Patch 5.0.2 XBOX ONE optimization

I can't see anything.... Is this really how you are going to fix the stutters? By just making the game so dark that autohaven is literally unplayable! IT IS PITCH BLACK WITH BASICALLY ZERO DETAIL BECAUSE IT IS JUST BLACK!
I was staring at a gen with 3 survivors working on it and couldn't see them... point blank... Quick attack range....
I loaded up the game and played a couple of matches just before this patch dropped and it was fine. A little dark but playable. Now i can't see anything and i am getting more stuttering then pre patch.
Why can't you just give consoles the same graphics options as pc?
Apparently this is also happening on Switch?! That's crazy. I'm sorry you guys are experiencing that. I knew it was bad on console, but didnt' know it was THAT bad.
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As far as I'm aware nothing was changed with this patch that should have caused this to happen (screen going dark I'm referring to). And it seems a pretty isolated case as nobody else has reported that, as yet at least. Can you please make a bug report about this - as it's entirely different to the fps drops/freezes that we've had reports about.
If you have video available that would help greatly to show the issue. Thank you.
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I figured out the problem. My monitor and tv in my room don't have a "brightness" setting (not backlight or contrast) while the main one in the living room does. On a basic screen without adjusting anything the xbox seems to have the brightness set way too low by default while the ps4 looks just like it does on pc using the same screens.
If i reset the living room tv to default settings it looks just as bad.
I have seen some photos on reddit where people take a picture of the screen with a camera and it looks as bad as mine so i guess it will not show through a recording and it is specific to the screen you test it on.
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Ps4 vs xbox screenshots.
top 2 are xbox one while the bottom 2 are ps4 on the same screen.