People don't realize that console optimization only does so much...

... on hardware that came out in 2012. DbD is such a different game than it came out in 2016, no wonder the original Xbox One and PS4 can't handle a game with textures and features made in 2021. Those consoles are almost 10 years old now, I wouldn't play on a pre-built PC made in 2012 and expect to get 60 FPS, it just couldn't happen. Console players need to understand that not every game made is supposed to run flawlessly on your 10 year old hardware. Either get with other PC players and upgrade to the newest hardware (Series X and PS5) or be happy playing a new game on your old console and not getting top notch results.
If a game doesn't run to my expectations on my PC, I upgrade, simple as that.
Then stop selling it and the DLC for the last gen systems
If the hardware can't handle it and BHVR is unable or unwilling to do anything about it, then they shouldn't be selling a broken product
56 -
So they just shouldn't sell any video game on the Nintendo Switch that can't reach 60 FPS? Well that's like every game ever.
4 -
Care to explain how The Last of Us Part 2 and Death Stranding perform very well on a base model PS4? Both of these games are more graphically demanding than DBD.
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Because those were made with help by the actual developers of the console and not by a smaller team like BHVR.
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There is a HUGE difference between "Can't reach 60 FPS" and "This is literally unplayable garbage"
If you're going to come in with such ridiculous hyperboles like this already, this thread is going to be a useless discussion
34 -
Both of those games are also single-player (Death Stranding has a multiplayer component, but it's not real-time like DbD). I'd wager DbD being multiplayer puts additional strain on the hardware.
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Almost everybody I play with in DbD are console players. The game is far from unplayable. I lose all the time to console players.
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Small team?
20 -
As much as I disagree with OP, this is total employees in the company. This is not the amount of employees working on specifically main-game DBD.
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There are a lot of multiplayer games that don't have any problems whatsoever.
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BHVR does a lot of different work on a lot of different games. I think the main source of their revenue is freelance work on other bigger games.
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Call of Duty: Warzone is multiplayer and runs just fine on older gen consoles.
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With the same (or better) graphics than DbD and network requirements?
0 -
So what, are all those videos people sharing on here just...not real? All the complaints about how using the Nemesis Power makes the game a laggy mess that causes it all to crash and burn? My own personal experiences (pre-getting my Xbox Series X) where the game would just stutter step every so often because the game pooped itself all just in my head?
Or are you telling me that constantly losing survivors as a killer because the game can't handle someone using Dead Hard isn't actually unplayable and we just should expect PS4/Xbox One users to....git gud somehow over the game stutter stepping every chase?
18 -
One of the simplest changes DBD could make is also allow consoles to choose the low setting that PC players can.
That would drastically improve performance and although it's not ideal for those that want good performance and the best graphics, it'd be worth it IMO. I've personally played DBD at low settings ever since it came out and I don't think it's bad at all.
Edit: in case anyone misunderstood my comment, I'm talking about improving overall performance and not saying this would fix the current stutters from the recent patch.
8 -
Do you know of other console games that allow you to do that? Genuinely asking, I don't know because I haven't bought a console since the PS3.
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These were games that had the full support of Sony, and had regular involvement in ensuring these products ran as best as they could on PS4, so that Sony gets a return on their investment.
Sony doesn’t have the same stake in BHVR.
2 -
Nope,this ""arguement"" doesn't work at all.
Yes the Hardware is old,but DbD isn't a new gen title either.
I played several multiplayer games and none of them had any performance issues whatsoever.
You really want to convince me that old gen shouldn't be able to load a tiny icon or status effect without freezing your game for a solid second?
26 -
I've been a console gamer forever so I can help field this one a bit at least
I never saw a game on the prior gen that allowed you to do that but the new gen games sometimes give you the option (like CONTROL specifically gives you a "Graphics" versus "Performance" option; I know at least a few games I've played on the Series X give you that option but Control is the one I specifically remember off the top of my head).
Consoles are glorified PCs so while the option hasn't really existed before on last gen consoles, I see no reason why the PS4/Xbox One couldn't have a graphics option. Granted, I am not a Video Game Scientist so I can't confirm that with 100% certainty...
