Survivors pls stop beeing toxic

Why are you guys so toxic? Stop this teebag and leave the gate if you leave no one behind. Its just annoying to play against toxic survivors in every game.



  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I do the same. I go to the basement and let my character chill while I check Twitter. If they manage to get the exit gates open, and you’re not in chase with an injured survivor- it makes no sense going over there. You already know what is In store for you lol.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    I recommend alternatively looking for dropped pallets/remaining greakable wall/spamming killer powers for additional point. But yeah I also like to hang out in the basement if I maxed points already.

    I still would like for the killer to always spawn in the basement for extra flair.

  • Roadrunner
    Roadrunner Member Posts: 139

    Waiting at the doors as all remaining survivors and then teebag or just waiting there to annoy the killer has no reason. As i said "If you leave no one behind". Its just toxic

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Waiting at the door can have a reason and not be toxic (so long as they aren't t-bagging).

    I for example wait at the gate if another survivor is with me. This is because I usually run We're Gonna Lie Forever. I wait because I want to take protection hits so I can get extra bloodpoints.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I agreee- once I’m confident everyone can make it out safe or all four of us are at the same exit, I leave. No sense in staying.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Very well, I will once again ask the One Survivor Overmind for the answer to this question.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I do the same. For more BP. But I never teabag, so I think the Killer understands I'm not staying to be mean...

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I think people staying on the doors for a reason is the minority of survivors, but I believe some of them are not there to be mean.

    But the fact that some survivors stay in the exit gate without nothing to do (everyone is safe, in the exit, waiting) wasting our time just to mock the killer...really puts faith on humanity really low.

  • Roadrunner
    Roadrunner Member Posts: 139

    This happened in every game the last weeks where i didnt kill all 4. Its just annoying

  • Roadrunner
    Roadrunner Member Posts: 139

    Why would you take a protection hit if everyone can escape safely? There is no point in doing it, just go

  • Roadrunner
    Roadrunner Member Posts: 139

    And another game like this. Two people just standing there and wasting my time... they are the last one alive and can escape safely but they still stay there and do nothing

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    It's a damn butt dance 🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Oh geez how can they dare to butt dance such a bullies im gonna have trauma from Dwight showing his butt at me

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You obviously didn't read what I said if your asking why.

    Yea exactly lol just saying if I have a 20K game then taking even one hit will get me an extra 5K

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Intention is to aware ppl of their sensitivity how will they be able to live in this world when they get offended by random dwight twerking in a video game controlled by complete stranger they never met in their life or knew he existed till their match

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You get BP, but it's detrimental to the killer. It's just not worth the killer's time. I've also seen many survivors getting screwed out of a hatch escape (they were being chased) because the rest refused to go. If the gate's open, leave.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I never see the killer being toxic. Its always cocky survivors taunting the killer who they outplayed/outperked

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I'm sorry I'm not playining anything... Im just saying for their own good to grow a thicker skin if twerking makes u offended what will something irl do to you? Something that has actuall meaning not video game... And I couldn't care less of ur opinion I gave mine you're free to disagree with me and that's it end of story no further discussion needed no opinion will be changed have a nice day

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, thank you for admitting you'll never change your mind.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    I mean the killer can legit just force them out of the gates and get more bloodpoints at the same time. I don’t get why people act like this is taking the game hostage when there’s a guaranteed way to deal with it that takes no more than 30 seconds. Sure, if they teabag that can be annoying, but just hit them twice and they have to leave and you can move on to your next game.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited June 2021

    As a survivor i try to show respect to the killers. It's not easy being a killer in this game. This game at least to my eyes is very survivor based and i will never teabag or buttdance to any killer. If you facecamp me or tunnel me sure i get salty but im not going to be toxic ill just move along to another game. If theres 1 gen left or doors are open i dont blame you for facecamping. I met this wraith killer in my games. He was nice he didnt camp or tunnel anyone except this Chris character player. He literally facecamped him to death. He let me go as the last surviving person and after the match i asked him mister wraith what happened with chris since you facecamped him so hard. He said he tbagged him. I answered fair game GG thanks for letting me live <3. Survivors if you are toxic to the killers dont cry if they facecamp or tunnel you down. I would call it fairness.

    As a killer theres times i never hook anyone. I see alot of survivors being super toxic at these times. Flashlighting me for fun buttdancing or teabagging whichever you want to call it and just being nasty. I usually dont give them second of my time i move away from the doors and go wait for them to figure it out that im not going to give them my time. Since i usually twitch stream my games i have even gotten toxicitity into my twitch chat from survivors saying EZ EZ EZ you so bad. OK im bad i never said im a good killer.

    Killers if you ever face me in the match and you let me go as the last person alive and i crouch im not teabagging you thats me usually thanking you. :) Also ghostface..i love you <3

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568
    edited June 2021
  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    The only time I teabag at the exit gate is when the killer tries to tunnel me out of the game and fails.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    Its kind of funny because no matter how the killer plays fair or not survivors are almost always toxic to them. Survivors complain about killers being toxic without realizing toxicity is a cycle toxic survivors make toxic killers and vice versa.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If the last survivor isn't safe I'm not waiting at the door.

