Gameplay Efforts Unbalanced

Kalmorph Member Posts: 5
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Is it just me, or playing as survivor is simply easy enough to not need to think properly, as long as you know how to press space in the right time and loop correctly?

Is it just me, or playing as a killer needs an blood pact with the game where I have to 110% being a try-harder player, having map knowledge and knowing map pressure into another level of gameplay, making it just so tiring, since survivors can do generators so easily.

I'm a bad survivor and a decent killer. Yesterday, playing as survivor with one friend, game proved to be just stupid on how braindead I could be, while "explaining" my mom where was something in my room (contantly looking away from the monitor) while in a chase, and still holding the killer for 3 or 4 loops.

Today as killer, I simply had to overly stress myself while playing against an SWF that showed 1 as rank 1 and 2 as rank 3 and 4. I had to think about map pressure and trying to hold the trial in a decent 3-gens strategy.

It is just me or Behaviour keeps s***ing survivors, as always since 2018? The ammount of efforts to play with each role is absurdly unbalanced.


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Is it just me, or playing as survivor is simply easy enough to not need to think properly, as long as you know how to press space in the right time and loop correctly?

    That requires thinking and it's not easy.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    First, before even engaging in this conversation, it should be said that playing Killer SHOULD inherently be more difficult than playing Survivor. As a 1v4 symmetrical game, the team of 4 NEEDS more wiggle room for inefficiency to create a balanced game, because a team is going to make more mistakes than a single person. The idea that this game's ideal balance should involve equal effort from both sides is already a bad premise.

    Second, uh... No?

    Yes, if you're doing extremely basic looping as Survivor, and the Killer is playing in an extremely basic way in response, it doesn't take all that much attention. If you're an adept player, you'll be managing elements like:

    • When/if you should abandon the loop and move to another one, this is the #1 thing that seperates good loopers from God loopers and you can get an absurd amount of distance
    • Using your Exhaustion perk correctly (at the highest levels this will involve things like holding in a Sprint Burst or etc)
    • Where to take the Killer next, because you need to minimise the risk of bumping into a friend, especially if they're in the middle of repairing a generator, you need to avoid deadzones or areas where pallets/walls are gone, if the Killer downing you is imminent avoiding a place where the Killer can hook you to get lots of pressure, and you need to move between and recognise strong loops like L-T walls
    • Specific anti-Killer tactics, which are too varied to list
    • Keeping medium/fast vaults in mind, which can mean making sure you loop in the right direction (clockwise/counterclockwise) on a tile or just changing your approach a bit
    • Sizing up the Killer if it's the beginning of the match, trying to analyse how they're playing and how good they are
    • Fighting against Killer mindgames which is a borderline infinite skillcurve
    • Recognising and calling out Killer perks, some Survivors are good enough to almost immediately recognise stuff like NOED or STBFL based on animation speed alone

    When you're just on gen repair duty, there's far less to keep track of, but it's still involved and there's an undeniable skillcurve to it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,124

    Yeah I can't believe there was one point where I only played killer. Those were the most miserable times I ever had on this game. Survivor is worlds different from killer in terms of difficulty and stress.

  • Kalmorph
    Kalmorph Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2021

    My first thought with Bwsted comment that triggering a skill check in the right time doesn't seem anything hard to me. But thanks, didn't though that Survivors had that much sort of metagaming, Lexilogo. Already bumped on some sort of loop types knowledge that made me think that they were harder to master than I thought it was.

    Although, something that now gets to me that I don't know what it is, why playing as survivor is easier. I don't get what it is, why or anything like that, I'm not an EXPERT killer, just decent. I know how to loop, moonwalk and think about the whole map pressure, map knowledge, gens, and all these sort of things. I already know that everytime, someone will trigger an Dead Hard and I always delay the lunge a few seconds before going in. But still, it's just so... tiring. I can't play more than 3 matches without getting mentally exausted.

    Also, I don't really approve the idea that 4 people needs to have an easier job just cause they tend to do more mistakes. So if the premise that 4 players playing well and without mistakes, and the killer playing well and without mistakes, things have to be in favor of survivors?

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Its literally just what you are used to. Killer is on average more stressful but you can get used to it and still do decently on auto pilot just like you can do fairly well with survivor without thinking. Though its definitely easier to turn your brain off on survivor, you don't even really need to loop properly if your on 4 man that communicates and pumps gens out, then you can just W key and that counters the majority of the killer roster.

  • Kalmorph
    Kalmorph Member Posts: 5

    "you don't even really need to loop properly if your on 4 man that communicates and pumps gens out"

    So it's not just me that thinks like that, am I safe to assume? That's not balanced! Don't get me wrong when I say about playing with brains off, that's not the point, but judging how the game grant so much space to survivors for their mistakes.

    A few examples go, for a start, on SWF's and how the exchange of information makes it barely impossible to bear for the killer, and since the game allows so much space for them, where they can even bully the killers while in the trial. Looking at Youtube about agressive survivors took me to this perspective of SWF with meta perks, where they could legit teabag, run while flashing light and abuse the game survivor freedom of a few mistakes. I doubt a killer that does that amount of trolling can get at least 2K. That's something I read on comments of that video:

    "Survivors have this double standard that killers cant punish your mistakes. We sit on a gen and try to last sec unhook the killer cant come back to stop that so you get punished, unhooking infront of the killer and getting tunneled, sitting at the hook while the killer is there, not running ds and being in the killers face. "

    Again, the point is not judging these gameplays; the video in question was about Survivors being toxic, but my point is the game allowing space and freedom to survivors to do that and not get punished ingame.