People don't realize that console optimization only does so much...

gendoss Member Posts: 2,270
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

... on hardware that came out in 2012. DbD is such a different game than it came out in 2016, no wonder the original Xbox One and PS4 can't handle a game with textures and features made in 2021. Those consoles are almost 10 years old now, I wouldn't play on a pre-built PC made in 2012 and expect to get 60 FPS, it just couldn't happen. Console players need to understand that not every game made is supposed to run flawlessly on your 10 year old hardware. Either get with other PC players and upgrade to the newest hardware (Series X and PS5) or be happy playing a new game on your old console and not getting top notch results.

If a game doesn't run to my expectations on my PC, I upgrade, simple as that.