    • If I'm 2nd last survivor and injured I run out.
    • If I'm the 2nd last survivor and full health I'm going to try and help.
    • Multiple survivors left then I'm getting healed then helping.

    No matter what I do it's detrimental to the killer. If I don't let him hook me then it's detrimental to him, if I don't get hit it's detrimental to him etc..

    I go into games hoping to escape with the most points possible, and I will do it by any means. If I'm not bringing an extra meta perk like Unbreakable, Spine Chill, Adrenaline or Decisive Strike then I'm definitely getting a few extra stacks if I can.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    going to reply to this like I always do. Don't pretend its all one side

  • LuckyLucy1999
    LuckyLucy1999 Member Posts: 29

    I just wish the player base in general was less toxic. You get toxicity from both sides, whether that be the dip dipping, clicky flashlighters or the nodding face camper.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    They are more celebrating they won. As survivors, we die a lot. We’ve been camped, tunneled, hit through windows or with Hatchets 10 feet away. A win feels good. Hang in there.

  • jasonjbird
    jasonjbird Member Posts: 20

    This is so funny. I just had a match against a Legion who downed me last, one person on hook, and proceeded to carry me around the map until he found hatch. He then dropped me in view of hatch so he could close it. He then picked me up and took me to the exit gate and let me get the door to about 95% just to down me and hook me in the basement and them proceeded to hit me until I totally disappeared.

    I think it's laughable that there are people out there that think survivors are more toxic than killers

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146

    I don't get why survivors hang around until the end of the EGC when they see me walk away from the exit gate after I've opened it. We cross paths, I don't swing at them, but they stick around or even make noise notifications like I don't know they're there. Why?! I've obviously gone off to break walls or something. It's like they can't believe they're not the center of my world.

    Someone died doing that nonsense yesterday. I was trying to practice having control with the JoyCons, landing on the caterpillars below the coal tower building, and she waited just a little too long to run back to the gate.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Instead of being humbled by the fact that they're the power role, they want to abuse the fact and bully the killer, and act like when they do basic stuff that they're gods among men.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I think it's laughable that people out there think that only people on one side are poor sports, as it happens often on BOTH sides. 🙄

    Over about 8 hours of gameplay from yesterday and this morning, I really only saw two instances of someone being a poor sport and/or toxic behavior. Played solo against a Legion yesterday. I was the last survivor left, the killer had brought a Cypress Mori, they downed me, carried me to the hatch they'd closed already, then Moried me on top of the hatch. They could Moried me where they downed me (which wasn't near the hatch -- I didn't wiggle when I was picked up), but bringing me to the hatch to do it I thought was a sign of poor sportsmanship and someone who couldn't win gracefully, but who wanted to gloat? Whatever floats their boat, I guess.

    Today, I played a Pig round -- found a Lisa who started off with immediate teabagging, and I downed her almost instantly. A few hooks later, I downed her again. I had hooked everyone once at this point, and with the game slowly slipping away, when I found her again after the unhook, I let her go, when I could have easily tunneled them out of the game. Ended up with a lot of hooks but no kills, and of course, as I'm chasing people out of the exit, there's the Lisa who could easily have been dead teabagging away and spamming their flashlight with a macro. A perfect example of another poor sport/toxic behavior.

    I play pretty equally survivor/killer, and the stupid, juvenile behavior I see comes equally from both sides. It's not exclusive to one role, and people who suggest it is are simply misinformed.

  • Joshwuhhh
    Joshwuhhh Member Posts: 17

    Teabagging is literally crouch spamming … it’s not that big of deal. Yet killers will tunnel and face camp which is absolutely more toxic. Ones affecting game play the other is just spamming of button presses. Knock them out of the gates.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Stop hitting me on the hook, camping, tunneling and slugging (saying this to all killers who actually do this btw) and maybe you'll see less tbagging? Survivors get so many toxic killers that its just part of how many people play now. Also I don't really think tbagging is that offensive. I personally think its funny in most situations. Maybe if the survivors had more animations? I'd like to see a wave animation. I also think it'd be pretty awesome if survivors could dance but I'm sure that would be called toxic too.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Just force them out. When I play killer I just force them out. I don't know why you just stand there and let them do that. I always force survivors out regardless so I can move on to the next match.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I'm going to play devil's advocate. When I play survivor, I don't do anything considered toxic -- no teabagging ever, I leave the match when I know my teammates are either safe or dead, and I don't locker/vault spam, flashlight spam etc. When I play killer, I don't hit anyone on hook, no camping, no tunneling if at all possible, and I only slug if that's the best option available (not the "slug four people and let them all bleed out" situation, which I would consider toxic).

    You said you don't think teabagging is offensive -- but hitting you on hook is? Let's look at them both objectively. Teabagging the killer in the exit of a match you've already won accomplishes nothing. You don't get points for it. You don't advance an objective. You're not distracting the killer or taking on aggro at that point (the ONLY reason teabagging could be considered viable is to do that early in a match, if you're the best looper by far in a SWF and want to waste a killer's time in chase). Those exit gate teabags contribute nothing to a successful result in a match.

