Keys are a problem that the devs refuse to fix

I know there have been countless threads about keys already. I don’t care. I’m tired of the devs talking about “changes” to keys forever and still doing nothing about them. I’m ready to quit this game altogether until something is done about the free zero-skill escapes. Nothing is more demotivating than playing a match against good survivors, feeling pretty proud of yourself as you feel like the tide is turning for a 3-4K win, and then watching two or three disappear down the hatch. Someone please explain how this is balanced or how there is any counter-play to this. Honestly I don’t care if one gets out through the hatch, but these two- and three-survivor hatch escapes are BS.
They aren't exactly 0 skill escapes. They still need to get gens done for a team wide escape.
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What is wrong with everybody?!
The devs made it 100% crystal clear in the 5th anniversary stream that keys are going to be reworked in conjunction with Mori’s being implemented into base game mechanics, and that keys will influence Mori’s somehow.
Can everybody please stop pretending they never said this please!!!
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Why don’t you play duck hunt if you just want a mindless easy 4K game? They’ve taken out pallets, boarded up windows, redone maps, survivors are slow, and only survivor perks are anti tunneling. What honestly more do you need? Plus ds is crap now too. Maybe it’s not the game, maybe it’s your expectations?
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Just use Franklin's Demise...hmm wait a second, something doesn't feel quite right...
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People ignore it because the devs were happy to nerf moris without touching keys. Would take an hour tops to go in and change numbers so the hatch only appears after last gen is done, which would put it back on par with moris. They didnt/havent done that. So op is 100% correct. As is everone else still bitching about it
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But that’s also not a good solution. That unfairly screws solos that may have been screwed over by the team mates they were matched with.
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If hatch only appears after the last gen is done? How does that screw teammates? How is it any different than when they screw their teammates now? And nibidy said it has to be permanent, it can be a bandaid till whatever it is theyre doing. Like moris were
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No one will play survivor if there isn’t any hope of escape if they’re the victim of the other 3 survivors throwing the game. It’s already bad enough as it is being matched with other survivors that throw the game. Don’t also take away that small chance of hope for survivors that are working hard to do the right thing, but it be all for nothing.
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Dude. What are you talking about? Im legit lost on how having hatch appear after gens are done does any of the things youre talking about. In facr, it does the opposite since survivors wont be able to leave without doing the gens first.
Please explain how you think this screws anyobe
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Your exact words:
”Would take an hour tops to go in and change numbers so the hatch only appears after last gen is done”
How else is someone meant to interpret that?
You said “only after last gen is done”.
If you mean something else, you need to articulate yourself better.
Otherwise it implies that the intention is that if a survivor has had their team mates throw the game before the gens can be finished, they don’t get hatch, which would be completely unfair for something that happened that was out of their hands.
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Dude, were talking about keys. If theres only 1 person left the hatch appears OPEN. Doesnt matter how many gens are left. How did you jump to that? Of course it shows up when tgeres only 1 person left for petes sake
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Your exact words:
”Would take an hour tops to go in and change numbers so the hatch only appears after last gen is done”
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Try to make the key-bearer not a problem. Literally today I went against a key. Still got the 4k. There I was swoopin through mach 2, the sonic boom was frightening. Steve didn't get a chance to use the key. I killed his friends closed the hatch then killed him. Keep the pressure up key is worthless.
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Because were talking about keys, not what happens when theres 1 survivor left. This isnt complicated
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But we’re not psychic either. If you don’t want to be misunderstood, be specific.
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The solution is very easy, Hatch original purpose to give the last survivor chance to escape.
What happening is that, very often 3 survivor escaping via Hatch with help of key.
The solution very very very simple Hatch should only appear if 1 survivor left alive.
Doesnt even need any key change, do this and key fine.
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I was specific...about the topic of the thread...
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NOED is a problem that the devs refuse to fix.
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Oh dear god, the irony...
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I mean, they did nerf Frank's demise and didn't take in the fact that keys don't need charges to open hatch
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But that was a very necessary emergency change. I’m not sure how it was unexpected to the devs that this would happen, but Nemesis using Franklin’s and causing vaccines to get destroyed was a problem.
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The dev said that player will get a leaderboard so the competitive player fight for the top spot, they said they would do a early game colapse ( more like something similar to the end game colapse ). They said they will do something about key for maybe a year or close to that and i did not see any nerf for key but mori got change.
