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is blast mine too strong ?

after being hit with this perk one day 7 times in a match i had to wonder is it too strong, its understandable to be blinded or stunned but why both ? even that's not bad what's terrible is you stay stunned basically the same as being hit with ds or head on , but the gen doesn't even break so you have to waste more time kicking it again. my suggestion is making it activate after the kick so you break the gen get blinded and stunned, but then can be on your way. i think its a perfectly fair and balanced trade that way


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  • Member Posts: 8,816


  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    I wouldn't say too strong as a perk but it should show the killer it is there, like they can see the mine on it. Survivors gets lots of warnings about killers perks, oh there is a warning sign for a hex, lullaby for instance, even though no one has been hooked yet or that gen is yellow, let's tap it so the killer is not undetectable anymore etc. Why are killers totally blind to most survivor perks?

  • Member Posts: 53

    any regression is better than no regression it makes survivors have to at least go tap the gens , 7 seconds is way too long to waste when in most cases gens can take 30 seconds if stacked

  • Member Posts: 53

    oh no don't get me wrong i'm fine with it both blinding and stunning you as long as it takes place after the gen break

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    No. Blast Mine is fine and doesn't need any changes.

  • Member Posts: 53

    unfortunately every second of a killers time matters, ive had multiple gens pop in 30 seconds so imagine being stunned for 7 seconds out of those 30 , all i think needs to be done is the stun and blind need to happen after the bar completes

  • Member Posts: 53

    only change i think it needs is to happen after the gen break not before everything else is fine

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    It's literally just a minor inconvenience for the killer. It's think it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 4,092


  • Member Posts: 1,288

    It's a niche perk 😏 It's only to have a good laugh. It's not OP in any shape or form, all it does is stun when about to kick a gen. Nothing Op about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I kick em anyway. Lets me know if they're still there waiting for me to leave or not.

  • Member Posts: 458

    Out of curiosity, does it count towards the blind/stun the killer rift challenge?

  • Member Posts: 731

    Its a new perk thats fun for some survivors, novelty will wear off and people will end up back to there meta perks. Trolling SWFs might keep it longer like Head On.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Blast mine counts as both a stun and a blind and will grant 2 progress for the stun or blind killer challenge.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Lol are you really suggesting that they nerf this terrible perk?

  • Member Posts: 672

    No because Blast Mine isn't really a strong perk to begin with. It's very situational.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    A few seconds can be everything for killer. This wastes more than a few seconds of the killer's time, multiple times a match. I think it needs a nerf, not gonna lie.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    This perk's time to get ready or its effect needs to be nerfed, or it needs to be a 1-time ability. This perk wastes way too much of the killer's time, gives zero indication to the killer that it's there, and can be done pretty much an infinite amount of times. All you have to do is work on gens, which you should be doing anyway, to have access to it, and it blinds AND stuns the killer which will lead to even more situations where survivors can finish the gen in the killer's face, even though the only thing he could do in that situation was to kick the gen.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Heads up, trapped generators have a flashbang sitting on top of them

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I've gone up against survivors running it, and I've played it myself as survivor. It is definitely NOT too strong. It's fine as it is.

    And as noted, it goes towards the blind/stun challenges. I'm terrible with a flashlight, and I got an old Rift challenge to blind the killer done by running the perk. 😁

  • Member Posts: 1,146
  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited June 2021

    It's a frustrating perk but it ultimately only saves like 7-8 seconds for the survivor. What are they going to do while you're breaking the gen? At worst they ninja it underneath you and finish it. This perk seems like it would be annoying to deal with on a gen with at least 3 open spots. That way when the killer is occupying one then two survivors can run in and try to finish the gen.

    Overall though it has a high requirement for a perk that again takes up a perk slot from meta perks and only blinds and stuns the killer WHILE they break gens. Ultimately you have to be willing to take crazy risk with Blast Mine to get any reward for it.

    Frustrating? Yes - Strong? Could be but in most cases I see it just being annoying to deal with at most.

    My opinion of the perk may change in the future but right now is just seems like an average perk. It's not weak because it does waste time but to me right now it just delays you breaking a gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    no, it’s actually a worthless perk

    it only takes away 7 seconds of the killers time, and is reliant on the killer not running Ruin and actually kicking the gen (which, not a lot of killers do since its a waste of time without pop)

    imo, i think that blast mine should disable pop if the killer has it when they kick the gen, because only then would it be a decent perk

  • Member Posts: 268

    This perk is amazing as it is and shouldn't be changed, it stuns and blinds the killer and also denies them the kick, forcing them kick again and securing any surv to lose who the possibilities of the killer tracking them since scratch marks take 10 seconds to dissappear. Still this will rarely work because killers don't risk on losing someone over kicking a gen unless they're running Pop or any other gen kicking perk, since there could be more survs in the area and deny any regression.

    The strongest part about this perk is the global info part that tells everyone in your team that that gen is being worked on, so the average survivor won't bring the killer to that gen and help other people know they can stack in that area. This perk still is just useful and not necessarily game changing compared to exhaustion perks, ds, ub or bt. Honestly I feel the perks mentioned ,fixated, prove thyself, iron will are way more oppresive to go against than this, not sure why you're complaining about this one but it's one of the non #########-tier perks of the game yet it isn't even close to being broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    OK, you stay with your survivor main mentality. Done with trying to have a conversation with you.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Nah the perk isn't that good, I've used it for fun but a wasted slot in most cases with Hex: Ruin active. It would be one thing if it ate PGTW lol

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    My problem with it is that it cancels your kick, thus stopping whatever perk you had going for it. So, you go through a kick animation, then the blind animation, for another kick animation. That's a lot of time wasted. If you still activated PoP with the blind, I would be okay with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    no, its annoying but not too strong

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    I think that the following is a bit too strong:

    The strongest part about this perk is the global info part that tells everyone in your team that that gen is being worked on, so the average survivor won't bring the killer to that gen and help other people know they can stack in that area.

    45 seconds of "Hey, this gen is being worked on across the map" is a bit much.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    How is it a nerf? Either the killer decides to kick and take the stun or leave it and risk it gaining more progress or even completed. It's not a nerf at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
  • Member Posts: 191

    If used well it seems decently strong. Buys more time than DS because the killer's probably going to want to kick the gen after the stun wears off, and you can do it multiple times per match. Would honestly be pretty annoying to go against 4 Blast Mines from competent survivors. 5s wasted per BM proc is quite valuable if the other people are actually doing gens. In reality 1 survivor's going to be crouch walking on the other side of the map while the other 2 tbag each other because they both want to open the same chest.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    It’s not overpowered, it’s just an annoying perk mainly used to bully the Killer like Head On.

  • Member Posts: 974

    It's a nice consolation when you get tunneled off hook by a proxy camper that feels the need when so many just hook trade.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Can I get a killer perk that stops all survivors for 20s just for them doing their objective with no way to avoid it too please? 5s stun is way to long considering the perk is on that gen for 45s with no way to avoid it.

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