7 -
DBD looks like a game that came out in 2010, so IDK why it's unreasonable for console players to expect it to not stutter and lag on 2012 hardware.
13 -
Mind explaining me how games like GTA 5 run smoother then? Or The last of us 2? Or many other way better looking games which also got more polys and models?
12 -
Well said. Sadly, the console versions of DBD are nothing more than a cash grab.
5 -
I haven't bought a console since Xbox 360. But I did hear about Overwatch allowing console players to change to a performance setting to increase FPS. However I don't know much about it and from further research these settings only seem to be for current gen consoles or at least the latest Xbox console.
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It's "new gen" by having textures and models made in 2021.
0 -
Yes that is a valid solution other than "drop everything and make this game run faster on my old console". I would like that to happen.
1 -
COD Warzone is also in one of the most successful game series of all time. Comparing that and DbD is ridiculous.
0 -
Why does Destiny 2 run smooth as butter on old gen consoles despite 1 bazillion particle/light effects, more demanding graphics, faster movements, open-ish world, multiplayer etc ?
I've put almost 1k hours in Destiny 2 since I've started taking a long break from DBD (due to the terrible fps drops/freezes) and have yet to experience ONE SINGLE STUTTER.
No, the "old hardware" argument is not valid. Next argument please.
19 -
My Xbox1x was built in 2018 and touted as the strongest of the proir gen consoles.
And it has lots of trouble digesting this game. Just this game. Plus it got even worse after the RE patch came out.
Back in March 2019 they set a goal of 60fps minimum for all platforms. Not a peep since. If it ain't coming, tell us and let us go, and eat whatever legal stuff that admission carries with it. Same with the older consoles in general. Admit they cannot handle the game anymore as they make changes, update the list of what can handle it properly, and again eat the legal stuff for doing so.
And yes I know that is exactly why they won't toss us away, the contract stuff for a live & updating game. So they need us to quietly just drop off and go away.
I bet the next game they make will be PC only and stay there...
12 -
I'm not saying go out and buy a PC or new console, I'm saying if you are going to keep an old console you should keep your expectations in check as the game gets updated. Eventually every game that slowly gets updated on the old consoles will leave those consoles behind because they can't handle it. You upgraded to an Xbox One because your 360 was too old, the same thing will happen here.
0 -
Dbd isn't a new game: it's an old game that the devs didn't expect to succeed and so they've continued to build their game upon a bad structure. If every match didn't load such a large amount of extraneous junk it might run decently. They brought it to console, they said they'd optimize for console, and they haven't. Players who continued to give them money because "console optimization is coming" are not going to let them forget this.
There are other things they could do to improve the console experience but have neglected. More options for controllers, like a dead zone setting. Being able to change the graphics settings (DOA6 on PS4 lets players choose "graphics" or "performance").
There are plenty of games on PS4 that look better, run better, and have a higher number of online players in the same lobby. It's not the hardware.
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Because Destiny 2 is one of the most popular games right now and it's made by Bungie who has had major success in the industry since the 90s.
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I agree with having a performance or graphics option, that's valid. I just don't like people being angry that a game with textures and models made in 2021 is not running flawlessly on their Xbox One.
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Well I guess I can agree with that, but that's not what I was originally arguing. Also nobody wants it to be stop being sold on the old consoles. Breath of The Wild on the Switch is extremely popular and that game runs like garbage and gets around 20 - 30 FPS. That was also made by Nintendo, the biggest game company in Japan.
0 -
The issues have been happening prior to the graphic updates. Console was very vocal in their concerns about the graphic update hurting performance when it was announced because there were already plenty of performance issues and we had already been waiting on an optimization update that BHVR announced years earlier to fix many of the issues. BHVR said they'd "take special care with console" as a response to these concerns. Consoles expectations of how the game should run are result of BHVR promises to console.
10 -
I don't know about others, but I don't expect it to run flawlessly. But the low fps, the freezes, the game just falls so short of being acceptable, and like I said, the lack of options to help improve the console experience makes it worse; adding those options should be a lot easier than full-out optimization and in the meantime it'd at least show they're trying to do something.
