Killer experience is awful

1-Long queues.

2-0 perk diversity u are forced to use gen regression perks while survivor have many good perks they can choose from.

3-Bully simulator sweat kids in sfw try to bully killer making him waste time when he is prolly playing clown in haddonfield thinking they are good.

4-Voice comms.

5.Keys give bad survivor a way to win and feels extremely unfair for killer.

6. death threats every game if they dare to win.

7.GENS fly extremely fast if u have normal killer who can't patrol or you are forced to spend hours upon hours to get some gen regression perks and even then gens fly fast.

8. lot of killers are bugged like blight sliding off everything and his power not working.

9.People who main survivor on youtube are mostly toxic and bully kids who give bad influence on survivor players.

10. Stretched and other dumb cheats


  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Whats up with killer queues?

    I have to wait about 15 minutes to get a game on eu,and still survivors gen rush me.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    1). Idk about you, but it typically takes me no longer than 2 minutes to find a match on the live servers.

    2). Really you only need to run 1 slowdown perk. And typically, survivors also have a similar restriction where they usually need to bring at least 1 exhaustion perk. Also, try running perks that synergize well with the killer's power and/or addons, that makes things a lot more fun.

    3). Straight up the best advice here is suck it up, people will be mean.

    4). People can give intel sure, but if you're good enough in chases, that intel can only go so far.

    5). I'll actually give you this one, that's a fair point. Doing pretty well and then having the match just kinda suddenly end isn't very fun.

    6). See point number 3. Alternatively, close the post-game chat.

    7). This one I kinda agree on. Although I don't think gen speed is nescesarily the problem, since from a survivor POV, holding m1 on a gen for a minute+ straight isnt super fun. I think the real issue here is that survivors can just immediately hop on a gen, usually spawning right next to one and with at least one other person.

    8). The Blight example is true, but I don't think the statement "lot of killers are bugged" is actually true. Most of them have their powers working correctly.

    9). See point 3.

    10). Yeah, I'll give you that one. Stretched res is dumb.

  • CringeGame
    CringeGame Member Posts: 25

    1) usually it is longer than 2 minutes

    2) simply not true if u play a normal killer the time u go and hook someone even if the chase ends fast they do 2-3 gens don't tell me about patrolling killers are simply too slow again not talking bout nurse or spirit

    3)i find it funny tbh i just said it to exagerate and get my point across

    4)still annoying cuz if they are any decent they split up and do gens with 0 counterplay

    6) killers need a way to escape

    7)yes survivors need something to beside gens

    8)nurse and blight legit unplayable at least for me i don't like random bugs

  • CringeGame
    CringeGame Member Posts: 25

    also it annoys me how survivors tell you how to play when the game is a landslide in their favor

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I'm on that boat too. Long queues and then i'm getting SWF's, Duos mostly. I feel like i'm playing MMR games. I've only seen 2 streamers talk about this aswell so it must not be a common thing. I guess just "unlucky". I'm mostly facing PC people so i can check profiles and confirm the SWF's, i get 1 console player here or there but they end up DC'ing or Crashing.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    You have a clear lack of experience if you think the game is survivor sided

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm still having the same fun playing Killer as I always have. Sometimes a few of the things on your list pop up, but they are a tiny minority of matches. If you are miserable playing Killer, play Survivor. If you are miserable playing both, take a break or seek your bliss in another game. I never understand these "the sky is falling" posts because I track my metrics and experiences and everything is still within the Bell Curve.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I honestly think it's a good thing to play both sides. And honestly, you should play the side that you find more fun.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Still dealing with post Nemesis sickness. Believe it or not he did a big number on killer population. We got hella new kids because of it so the queues aren't as instant as they were a few months ago.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    I did.

    And it didn't.

    Game is unbalanced and worst of all getting quickly unfun.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    So playing survivor doesn't suck yet the game is quickly getting unfun?

    It sounds like there's an inconsistency somewhere in this.

  • BlazePyron2
    BlazePyron2 Member Posts: 145

    Most killers aren't enjoyable once you hit purple or red ranks, especially if it's against a sweaty swf. Only a select few killers can still give you the feeling of power against a strong team of survivors. I've been having a lot of success with doctor because of his ability to deny loops, and pop and overcharge pair nicely.

    On most killers though you end up having to run 3 gen slowdown perks and bbq, or ruin+undying and maybe haunted ground, retribution, or thrill of the hunt for good measure. There's almost no build diversity due to how few killers are actually effective at pressuring gens on their own. With some killers like ghostface you might be better off going for some sort of endgame build, like noed, blood warden, no way out, and bitter murmur.

    Literally I skyrocketed through survivor ranks once I understood that either doing gens or making sure gens get done is always your priority. There's no other objective for survivors, so killers have to devote almost all their attention towards denying gens or distracting survivors with unhooks. It's why tunneling is so effective, once someone is dead the gens slow down immensely and gives you tons of breathing room.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    I used to only play killer or close to that but recently i played a lot of survivor and its so much easier that make me dumb. I dont need to think about a bunch of perk example i dont need to look away when i go to a gen in fear of spine chill or dodge every pallet in fear of power struggle. I dont need to do any of that i have the info feed right into my mounth with all the notification i get the only thing to be carefull of is bbq.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Except for long ques i agree with everything else. Usually killer ques up quick because of all the other reasons lol

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Unfortunately, there pretty much aren't any other games out there that let you play as a monster or something similar out there.

    I want to play as a powerful, intimidating monster, hunting down actual players as they struggle to stop or escape me.

