How to counter the spirit?

I think that when you play against a good spirit, you have almost no chance of winning. In my opinion, spirit is to op. What kind of counter-attacks are there against spirit execpt iron will?
By trying and stop crying
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Spirit with no stridor it's a 50/50, spirit with stridor is almost always a guarantee hit, waiting for that person to say "just outsmart her".
Sadly there are only 2 perks that help against a non stridor spirit which are iron will and lucky break.
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? im just asking for some tipps. Im not that bad at dbd and im trying everytime to outplay her but they are always to good and hear me.
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Alright, so this counter applies to EVERY killer and Spirit is no exception. You might actually see a few of your teammates do it and you can automatically tell it works, just look at the numbers!
The moment you find out its a Spirit you want to take in consideration this new knowledge.
Step 1: Press ESC
I know, crazy #########. But bear with me
Step 2: Navigate your mouse to the bottom right of your screen
Doing this you should realize that a button gets highlighted, the words "LEAVE MATCH" can be read
Step 3: Left click
Upon doing this youll realize that youve succesfully dealt with The Spirit.
Alternatively, you can yell at who ever else is in the house to pull the plug to your router
Alternatively, you can press and hold the power button to your PC
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It's almost impossible to even mind game with her.
I can give you one tip: when she is phase walk and you are injured, don't run forward but backwards and try to break line of sight.
It may not work with some players but always play smart.
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Killers are meant to win the 1v1, you aren't supposed to be able to 1v1 a killer, otherwise there would literally be no point in playing this game. Survivors want to be able to 1v1 every single killer, escape every chase, and do all gens.
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No its just when a spirt is chaseing me im get down in last then 10-20 seconds and my teammates too. And then we are not abel to do gens cause we are dieing to fast.
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You know how many threads there are about spirit where people crying she's op and need to be nerfed?
This is pretty much the same post for the same reason.
If you are really interested then you can dig into the other posts.
There are many comments about how to counter her.
And if you are truly interested here is a match from me about 2 days ago.
Wasn't the best spirit but still a few things i did to throw her off
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Responses like this are why people say the community is so toxic. OP was just asking for some advice. Geez…
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Pray for a newbie or run the secret meta of Iron Wil-No Mither.
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Yup i agree.
But do some research and see how many posts there are about spirit. 😉
Wasn't trying to be toxic or anything, just getting sick of the this is op, that is op, this killer is op.
So yeah you can expect to get some similar reactions at some point
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Well, truth be told there is not much you can do. You can try to be unpredictable and guess what she is doing, but it is only going to take you so far.
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You don't, you just try your luck.
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The only counter to spirit is perfect communication.
If you can communicate to your teammates you're being chased by spirit and they have to do gens, there is very little even spirit can do against that.
So the DBD devs are at a crossroad where they have to decide where to go: buff survivors to have basekit communication(ping system) and then buff all remaining killers to cope with that kind of communication, or nerf spirit
Personally, I hope they buff survivors so that killers in general can be made stronger without dividing them into strong 1v1 killers(seriously, the 1v1 design on killers tends to be boring on casual games, maps are not balanced around them at all, making them either really oppressive, or really weak, no in betweens).
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You can pray to the lord that she is bad
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It’s true. Many have argued about this, most tend to dc If she’s killer. Bhvr needs to rebalance the whole game. I get that is hard to do, but right now it’s a slaughter fest for survivors.
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I won some chases againts Baby Spirit. So Spirit has counterplay, i confirmed it!
No thank you.
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Fact: none of these actually work.
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You can't win the microgame against the spirit (1v1) but you can win the macrogame against the spirit (1v4) just play smart and efficient and hope for the best
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Lol that's cute fanart
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: D if you wish to see more similar of those, go here
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Iron Will does nothing against a good Spirit, they don't even bother running Stridor. The counter is essentially predrop strong pallets and get really lucky.
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Yeah you clearly missed the point entirely
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Try to play stealthy.
While it is true that in chase a good spirit will kill you that can not happen if she rarely gets to chase you. As such stealth is a good option and Spine Chill a good perk also Sprint Burst can give her a hard time.
Also not every Sprit is a god tier player with a good headset. The "no counter" argument is targeted at good/great Spirits with the equipment. But not every Spirit is that god tier tournament player with 300$ headset.
As such you can try to confuse the spirit by double vaulting, crouching and other stuff. It can work and it will work. Windows and vault are her enemy as she can not phase through them. Predropping pallets is also a good way. Try to read the Spirit if she does the same approach multiple times and play by it. Most people are predictable.
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Spine Chill helps a lot
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Watch some YT videos about it and hope for the best.
Also Iron will, spine chill and lucky break are good perks against her
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Your best bets are hiding and gen rushing because she is very strong in chases. If you are in SWF it's very possible to win against her
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Do gens faster than she can hook pretty much. In chase you just hope for the best
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Toss a coin, nothing is going to stop a good Spirit from killing you unless you get extremely lucky and your teammates rush gens like madmen
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Spine Chill?
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Barely does anything but it technically can help.
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50ty 50ty