise involved. BHVR ought to be held to account for this, but until a viable competitor comes along it's more frustrating in moving things forwards.

    This makes some people irate and respond with just a tirade of abuse. The problem with this: it does not work. If anyone reads something abusive, they either respond in kind or ignore it. This is the common reaction as it's fight or flight. However, if something is done objectively, people are more likely to take this onboard and react.

    So I agree: there are a lot of immature and useless posts. However, it can equally be argued that not feeling heard can feel just as offensive. I remember earlier a mod saying there was no real benefit to updating people when there's nothing to pass on, but even a weekly update on Twitter or news just to say what stage they are at, or even just a message would be good customer service.

    I used to work in finance before care, and if there were longterm issues such as severe fraud, etc., it was always appropriate for us to keep customers updated, even if there was nothing new to report. But saying something like: "We will post an update in 7-10 days, unless the issue is resolved sooner" would feel appreciative.

    Sorry, this as eskewed off-topic a bit.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Ignore streamer drama and a lot of the criticism and questioning the community has (Minus Killer Survivor OP arguments) are pretty reasonable.

    I honestly question how each chapter ends up so buggy at times. A small amount of bugs sure but we'll have a PTB and then bugs that weren't even in the PTB will emerge.

    Yeah stuff happens I get it but it's far too frequent I just want to know what's going on behind the scenes more and what the devs thought process is on a lot of things. Specifically their thought process on how they wanted to balance Trickster for example. I appreciate BHVR I really do but nobody gets a free pass in life.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Children prefer to polish their ego's. Trying to make you silly while also trying to sell themselfs as very old (veterans) dbd pro gamers.

    people between 20-30 are way more entilted. And here you go.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Competition, would be a game in the same style as DbD, so 4v1 (or more) and you play the killer vs 4 survivors or something close to it

    Real competition, would be a game in the same style as DbD, but also having succes/surviving through time, for instance, Home sweet home or Remember last year are competitors, but no real competition as the first one is an alpha and the second one already dead from what i saw

    Without strong competition, the dev wont give the best out of themselves, and will be lazy and greedy about a lot of details saddly, but they are the king of the genre, they do what they want rn

    Oh and i was talking about streamers like Otz/Scott/Farmer/Dowsey/JRM/probzz (and some others) some are even fog whispers and play the game an.insane amount of time, having fair ideas to balance some stuff or what is broken or not, yet it is true that not all of their thoughts are good, but their feedback may be good to take

    And for the player base...lets just say that they can be picky, yet sometimes right (and often wrong depending the subject lol)