    Hitting a person on hook? Same thing. It accomplishes nothing towards futhering the killer's objective. They get no extra points for it, or any in-game benefit. It won't distract other survivors or lead to anyone doing a risky save. Like the teabagging in the exit gate, it accomplishes nothing in-game.

    So to be consistent, you'd have to consider those on equal footing, right -- and either take a different stance on the teabagging or the hitting on hook as to not be hypocritical? As I said, I don't do either, because I consider both BM'ing, so MY stance is consistent.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The killer still has the opportunity to hit me if I tbag. I can't do anything on a hook if the killer hits me on it. If they're tbagging at the exit gate, then M1 them out. There is no comparison. Killers hitting survivors on the hook is toxic. As far as tbagging goes, I have had several matches where me and the killer would interact with each other doing this and we'd both have fun doing it. Its especially fun against a ghost face that plays along. Also consider that survivors often do get overly excited for actually making it to the exit gate and like I've said before our ways to interact with players is limited. We get a point, a follow motion and a crouch. Sometimes they're just excited to escape. Sometimes they're doing it to taunt the killer. I personally find a survivor bouncing up and down to be funny. Find the humor in it instead of just getting offended every time. There isn't much humor to find on a hook being hit over and over though. Also I must clarify that I rarely tbag in matches. Its either against a ghost face thats doing it too or against a killer that thought they were going to get away with a camp, tunnel or slug but lost. If I played killer I'd honestly be sad if survivors didn't tbag me. It just looks funny to me and I know they're just trying to have fun too. DBD really does not other game modes that aren't always about the pip.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    T-bagging isn't toxic tho

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Just get better at killer and give it back to them.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    There absolutely is a comparison between hitting someone on the hook for no benefit in the game and teabagging/flashlight spamming in the exit of a game that's already been decided for no benefit in the game. Just because you're okay with one and not the other doesn't change that fact -- both actions provide no progress towards a game objective. What you consider harmless "fun", someone else may not. If you said, "I'd never hit someone on hook, but I can see why a killer might have "fun" doing it, so I won't get offended", then at least your position would be consistent.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    "Teabagging is literally crouch spamming"

    I think everyone gathered that...

    "Yet killers will tunnel and face camp which is absolutely more toxic"

    They're both just as toxic as each other, also you're deflecting the topic by mentioning it. Almost everyone knows that a lot of killers tunnel and face camp, but that's not what this thread is about. The issue is survivors teabagging with the intent to taunt the killer or perhaps other survivors. I know that not all survivors do it, but a LOT of them do.

    "Ones affecting game play the other is just spamming of button presses"

    I don't really understand your view here, are you saying the killer affects the game and survivors just press buttons on their keyboard? I'll argue that survivors holding M1 (or whatever your keybind to work on a gen is) is having an affect on gameplay because it brings them closer to finishing their objective.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Waiting at the door when everyone is there just to do some teabag or leave when the killer comes without offering a hit, it may be seen as toxic, if not at least very rude.

    And i dont understand this need to waste everyones time, especially when one team had it easy on the other

    (The same goes for killers that slugs at 5 gens/0hooks to win instantly and then leaves the survivors to bleed out)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Top paragraph completely true. If I'm waiting I usually give a free hit.

    As I said in a different reply on this thread that I wait at doors to get some WGLF stacks. I don't care if it's literally for only 1 stack, I'll happily wait as long as I need.

    I don't get 4 man slugging at 5 gens either. I play for points so that makes no sense to me.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've seen a LOT of survivors get downed and picked up in the exit gate for crouch spamming too much. Also tbagging killers during the match could divert a killer's attention. Hitting a survivor on the hook is just mean and toxic. Yea it may buy the survivors a few extra seconds on gens but its not as game changing as making a killer chase you. Its situational. Like I said, I only like doing it against a ghost face that does it too or against toxic killers. Other than that I don't even bother. I rarely play killer and its usually just for the daily win experience or to goof off with the survivors. When I do, I honestly love it when they all tbag me. Its just funny to me. Maybe if I actually played killer and cared about my rank with it I would feel differently but really I just think its funny to see bouncing survivors just trying to have fun.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Your experience will vary, obviously.

    I play 50/50 or so, and a LOT of hours on both. I play more Pig, the one killer that's known for survivors being able to meme with, more than any other killer.

    Survivors who approach me to Boop the Snoot when I'm The Pig (which, incidentally, guarantees I won't kill you if you do so in a match with me) = survivors who want to just have fun. I've had plenty of matches that turn into farming games, and countless people who've gotten doors/hatches from me who have fun that I can have with them.

    Example of this kind of "fun".

    Survivors who teabag me at every pallet dropped when I'm playing the Pig, as if they just pulled off the greatest play in DBD history = survivors who aren't trying to have "fun", unless showing me up and doing it at my expense is considered "fun". Which for them, it would be -- me, less so. Those matches, more often than not, end up with almost no one having actual "fun". Those matches usually are sweat-fests that either end with everyone dead, or everyone taunting at an exit gate, with no in-between.

    That's the one good thing about playing The Pig so often. Survivors who are playing just for fun vs. those who are trying to have fun at a killer's expense are easy to sort out.