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Who is the weakest killer?

Member Posts: 995

I mean the least viable against decent/good SWF teams.

Hard time deciding between Legion,Trickster,Trapper,Clown

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Arguably, Legion.

  • Member Posts: 256


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    Everyone but Trickster is 115% and Legion and Clown have a "free hit". It still would be hard tho.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Trickster is weak and bottom tier Killer for sure but no way he is the worst lol.

    In my opinion: Trapper. He NEEDS bag addon to be at least playable, his power can be againts decent Survivors or groups, etc. or with bad luck totaly countered, making him M1 base killer.

    His power has also many RNG factors (trap spawns, escape chances, etc .). Also he needs waste his time to pick up and place traps that can be easy turned off again.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    depends on the player

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 2021

    I'd say legion.

    Trickster has something at least being able to shoot over short wall loops and out in the open or with Main Event if you get lucky.

    Legion does nothing and arguably hinders himself if survivors spread out, which it what they should be doing anyway.

    So in any game with decent survivors Legion will effectively have no power, except to maybe hinder himself with a 4 second stun just to get a hit slightly faster.

  • Member Posts: 15,095


  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Trickster on his worst map

    Trapper overall

    Legion and clown don't even come close to the worst

  • Trapper's traps are game changing and satisfying when they work, Trickster is not rewarding at all, also Trapper is 115%

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Trapper, trickster can be oppressive in some loops. Trapper is just terrible

  • Member Posts: 374

    Trapper, Trickster and myers are the worst atm

  • Member Posts: 981

    Trapper. Looks good with the new model but his power is still bad. Traps can be disarmed quiet easy, he has no map presence and unless you set up a good basement your can not build any pressure. And worsed of all: He can only carry 1 trap. This does not allow him to juggle traps with his basekit making him even more limited.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I’d agree mostly but he has some decent add ons like the less laceration and increased fire rate ones

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Legion can be looped easily and one good survivor can make him lose a game. At least clown and trickster can get the down somewhat consistently

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Trickster. 100%. I can put up a fight with legion. Trapper a little less so. Clown and trickster would get demolished. Trickster would be laughed at. Ive played 4 man swfs with legion but i wish i could play a really good one. Just to know

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    You arent playing him right. Using your ability you can figure out who the weak link is pretty quick. Prioritize that person for deletion. Thats the beauty of legion. If theyre all good then its a dog fight for the 3 gen, youre able to keep everyone injured and removing pallets around the 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    What happens if they are all good? That’s what I’m basing them off since if they want to be viable against good teams they need to have anti loop

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Then youre getting rid of pallets around the 3 gen. Theyre all injured, at least most of them will be if they arent running off and healing. Idgaf how good a survivir is, if theyre injured and have no pallets theyre boned. TL only lasts so long. Because legion is fast hes able to apply pressure to the whole team.

    Im NOT claiming hes god tier, of course other killers are better, i am saying hes underrated. Legion played properly though, when the 3 gen gods are present, can be way more of a nightmare than people give them credit for. Hes better than Mikey, ill tell you that.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    And if there is no 3 gen because the survivors played well? What about main building windows and long wall set ups that spawn commonly?

    Fact is legion can not consistently end chases against even a decent survivor on most maps leading him to being underwhelming. Any killer that is played well can do well consistently against red ranks even trickster

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    And any killer outside nurse and spirit can get cucked hard in the way youre talking about. Im not saying hes A tier, im saying hes not in the bottom 5.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    of course but what I’m saying is even against 4 decent loopers legion can’t do well compared to other often considered bottom 5 killers

    Myers: Can sneak up and tier 3 for instant down

    Clown: Has decent anti loop to end chases

    Trapper: Can end chases instantly with 1 trap

    Trickster: Can end chases slow but somewhat consistently

    Pig: Better slowdown than legion and potential anti loop with add ons.

    Legion while he can injure everyone unlike others like Myers, wraith, and ghostie can’t follow up on it

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    With trapper theyre just running to the next loop and theyre buddy is disabling the trap

    Pigs antiloop sucks against the kind of survivor your talking about because they just leave the loop as soon as you drop down. Also, once tge team realuzes you dont suck at looping yourself they start to heal which i would argue is more consistent a slowdown than her.

    Trickster is the most easily looped killer in the game and has 0 map pressure, this is why hes so bad.

    Clown, sure he can end chases decently but takes him longer to get 2 hits AND his map pressure is #########

    Mikey might get 2 or 3 instadowns a game TOPS, less against really good survivors. Hes criminally OVERRATED.

    Legion keeps most of the team exposed through the whole match, as the pallets disappear and the map gets smaller this becomes a serious problem

  • Member Posts: 4,092


  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Being 1 shot isn’t an issue if even a decent window set up shuts him down completely

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Legion is the worst

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Thats true of every killer except nurse/spirit. Spirit to a lesser extent than nurse. Clown and freddy have options thats about it. Maybe doc if hes REALLY good

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Slinger, nurse, hag, trapper, huntress, PH, Nemesis, Oni, Demo, Doctor, Clown, Freddy and even Myers can deal with windows

    Legion just has to play them normally

  • Member Posts: 252

    Clown is not in that conversation. he has strong chase. Trapper and legion are the worst against good players, legion is probably the worst overall.

  • Member Posts: 7,161






    They are the bottom of the pile.

  • Member Posts: 2,446


    Against a SWF who's good at countering Trapper, he basically doesn't have a power because they'll constantly get disarmed. Granted I've only ran into a SWF like that once, but let me tell you it really sucks when it does.

    Legion vs a SWF won't get chain hits but you can still get injuries stupidly easy.

    Trickster vs a SWF still makes certain loops useless and can punish altruism very hard.

    Myers vs a SWF probably won't be able to make sneaky plays but Tier 3 will still happen and insta down somebody.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Youre very concerned with windows for some reason. That hasnt been much of a problem for me, if you decide to play legion and it is for you run bamboozle 🤷‍♂️

    Different killers have different strengths and weaknesses, always been true always will be. Legion is above average in both categories (because he can run and because most of the team is injured through most of the match, that first hit will always be faster). Its up to you to how you deal with that

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