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So survivors shouldn't be allowed to RUN now???



  • Member Posts: 353

    I'm sorry to say but the devs said themselves that the game was never meant for a survivor to loop. It was for the survivors to run and drop the pallet to be safe. Kinda like they're doing now.

  • Member Posts: 353
    edited June 2021

    Kinda like in real life huh, you run from a killer to waste time not stop. Jokes aside it's a game based on horror movies, but in horror movies usually have a character stumble so the killer can catch up. That's why I like Fridays stumble mechanic. The more fear a survivor builds, the more panic, and the more chance that the character stumbles. Wish they would implement a feature like this, but its probably to late for that

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    All of these killers, even Spirit with Stridor and MDR, require more skill than holding W, especially Nemesis (who has more counterplay than Huntress) and Deathslinger (who is one of the hardest killers in the game, if not the hardest).

    There is no adapting, there's just camping and slugging. That's what killers, even Nurse and Spirit, are forced to do. That's what happens. And its not fun.

  • Member Posts: 353

    It was one of the fall 2016 streams. I dont want to sit through the streams to find it, but I can provide this image of someone else knowing about it.

  • Member Posts: 513

    I'm interested to know what should be the most effective way then?

    Looping? Lots of killers complained about that as 'no fun running in circles' (now they complain about running in a straight line), so now we have new and reworked killers/maps that took away loops or counter them completely.

    Mind games? That's a bad joke. Only some tiles that break line of sight could possibly mind game and still survivors are at the short end of that deal versus a killer who moves faster than them (sometimes way faster) and only has to be right twice over a survivor having to be right all the time. It gets even more ludicrous with added aura reads; and then there's spirit who basically you have to count on to mind game herself which isn't much of a chance either if she runs Stridor. Many tiles there is no mind game to be had especially when survivors leave a blazing, glowing trail behind them.

    Stealth? If you don't want to progress the game and wait to die, that's a good option, but stealth has also been a joke. Killers complained about that too.

    I can't really think of other options that aren't useless. Survivors do not have many options to defend themselves that are reliable.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It still sounds weird, but I shall admit my mistake. For now.

  • Member Posts: 513

    That's just good tactics, if the killer makes a mistake by not zoning me or I win one of those rare mind games and I can get a chance at some distance, I will take it. I'm not going to stupidly wait for him, wasting that time so he can reset the odds.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    No, its just becoming way more common. Why else do you think it grabbed the attention of that streamer? The release of nemesis exploded its popularity.

    Holding W was heavily complained about when Midwich was released because that map just highlighted the issue.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    No idea how you get this to work.. I counter it all the time in solo play because survivor progression trumps killer regression. All it does is waste everyones time and make the game tedious and drawn out.

    Just pick a gen and the second you see the killer walking to you, lead him away from it. It only works when you have morons for team mates that sit in a corner and self care for 30 seconds instead of smashing out the generator.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I disagree. I think the Streamer made it more common knowledge because it was affecting him. He gave it more press so more people realized it was a thing. It has always been around and personally I don't care. I deal with it as a Killer, just like any other Survivor tactic. The whole thing is a "nothing burger."

  • Member Posts: 550

    This is if I’m trying to kill everyone with lower mobility. I like corrupt and PGTW over ruin. I start early. Get someone down, get them hooked near my three gen, proxy camp. Spread pressure while they are coming in and only commit enough to get pallets out of the way. Once I get a survivor out of the match I can afford to venture out a little further, and there are probably a lot of the pallets already gone around the area. Get someone down, run back and PGTW. Patrol my gens while they are off resetting, rinse, repeat.

    I agree a well coordinated team can make it more difficult, but they are hard for every killer. Most survivors come in for saves on camping killers, allowing you to spread pressure and most run off to reset when injured on a killer patrolling a three gen.

    You just have to be willing to not play their game and run away from your gens when you can’t afford it.