Bhrv kill all the trust the player had for them with all the thing they said that did not happen
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They never guaranteed any of that. Those were ideas they said they were exploring. There doesn’t need to be an early game slow down anymore. Killer is easier than ever. And for killers that WANT early game momentum now have the choice of equipping Lethal Pursuer if they want to.
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"Mr leatherface? I dont feel so good" - Franklin's demise probably
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Keys aren't a problem. People like yourself and killer mains say keys are a problem because they lose out on survivors they weren't going to catch anyway or a survivor or two that got out with it because they had a key. I play a lot of killer and I can count on one hand the amount of times a full group of survivors got out with key against me. Some others get a two man escape with it but its so rare. Plus if they all get out with a key they've earned it. You didn't do your job at stopping gens and they did their job of finishing the gens and finding hatch. So they get out. Get over it. They've said numerous times they're changing the keys and its probably a bigger rework of the hatch and key system as a whole. So shut up about it. Even If they just straight up nerf keys survivors will still be escaping with them through hatch. They'll just all bring their own keys. So hush with these stupid posts about keys.
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I’m sure you all will get your way and they’ll nerf them into the ground, and then you’ll find something else to blame for being bad at the game or having to actually try in a match.
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They could have just made it return back to the chest if that happened instead of murdering it
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what does NOED have anything to do with this thread??
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I’d be happy to trade NOED nerf for fixing keys. I agree NOED is OP and cheap - I don’t use it unless I need to help complete a challenge.
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So what exactly is wrong with keys? Only asking because I thought you had to have a minimum number of gens done depending on survivors left, for the hatch to even "appear".
I admit I haven't had too many key escapes so I may be a bit naive.
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they dont refuse to, its just that it takes them way too long to do it.
its a reoccuring problem btw. just look at the mori nerf: it took them 3 YEARS to up the hook number by one - that is way too long for something as simple as that!
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If only they didn't make Burger King Myers look like double engravings Hillbilly.
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Dude, not every thing is against survivors and I can give many reasons.
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I’m really not sure how that’s relevant. I’m confused.
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Wow, it's a joke on their slow work pace.
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Sorry if I may sound killer sided or whatever but the devs say a lot of things and they never really go back on word especially when they said they were going to offer optimization for console but they didn’t and here is video on which was made in 2018 which was about 3 years ago.
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I wish killers on this forum would keep a record of the number of games survivors actually escape with a key and the number of gens that were done when the survivor did escape.
Once the killers actually saw the data, they would realize keys are a none-issue.
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As a non-issue you'd be ok with them being nerfed or removed then.
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Oh absolutely. I think hatch escapes are skewing the already high kill rate for killers, which is already at 60%. I consider hatch escapes kills, the same as if the survivor got killed, because the survivor didn't win the game he lost the game. I want the hatch removed completely so Killers kill rate shows the actual amount of kills, instead of being skewed downward by hatch escapes, which is really the killer winning.
I think some killer nerfing will happen after hatches are removed which would please me immensely.
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whats wrong is that keys seem to be low on the priority list
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That's because Survivors can fix it by cleansing totems.
With the Franklin's nerf, Killers can't even delete keys the way Survivors can delete NoED.
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I'm more interested in moris being basekit. Kinda curious as to what that means...
I'm excited haha
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Keys are a problem, they award unfair gameplay. Killers only counter-play was Franklins and the devs basically destroyed it. Yes I also know mories had be nerf but so did keys. But they didn’t nerf keys cause they needed more time. I also know that they are also looking into making mories base kit so that will be interesting as well. But anyway sorry to sound killer sided but you have to look more into the killer player’s perspective and try to understand that keys are in fact overpowered.
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Moris and keys are absolutely comparable as they end the game prematurely for the other side. Yes, moris were a priblem, so are keys.
Keys are also a simple fix, its just a number change as to when the hatch appears so that they dont appear till after the gens are done (unless theres only 1 survivor left obviously).
Theres every reason they should have been changed together. Unbiased people are aware of this. :)
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they also said they were going to nerf keys around the first mori nerf.
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Keys were already a problem. I wont speak for everyone but the only reason i brought a mori before was to get rid of the key user faster. Now its whatever.
People wanted them changed in the same patch because they are directly comparable. You refusing to see that doesnt make it not so.
I agree they arent going with my suggested fix, were all aware, thats why op created this thread
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well of course they're not gonna go with it because they don't ever listen to our ideas anyway.
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Still skipping the objective hardcore.
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The similarities arent superficial, they both end the game early. If you dont understand that or how simple number changes for both are about as straight forward as it gets when it comes to coding, i dont really know what to tell you. Enjoy your bias i guess