The fog effects make the fans on my PS4 Pro go haywire. It gets worse with each update. Especially the fog in the opening screen, "Press X to Continue," it makes my PS4 sound like a jet engine. It's just the opening screen! This has been an issue for years and they refuse to touch it. The stupid opening screen!
I don't know if you saw this post, it's from a couple weeks ago, but this really emphasizes that the game is nowhere near optimized:
This nonsense will cause problems on PCs, too. It makes the game less stable and easier to hack, but the devs just keep adding to it with each new killer and survivor, and at this point it may be too late to fix it but damn, what else are they doing that's destroying their game's performance?
9 -
Tlou 2, nier automata, little nightmares 2, soma and many many more run perfectly fine on my base ps4. Why doesn't dbd? Why is dbd the only game I have that performs terribly?
9 -
That would be fine if they hadn't strung us along with this dev update and roadmap back in March 2019, otherwise a lot of us would have quit ages ago.
It took a long time to get to the point where they acknowledged the problems and talked about improvements, and instead overhauled the graphics to give the new hardware a better game while forgetting about the at the time current gen; they just stopped talking about that roadmap and people started telling us to upgrade instead.
No one is asking for console optimisation to drag down newer hardware, but adjust the game on old hardware to run on lower settings like you would on PC; lots of console games come with a standard and pro mode to better work on each hardware.
Not only would these sort of changes massively improve the console experience, but would also free them up to do more things with the newer hardware without having to think about it running on a base console; just remove or minimise some of the more demanding non essential effects as you would trying to reclaim FPS on a PC game.
8 -
Smaller team live bhvr? What about Hunt:Showdown? Which runs exceptionally well, has vastly superior graphics, has more going on?
Crytek had 250 employees bhvr has 300
5 -
How about apex legends which has run great on consoles since it came out with a multitude of abilities, more players per match, and better graphics. In the end, there r almost endless examples of games that run better than dbd on both console and pc so arguing they couldn't optimize it is just implying they are incompetent.
Also, you can see the poor quality of design in the long load times dbd needs, which is an issue even on the highest end pc.
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Theres 3 problems with this.
Number 1 almost nobody can get one. Ive been trying for 8 months, theyre always gone within minutes.
I realize thats not bhvrs fault problem BUT
Number 2 if they game cant work on old systems then they need to stop selling it on old systems. Im a veteran but how many noobies jyst ran out and bought it on old consoles with the RE release?
On top of that
Number 3 THEY NEVER OPTIMIZED TO BEGIN WITH DESPITE PROMISING THEY WOULD. This has been an ongoing issue FOR YEARS now and theyve ignored it
Number 4 other games that have WAY MORE going on run just fine. Warzone has to be WAY more taxing than dbd and i have 0 issues with it.
Your elitism is disgusting, if i wanted to play on my pc i would. I dont. I want the game to work like its supposed to
6 -
Its really not though. Bhvr makes boatloads of money, and if they want to be more successful they need to optimize consoles and address balance issues, you know, like those more successful companies do.
7 -
While that's true of a lot of games, most overtly Cyberpunk 2077, it's not true of DbD. This game has no right to be as resource-hungry as it is.
10 -
Dbd is poorly optimised. It was made before next-gen consoles were a thing. Many of us aren't expecting 60fps 4k graphics, we're just expecting a stable framerate. It's really not a lot to ask for when you consider there are more graphically demanding games that can run at a stable framerate.
There is literally no excuse and people shouldn't have to put up with it when they've been promising console optimisation for 2 years now.
6 -
That argument would hold weight if the consoles in question couldn't handle far more demanding games with no problem. Since they can we can say it's a DbD issue not a hardware one.
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So then why does the game run flawlessly on the new consoles?
0 -
It still amazes me a 5 year old game soon, is this poorly optimised on the consoles it originally came out on lmao.
Then there is stuff like:
Crooked nose, left eye is looking off, left side of face is bigger, left lip side looks open. etc.
Legendary skin btw.
7 -
People defending DBD console optimization which is non existent now?
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's on purpose, to be more realistic. Humans are not perfectly symmetric.
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If it runs like hot garbage despite exceeding the top listed specs you would happily accept that?