    I also agree it is boring for both sides. But if your goal is winning with a low mobility killer you are better off not committing to chases that open the door for survivors to finish those gens you need active for later on than you are to chase a “ shift w” survivor all over the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    This is your 50th announcement that big maps are bad for dbd. If an immobile killer has to drag his ass across the map to start a chase that will involve the other player literally blowing health states for just more distance. Add spread out teammates pushing gen's with breakable walls creating massive distance, demanding your time and a lot of really really bad map designs man I wonder why killers complain so much XD. You don't play both sides or at the very least don't play enough. Anyone with an ounce of recent killer experience will tell you this crap is obnoxious. Holding w is an asinine way of expressing dbd problems I agree large maps are the issue (rpd station could have had a west win and east wing which would have spared the console players from the map crashing). Most content creators don't care for addressing the 1 v 4. There more obssessed with individual chases mattering despite survivors having 12+ lives with a sprint burst for every little hit you land.(yes variables with other killer's) There are to0 many lives and hook states to allow for the utopian every chase matters.

    No one wants gens to go longer so why not promote spreading chases out by giving the killer a mori if he individually hooks every survivor once. Give survivors a catch up mechanic so they can operate at faster speeds dependent on dead survivors and you might have a dbd game that isn't all about the snowball. All we need in dbd is some comeback mechanics and less lopsided games but no lets just continue espousing nonsense about unfair killers and survivor's playing the game in a tactically sound manner.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Exactly, funny btw how the OP is not even reacting to you xD But calling Killers entitled xD

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    But this is a game. And anyway, I didn't like the stumble mechanic in Friday The 13th because it was too random, and didn't have much to do with skill, even though I did like that composure was a thing and that it could be affected by Jason cutting the power.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    I am thanks. Again you failed to even remotely address the point of my posts and instead just chose to react in a juvenile manner. At least I now know who to not bother replying to on the forums.

    This is why we need a block feature on these forums - to avoid posters who contribute nothing to the actual conversations.

  • Member Posts: 175

    holding W is just saying that your not using your brain in loops

  • Member Posts: 142

    The game is designed for survviors to eventually lose chases and get downed. If you dont want them just wasting time then make the odds of escaping a chase better and thus more enticing for surviviors. But then that would make complaints too. Seems people need to pick their poison.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Mindgaming as a killer is easy. Moonwalk backward so they see the red stain facing one way when you are really going another. Turn and smack the survivor. Rinse repeat. Use iron grasp and agitation to get to basement, camp then win. Running in a straight line, though equally boring, at least wastes time

  • Member Posts: 731

    Runnings toxic.

  • Member Posts: 677

    I only remember one time where a survivor led me to a corner of the map to buy the others time and it was a close match that got them a 2E. It was done at the perfect time too.

    I simply shrugged it off as a touche, nice one bunny feng 👍 you played me like a fiddle

  • Member Posts: 513

    A lot of people think 'running around in circles' did not take brains nor skill.

    I am not one of them, just replaying what I've seen from many other posts in the past.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Ow boy, lot's to unpack...

    1) Camping and Tunelling are hardly the same thing if only because the devs have given you many tools to counter it. The only trully dangerous camper i'd say is Bubba and if your 3 live poeple, with 5 gens done vs a Bubba "camping" the only objective he has left, just take your W and leave.... Beyond that for tunelling there's BT / DS / UB / WGLF hell lop in Kindred and Soul Guard in there while we're at it.... There is no M1 killer perk or mechanics to get like a 5 second burst of 150% MS to catch up to a survivor holding W in the opposite direction.

