Stop saying survivors hold w

I’m so bored of using this nonsense excuse every time someone is trying to justify playing survivor being easy, or that holding w is toxic. The truth is killers hold w just as much, if not more than survivors.
Most killers simply run after survivors, almost never doing any mind game, other than maybe at shack. If survivors are getting enough distance on you to hold w, they’re either playing bad getting off gens constantly, or you’ve misplayed a chase. In my experience, survivors perform much more mind games in chase compared to killers, so to say most survivors, even at red ranks are w key holders is a complete fabrication of reality. I don’t think we should be calling survivor easy when Spirit, Freddy, Wraith and Bubba are in the game!
this forum is so killer sided that they don't want to admit it's so easy to play killer today.
Post edited by EQWashu on32 -
I don't hold w at all. I hold L1
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I don’t think playing killer is easy (ex killer main), but it’s laughable to say survivor is so easy when the killers I named take literally no skill to get good results with. Spirit especially gets free 4ks because of her power, again talking from experience I’m not good at killer and would still consistently 4k with her
Post edited by EQWashu on8 -
Me too!
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survivors hold w
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If you move when the game starts you are toxic. Both roles.
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Why you gotta bring our lord and savior Bubba into this?
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Me trying to mind game the jungle gym survivor pressing w so he can go to the other loop.
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The tiles and number of pallets have been decreased. Loop fest is over, time to blame on running !
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Maybe they’re leaving the loop because you’re trying to mind game it poorly?
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It's not toxic, but it's easily the best way to survive if you're not a God-tier looper. I'm not terribly good at looping, but I've learned lately that I don't need to be to extend a chase and buy time for my team to do gens so we escape. I rarely ran an exhaustion perk before, but I've started using Sprint Burst again -- killer approaches, I sprint away. If the killer chases me, I run pallet to pallet, loop to loop as long as I can. Drop a pallet and the killer doesn't break it, I try to loop it until they do or they catch up and land a hit, then on to the next loop. Killer breaks it, I run to the next loop a little sooner, rinse and repeat.
If the killer doesn't straight up abandon me after watching me SB away, by the time I'm downed eventually after the continued "run away" strategy, at least 2-3 gens are popped, unless I'm playing with complete potatoes (and since I'm more often than not playing with at least one or more people as part of a SWF, that's not the case). In those matches, I'll gladly eat a hook state to see 2 or fewer gens left to be done with at least another hook state to count on (and DS in my back pocket if I get tunneled off of hook).
While I've improved at looping, at this point, there's not much reason to NOT just run (unless it's against a killer that can negate that, like a Nurse or a Spirit). My survival rate has definitely gone up doing so.
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Actually I would argue that leaving a gen early and forcing the killer to commit to chasing you over a longer distance or leave u is the most effective strategy survivors have. Its why spine chill is so good against stealth killers. Killers cannot be in multiple places at once and regression is so slow even if they kick a gen that they basically wasted all their time coming to that gen in the first place, unless they are a highly mobile killer like nurse or oni in his power.
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Killer coming towards me, I have bond and see everyone is on gens nearby Shift W to the opposite side of the map EZ The killer needs to catch up to me and then hit me twice with a free sprintburst, 2 if it is a nemesis. even without using any pallets and just hopping through a window a couple of times at the end you will have wasted 30 seconds of the killers time to chase you and then he needs to spend time hooking you and then walking back to the gens being done.
This is all i see in most of my games now when playing a basic walking killer. Injuring and leaving them does stuff all since most survivors seem to be bringing stacked medkits these days, and even when they run out, they just get a heal from someone and continue on the gens.
I spent an entire game just damaging survivors once or breaking the pallet with a maximum of 15- 20 seconds per chase and NOBODY got on the hook with all this supposed pressure that survivor mains say i would be causing.
The next game i just proxy camped and got a 4k.
Just running away is a problem and it isn't the survivors fault. some of the maps are just too large to deal with.
P.S its not really a mindgame when your 3rd person camera can see exactly what the killer is doing and your sounds are essentially deleted for the killer when chase music is playing. I have run behind killers attempting to "mindgame" me at jungle gyms and they had no idea i was there.
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Survivors wouldn’t constantly be running medkits if the other items weren’t much worse (other than keys)
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Oh man that is the most hilarious line i ever heard just like with Freddie.
Sprit gets a free 4k what a joke 😂
Than either you are terrible as a survivor when you and your team gets demolished or you have been playing spirit in very low ranks to get that.
I have met many spirits over the time I've been playing and escaped most of them, through the gates btw.
So where were their free 4k then i ask you?
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Do not dare talk about my Freddy boi.
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Shift+W is just the consequence of badly designed killers (and map such as midwhich) from dev team.
In chase: "Can't loop you over fun tiles ... well, let's just waste your time as much as I can by holding-W after first unavoidable hit"
Outside from chase: "This game is boring (######### map, unfun killer)": Well, let's slam gens and move to next game asap
I never been more of a genslut than when I face Hag / Spirit / ZZZlinger / Pyramid Head / Twins and Nemesis. I will be on gens, even in solo queue, each ######### possible second of the game.
OhTofu made a great YT video about this current issue
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Flashlights are bad? Uhh okay...
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Who me?
I would never because i love playing as and against him.
Just wish it was the old freddy tho
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Some people don't see good things even if you handed it to them.
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Old Freddy was so fun but sadly we will never have him again.
And no, i did not said to you.
