Killers, do you like or dislike when survivor waits at the exit to give you a hit (no bm)?



  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I usually wait to heal or get healed. I do still laugh at the falling through the exit line animation.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030
    edited June 2021

    The gate is open. GTFO. Stop wasting my time with a pity hit.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I have nothing against it but I would never encourage it.

    Once in a while I have a group of survivors who want to farm Bloodpoints by taking hits, healing and taking hits again. I support this, hit them and wait. As long as you are friendly I consider this "post game", it is over and now we can make the best out of it. I get BP, they get BP and everyone wins.

    If they are friendly then I am too, simple as that.

    Also tbagging is something...different. If I am Ghostface I tbag back at them because its fun for me.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    I'll get more bloodpoints in the first 30 seconds of the next game than the last 30 seconds of this game.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Hate it. it is detrimental to the killers emblem since they "lost chase" and only serves to boost the survivor emblem.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited June 2021

    Just leave - You're wasting my time and if you were annoying enough about not leaving I'll likely bring a mori if I see you again.

    Unless you plan to make a play or you're trying to distract me sure - But I don't give a ######### about giving you a pat on the back to leave. I find those survivors who just stick around and try to justify it as "give the killer points" very irritating. It would be quicker for you to leave so I can queue again rather than walking across the map to hit you for what? Less than 1k bp? Oh how generous. If you want to give handouts then just let me hook you then.

    Probably the best way to summarize how I feel. Let me get to queue faster if you really want to help the killer get their BP.

  • ethan99
    ethan99 Member Posts: 154

    Please leave,

    unless I'm deathslinger and your injured/I have NOED 🤗

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
    edited June 2021

    I will give you hook at the end of every game (I even said I do it sometimes) if that will make you happy. Humans on the other side of the screen are your sworn enemies, that is how you people see each other. No wonder this community is so toxic tbh.

    But fine I will stop doing it if it makes you rage so hard in a video game. Think about this tho are you projecting? Do you see win or loss more important than everything else so you think others see it that way and you try to portray every action someone does as camouflaged evil?

    And there is no amount of excuse for generalising everyone. I played both roles and I still don't hate everyone on the other side like they killed my family when I play one more.

    You people take this game very seriously and egoistically but whatevs I will stop so you don't get even more gray hairs.

    We will treat others like objects, not humans. No gg's nothing. Just finish our games and leave so we can move on to another game where we play as soulless individuals.

    Meme games warm my heart after experiences like these because I know that not everyone turned into a hateful person only obsessed with win or loss.

    If survivor escape or they did their objectives it doesn't mean they hate you as a person. If killer kills you it doesn't mean they would hurt you in real life.

    And why would anyone be upset about the mori? It is nerfed into the ground. But I wouldn't mind if you mori me after the first hook like before either. I would just be sad how mad you get at people for no reason to hold grudges and target them. Just shows what kind of person you are.

    You people really are something else and no amount of "I was bullied" justifies that.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    You're at the gate, just leave. I'd like to find another match

  • Tysere
    Tysere Member Posts: 36

    I tend to always do this as a survivor actually, though not for like the full timer. I'll wait around a few seconds to both check if a teammate needs help (if I can provide any, I'm not incredibly good tbh) and I'm more than happy to give some extra BPs to Killers. The grind in this game is the most soul crushing nightmare I've seen in a while, so I'll risk them thinking I'm going to be toxic if it means doing something nice for somebody.

    Just like as a killer, I often want to give people the hatch but they won't stop struggling, and it's hard to communicate/easy for them to be untrusting of me just due to how the game itself is designed/all the toxicity. Survivor especially gets such piddly BP numbers, it's never bothered me. I've also done things like point at random objects I need for the stupid Archives. Sometimes people understand, and I'm more than happy to have a 'scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" scenario. It's just a game. Dying is whatever, it's really just the horrible slog that is BP.

  • Tysere
    Tysere Member Posts: 36

    I'm in exactly the same boat honestly, on both killer and survivor. I have no reason to inherently dislike a player unless they are actively trying to be negative or mean or something. Playing well doesn't mean you're bullying me, either.