    Unfortunately, there is literally no known game that isn't dead or dying that lets me do that, so I have to stick with Get Bullied Simulator 2016.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    I disagree with most of this.

    Long queues depend on other factors, like time of day.

    You can have perk variety if you are good at ending chases quickly, or your killer is good at making the survivors do other things. Like Pig's traps, or Legion making people mend.

    3,6,and 9 are pretty much the same point, people are going to be toxic. Either ignore it or play dirty right back. Ignore post game chat, its not worth opening.

    Voice coms make some things more difficult, but it be like that. People like playing with their friends, its probably here to stay.

    Keys are a little busted atm, but if you kill the person with the key there is a 50/50 that they brought an add-on to keep the key on death, and the key is removed from the game.

    What normal killer can't patrol gens well? Protect the gens that are close together, let them do the gens that are far apart.

    Bugs are a thing, they'll get fixed eventually...

    Stretched res is dumb, but it can't really be fixed. So you just have to deal with it.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Kill rates are only that high since not every survivor is gonna play optimally in every game.

  • banah
    banah Member Posts: 19

    Why everybody say "play survivor"? This is not a chess, if you bored to play white - turn to black. Killer and survivor games are two absolute different games, has almost nothing in common. As for me plaing surv is like "Hold M1, chase 30 sec, do nothing until saved, repeat", absolute boring, at least solo. Now you know. But it certainly doesn't matter.

    So. Play surv, play doom, play dota. How this will solve problems with killer side? 

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    I stopped with the chase games and now only playing Hag, Trapper, Bubba and Twins with basement builds and camping/tunneling. The days where I cared about survivor fun is long gone. But thank god all of you survivors i don't play killer very often these days. I play survivor because it's more fun and relaxing.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I'm trying to grind killer challenges so I can limp through the rest of the rift, and today was pretty brutal, I have to say. The experience was:

    1) Wait ten minutes for a match.

    2) Match with people who are way, way better at chase than I am.

    3) Get frustrated because, when I do manage to catch up, a hit that feels like it should land somehow doesn't.

    4) Fail to make progress on my challenge.

    5) Get teabagged and insulted in the chat.

    OhTofu made a video a while ago about how fixing matchmaking would fix most of the experience, and I totally agree. It feels really bad to wait so long for a match that you barely have a chance to play and then have people talk trash.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 359

    Two things can be true at the same time.

    Yes things being incredibly hard is unfun.

    But, so is things being incredibly easy.

    It's almost like the hold w pre drop pallet meta is boring for both sides.

  • Trifling
    Trifling Member Posts: 44

    I haven't gotten a single death threat since I started playing the game again and I think I've only had the last gen pop once on my Nurse who I almost exclusively play. Where are these uber toxic sweat squads you're apparently running into every other game?

  • Trifling
    Trifling Member Posts: 44

    Nurse is far from unplayable. Learn the deadzones and you'll have no issue as Nurse aside from the occasional second blink getting stuck which in my experience maybe happens once every few games.

  • CringeGame
    CringeGame Member Posts: 25

    are u sure u play nurse? because the blinks sometimes bugs even on the first

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Keep making excuses for being unable to beat groups of people who have zero way to communicate beyond pointing

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    survivors can win without ever giving the killer an opportunity to express any skill to outplay them, at the most basic mathematical level survivors have the advantage

  • lewis
    lewis Member Posts: 63

    I only play survivor to do my time challenges and I can’t wait to get them done. I’m sick of having to deal with awful teammates.

    Killer is so much more enjoyable than solo q. I’d rather face a sweaty team than a sweaty killer with potatoes for teammates who throw themselves at the hooks.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    1) survivors have long queues too

    2) no one forces you to use any perks - that's your choice

    3) why should survivors be nice to you and what does that entail?

    4) I'm a solo survivor and the devs keep making this game worse for us, so no wonder there are more and more swfs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    5) keys do more harm than good for solo survivors; noed give bad killers a way to win that feels extremely unfair for survivors

    6) you do not have to read the end game chat

    7) it's your job to stop the gens, survivors have to grind for perks as well and we don't have BBQ

    8) don'y play blight; Laurie has a perk that has literally never worked; there have been bugs before that only adversely affect survivors

    9) stop watching Youtube videos if it hurts your feelings

    10) PC master race, yo

    If you're not having fun, why are you playing? For real, why do you play a game that you feel is unfair and that you're "bullied" in? For the love of god, stop playing a game you don't like,

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Experience on both sides, killers always have the advantage over solo survivors. Especially below red rank, killers are much, much stronger than survivors and win by holding w.

  • Trifling
    Trifling Member Posts: 44

    Key word is sometimes. I exclusively play Nurse. I don’t really like most other killers. My blinks bug every few games and it’ll only be once or twice those games. When your blink is spamming spam M1.

    I also can’t think of a game where the bug changed the outcome of the game outside of maybe when I was learning her.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    It’s actually the exact opposite….. people who don’t know the game is survivor sided either lack experience or are bad at the game.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I find killer near unplayable right now but ts not because of swf/survivors or killer being hard it the fact that when i use most of their powers i get lag spikes. Only a few i have found around decent enough to not drive me complete nuts.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    Lol stop playing then? Move to survivor and report back. You’ll be back to playing killer in no time. That’s why everyone in here is a killer main, it’s an easy role.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    So I had 4 games the other night and they all had keys. Guess how many of those games the keys got used? 0. And I didn't camp or tunnel either. And was a Trapper and a freddy

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    And I can still play fair games without being trash by camping and tunneling and still get 3 and 4ks at red rank. Get good