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Survivors Sprint Burst away and then I'm pushing forward on the thumbstick for like 20+ seconds just to catch up to them... I don't really have a choice unless I ditch them and go after someone else, in which case I'm still having to push forward on the thumbstick because that's how movement happens. In a chase I can't stop "holding w" until I get to the loop the survivor stopped at, if they stop rather than just outright losing me because my eyesight is apparently for [BAD WORD].
Am I supposed to stand still and wait for the survivor to come back to me? When am I supposed to stop moving forward???
I mean, the same is true when I play survivor. Of course I run away. Not moving away from the killer would be kinda dumb, I'd just get hooked that much quicker.
In a chase, the survivor is the leader kiting the killer, so the killer has to hold w for about the same length of time as the survivor, otherwise they never catch up and the survivor would have to turn around and come back to them if they actually want points, because as my no-Blink Nurse matches can attest if survivors are too far ahead in a chase they get zilch for BP at the end of the match.
Sorry, I think I know what you're actually saying, that killers just follow survivors around loops rather than moonwalking and whatnot, but all this sniping back and forth between sides seems to become more ridiculous with each passing day, and since I've been on these forums something like 985 days that means the "no you" is astronomically exponentially apocalyptically worse than when I joined at this point. Why can't we all just hold hands, sing kumbaya, and agree that the game itself is at the heart of all these problems?
I've seen fewer posts about "holding w" being toxic and/or easy and more about chases just becoming less fun and interactive as the meta changes. Even some survivors have said the game is getting boring as it's gotten boiled down to "hold M1 on gens" and "hold w and pre-drop pallets in a chase." That seems like a valid complaint, especially since gens are boring as hell so if chases are now losing their fun that's really bad for the health of the game.
With all these posts claiming "the other side" plays in a way that's not enjoyable, that "the other side" has it way too easy, is anyone having fun in DbD right now? Because the posts on these forums suggest the answer is a resounding "no."
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Unfortunately not no.
But i bet the way i played him they would've called him op as well tho 😂
Tho for the exact build i used back then i have to start digging, but i always used the purple Z block and the red paint brush.
They were in dream world before the could reach a pallet most of the time 😂
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They kinda do tho.
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Why would it be toxic? Its just most optimal way of playing this game most of the time.
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That's sadly true.
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Not sure how holding Shift + W is toxic, but it's nowhere near skillful.
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I miss old Freddy so much. The only killer I ever really mained.
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I really do not know why they reworked him. He just needed some buffs and little changes. He would be great with teleport power but BHVR wasted one great concept sadly.
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Old Freddy was strong enough. He was like Pig. People does not know why Pig has high kill rates. But people who knows Pig well, they wins games easyly. Old Freddy was like that. If you learn him powers well, he was real demon.
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iirc, they reworked Freddy because they said his power was too confusing. Many survivors did not understand that he could see their aura while they were asleep. I saw this a lot, low rank survivors would do really dumb things while they were asleep because they had no idea I could see their auras. Yes, survivors do need to learn the powers of the killers they go up against, but in this case the devs seemed to think that it was too punishing for new players.
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You are probably right i played survivor so much recently that i became a bad killer ty for the head up
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Stop saying stop saying survivors hold w. 😛
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Depends on the killer you verse.
If the killer is good and has decent headphones then yes,they are pretty much trash.
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That is reason i hate DbD sometimes. They are trying balance game for low ranks. I remember Freddy nerfed first week because low rank survivors said "Freddy is so op" and he was not even close.
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He just needed some QoL changes.
But like with the famous Wraith Cube, they didn't ask mains what they wanted.
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SWF can still get pretty good results with Flashlights. I admit on solo it can be sometimes hard to get a save, but they are all but trash.
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They never listening community sadly and DbD has one of the best community. I am seeing so much great concepts for game. I am seeing so much great solves for DbD problems. But they are so slow. And sadly they are gives us same killers. I don't know why they closed ears and eyes to community and they have not original and good ideas anymore
Just look last 4 chapter killers:
Blight - Half unique half like old Billy
Twins - Unique Killer
Trickster - Weaker version of Huntress
Nemesis - Weaker version of PH
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Precisely, his initial nerf reverted would be a good start. Old Freddy was much stronger than perceived to be and a full rework was not needed.
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I do not know all Freddy mains but on this forum, most Freddy mains wanna old boi back. Why BHVR did this our boi... He was unique and fun killer. I really loved your concept. Old Freddy would be perfect with teleport power.
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It’s the bad Freddy, so I don’t mind
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Compared to medkits, yes. At least in solo
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Twins was THE chance to introduce a killer coop mode.
But yeah, the community has great ideas, which sadly get ignored.
Or IF they hear us, they sadly don't communicate it.
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It really depends on the situation. I'd take a Flashlight over every medkit against Plague, Legion or Hag.
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I think we should probably talk about this in a different thread.
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I mean yeah but two of those are extremely rare killers
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I'm always the lucky guy that unequips Unbreakable, because I haven't been slugged in 20+ matches, only to get slugged in the next match. Or who brings a medkit for a rift challenge and then faces 3 plagues in a row.
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I honestly equip unbreakable/flip flop because I don't like getting slugged and I know when I run those I won't
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People who complain about holding W are probably the same who never double back or mind game pallets and then come here to complain because a survivor looped him around the same pallet 6 times LOL.
Post edited by Ink_Eyes on3 -
I'm a survivor main. Can you address the actual arguments?