    2) Honestly i think this meta could be solved by just making gen tapping not a thing. The reason camping works as a tactics versus these hold W teams is because it forces the survivors to stand the ######### still at determined ######### point (for 2 seconds) vs Holding W and just jumping on the whatever gen happens to be close by when the killer says "######### this...". I've had many a game recently on something like Blood Lodge or Shelter Woods where there might as well have been some kinda of Pole between me and the survivors. Like they'd dance outside my range at a fixed distance and the INSTANT i'd turn around to look for another chase they turn right back around and work on the gen. 0 ######### given. Now if kicking the gen actually forced a survivor to go through some kinda animation to re-start the gen, kinda like unhooking, i know at least defend the gens by... you know , being close to the ######### gens. Cos in current dbd gen defends means chasing hooking and slugging , and very little with the actual physical object of the generator itsself (and don't say ruin, anyone at red ranks know how much hexes last....)

    3) Killer really arn't impossible to loop, in fact you can waste more time by actually playing the loop corectly but survivors adapted and realised wasting 50-80 seconds / survivor is mooooooooooooooooooooore than enough time to finish a game. Like the only unloopable killer is basically Nurse. Even spirit, yes it's random and not really skill but unlike nurse you CAN at least TRY to use map resources vs a Spirit. Fast / Slow vaulting a pallet or even guessing correctly and stunning the Spirit mid phase walk is perfectly viable. Beyond that...

    Nemesis - 3 hit downs, don't get animation locked, watch for his tentacle and keep going through the pallet instead of dropping it / fake the window, it's 5 year old huntress gameplay ffs....

    Trickster - aahahahahahahahahhahaha

    Twins - 115% M1 Killer. If Victor is attached to a healthy survivor , kidnap the baby, forces Charlotte to be a basic M1 killer for 20 (40?) seconds before Victor can be recalled. If you're injured yeah twins are dangerous but agian, 115% M1 killer while healthy, we've seen how long you can loop those for recently... Also crouching OP yo!

    Blight - On the stronger side but ironically not anti - loop, just shuts down Hold W and forces you to loop him. Some tiles RNG willing will allow you to use your power but the lethal rush is actually kind easy to dodge via side stepping kinda like huntress hatches (i AM the ranged weapon!)

    Pyramid Head - See Nem / Huntress

    Oni - See twins, it's all about looping at 1 health state denny the first hit and denny the snowball, also quick healing helps alot

    I feel like here is where people stop complaining wich is actually kind of hillarious because Nem / PH / Demo pretty much play like Huntress at loops a killer nobody complains about and is kinda recognized that "Yeah, that's a good Huntress, she actually managed to hit me!" is it maybe because Huntress has been out for 5 freakin' years and everybody "adapted" and knows how to vs her?!

    Like the ONE killer i'd say yes, Holding W is acceptable is Deathslinger because 110 killer with no special mobility ala Hag / Nurse and a capped range of 18m unlike Huntress. On the other hand yeah DS one-tricks are ######### scary but landing 90+% of your shots on DS is kinda on that GodNurse / Huntress level the community also respects, why DS get's a bad rap is beyond me....

  • Member Posts: 747

    Thats why killers like spirit,nurse,gunslinger are mostly meta because they can catch up to survivors that just shift w across the map into a safe pallet.

  • Member Posts: 106

    Everyone is crying about something….either it’s wraith being to op even though he is a m1 killer that’s countered by spine chill or gen speed…

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Yeah, against killers like deathslinger and pyramid head where looping is almost impossible, just running as far as you can without looping is the best option. Which is boring for both sides. I agree with tofu that most of the new killers being released in the past year or so are just boring to be chased by bc of their strong chase powers.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    I'm not great at looping. While I wish I'd have some time to play around with it and learn, more often than not, I end up getting a killer that downs me early on for taking a risk and vaulting at the wrong moment or rushing for a pallet. So most of the time, I just say F it and create distance by running. It might be boring for whoever's chasing me, but it helps my team more in the long run and gives me a better chance at getting away and earning more points during the match.

    And that's before you add in the increased risk (in my experience) of getting camped on hook, tunneled off hook, or just slugged once you are downed. It's just not worth it to learn if you don't already know most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    No, I actually enjoy playing against the Twins that's all.

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