    I've given up 4ks and taken too-long chases, unfortunately in what may seem like tunneling, bc a survivor was honestly extremely good and chasing them (even from a losing position) would hopefully teach me more about how to play the game well. I'm trying to learn from the good players out there, and there are many good survivors even at my mid-range ranks. I play Survivor, it's absolutely miserable. I'm ecstatic when a survivor outplays me in a chase or w/e, bc I know how hard it is for them. I'm walking out with tons of BP for just existing where they have to bend over backwards. I can't possibly be tilted or upset.

    The few times I've experienced teabagging, I just remember when I play survivor how terrible it often feels. They're just getting it out of their system, I have no idea ######### their other games that day looked like so no reason to take it too personal. They're just people on the other side of the screen. So long as you aren't being derogatory in endgame chat or something that's flat out wrong, it's w/e.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited June 2021

    I will give you hook at the end of every game (I even said I do it sometimes) if that will make you happy. Humans on the other side of the screen are your sworn enemies, that is how you people see each other. No wonder this community is so toxic tbh.

    You're reading too far into it - Point being don't waste my time - If you think my post is meant to dehumanize people you need to take a step back from the game

    But fine I will stop doing it if it makes you rage so hard in a video game. Think about this tho are you projecting? Do you see win or loss more important than everything else so you think others see it that way and you try to portray every action someone does as camouflaged evil?

    I don't rage - I just genuinely don't like the majority of the people I play with in DBD because they're entitled. Me? I'm not entitled but I'm 100% willing to be petty just for fun - I will slug a survivor for 4 minutes as killer just for looking at me funny and I'll use broken map offerings with unfun perk combos as survivor I don't care about pips or bloodpoints

    I don't see games as a win or a loss I see games as trying new builds and having new experiences. Worrying about winning or losing in this game is stupid because even BHVR has no idea what the win condition is half the time. Most of the time it's just accumulate X amount of points. I do however care about someone wasting my time whether it being some Claudette with Spine Chill who thinks it's cute to hide for 10 minutes not only annoying me but screwing over their own team but I also find great annoyance in survivors who think killers actually care about the pitiful BP they get smacking you out of the gates. Are those people real? Are they genuinely serious and believe that makes a killers day?

    nd there is no amount of excuse for generalising everyone. I played both roles and I still don't hate everyone on the other side like they killed my family when I play one more.

    I didn't generalize EVERYONE but if you're offended by it chances are you're one of the people I'm talking about - If you're not offended move on and have a nice day :)

    You people take this game very seriously and egoistically but whatevs I will stop so you don't get even more gray hairs.

    Good - Thanks for understanding

    We will treat others like objects, not humans. No gg's nothing. Just finish our games and leave so we can move on to another game where we play as soulless individuals.

    Yeah - Sounds good - That's already how most of the community is - It's either 90% of people flaming the killer no matter what they did or they all silently leave if they got ######### on - As for the killer yeah some can be toxic too - Most of the time from experience the toxic people are the SWF's and no that doesn't mean they're good either - I bet you're thinking I'm toxic for stating the obvious - I generally am pretty chill in game and always give criticism and try to help inexperienced players - I just have absolutely zero tolerance for idiots and trolls in game - That doesn't mean everyone who stands at the exit gate is one of those two things but it doesn't make it any less annoying.

    As for toxicity honestly I blame BHVR for how the majority of the community has become and even my viewpoints on how to handle them. Took them a while to address toxicity, several toxic streamers are allowed to exist - It took them forever just to address one of their toxic content creators but by then the damage was done and it's taken years just to weed out the fans of this player to the point where they either moved on or grew out of their little phase.

    Aside from that some game mechanics and even the battle pass encourages toxicity in this game just by existing. It creates annoying matchmaking conditions and people focus on farming optional side objectives rather than playing the game normally. BHVR's battlepass is ruining this game more than anything else is right now and you won't ever change my mind on this. It's too grindy for a normal human who works a 9/5 job without being able to enjoy other things.

    Meme games warm my heart after experiences like these because I know that not everyone turned into a hateful person only obsessed with win or loss.

    Meme games aren't for everyone and this mindset honestly ruins the game more than anything - Some people literally just want to play the game regardless of a win or a loss.

    Also - What does meme games have to do with my post? Seems like you're just shoehorning a bunch of stuff in that isn't relevant to what I said.

    If survivor escape or they did their objectives it doesn't mean they hate you as a person. If killer kills you it doesn't mean they would hurt you in real life.

    You're reading too far into this - I don't have anything against a player as a person - I just don't like how oblivious some players are - If they do their objectives cool - Take your victory and leave unless you plan to do something else in trial - Seems simple no?

    And why would anyone be upset about the mori? It is nerfed into the ground. But I wouldn't mind if you mori me after the first hook like before either. I would just be sad how mad you get at people for no reason to hold grudges and target them. Just shows what kind of person you are.

    Survivors are entitled and still DC to a mori - You'd be surprised how butthurt survivors get to dying to a mori in any fashion. It's a personal attack to a survivor most of the time to mori them. So much so most of them are willing to go on the forums and cry about it. Have you looked at the Steam Discussions? The majority of those post are how a lot of players act in game. (X is broken / op without any proper reasoning aside from they died to it)

    As for the person I am - You honestly seem extremely offended at my statement so I genuinely feel like you're the type of player I'm referring to - If you can't handle criticism and the real truth on how most players feel then maybe you should stop doing what most players hate - Most of us spend enough time in matchmaking nowadays we don't want to give you a hi5 on your way out of the map - Spare us both and just leave the trial.

    You people really are something else and no amount of "I was bullied" justifies that.

    I like how you accused me of generalizing people and you literally say "You people" to start this one off.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    By "you people" I meant people who act like that. It is not generalising to point something you do. You are the one remembering player names so you can target them for standing at the gate to give you a hit.

    But like I said I will stop, I don't want to annoy people even if my intentions weren't bad. Have a nice day.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited June 2021

    I remember names but I don't hard focus them - Their entire team suffers for their decisions not just them - If I'm survivor I'll play normally but chances are I'm just going to hard focus objectives and not hook save the annoying players.

    I also remember the names of trolls just like I'm sure the majority of the playerbase does. Ever run into that one player who just runs up and farms people in front of the killer? That's the type of person you remember so next time you see them on the hook you just let them die. Ever have one of those players who literally just ruined your game completely and it wasn't by playing normal? I guarantee you everyone on this forum has a name in mind for someone who has ruined their experience at least once. Most won't admit it but they likely do.

    Either way - Hope you have a nice day

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don't do it as survivor and I don't really like it as killer.

    Often I'm maxed out on chase points anyway so there is no point going there, secondly its often typical that people are just there to taunt and then flee before you get he hit anyway so why bother. More points can usually be earned breaking stuff, using your power for the BP's if not maxed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Just leave, I don't care about pity hits as I rather not deal with the likelyhood survivors are just waiting at exit gate to taunt.

    It's annoying when the remaining survivors will just wait at the exit gate for 2 minutes

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I dislike it. Most survivors I've went against just do it to be toxic. Stop wasting my time and just leave so I can move onto the next match, Please.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I love it when I play Trickster and they do that. If they're grouped together at the exit gate waiting until I down them, I can get so much points and 1k bps alone from getting a full combo.

    It's not a big deal tho, as long as they don't teabag at the gates and stay in the middle of the exit box to avoid getting hit (M1 killers can't stop them from doing it).

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I'd rather they just leave. Maybe all but 1 leave so I can close the hatch.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I don't care. I'll pull up a tab if I know it's over or practice blinking (Nurse main). Those are more worth it than a potential 300 BP.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    Personally I'd rather everyone just leave right away. I will get more points in another game than I will from the pity hits so I just want to move on.

    Also as others have said there are the less kind Survivor who will wait at the gate and then leave right as you go to hit them which is just rude and then you've got the toxic ones that will t-bag or clicky-clicky or fast vault near the exit to taunt that they have escaped.

    If you just leave right away you show you respect the player behind the Killer by not wasting their time.

    By all means stick around a bit to go for saves if needed but if every Survivor still in the Trial is at the gate everyone should just leave, no waiting for the Killer to come around and force you out.

    Just. Leave. Please.