When are the devs gonna get rid of NOED?



  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    When I saw there was a dev comment, I was hoping for a sassy one like "we ain't gonna do it!" But this was funny too lol

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894
  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I'll never understand why people defend Noed :'D

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    In a survivor sided game how dare anyone complain about a single killer perk? And a perk that is not even good.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,152

    Should have done totems with small game,map or detective hunch.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    we all know this is true, despite the feedback you’ll likely get saying it’s up to YOU to cleanse all totems blah blah. Noed is a crutch, game breaking perk gig unskilled killers. Periodt.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Yeah but I don't want to give up my DS, Unbreakable, Deadhard, Borrowed Time perk slots. Not to mention I dont want to drop my key for a silly map.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Exhaustion perks are crutch, game breaking perks gig (sic) unskilled survivors. Periodt.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Lol. You guys should play both side to understand the frustration of playing solo Q survivor is. And therefore, the legitimate issue of the complaints concerning NoED.

    "Them VS us" mentality brings nothing to the debate. And that will show up one day. By not having constructive arguments other than "do bones" or comparing NoED to exhaustion perks or SWF, the little baby you're trying to protect will be gutted just like Hillbilly.

  • ITSCJ46
    ITSCJ46 Member Posts: 17

    facts, perks like Dead Hard are easy to bait as killer and Adrenaline rewards survivors for surviving till the end game, NOED rewards killers for not killing all the survivors yet

  • ITSCJ46
    ITSCJ46 Member Posts: 17

    Adrenaline rewards survivors for surviving till end game, NOED rewards a killer for not doing their objective? stop comparing it to exhaustion perks

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Adrenaline also gives you sa health state. I know it gives exhaustion i dont think of it as an exhaustion perk though since youll get the health state and speed burst even if youre already exhausted.

    NOED is directly comparable to exhaustion perks, im not going to stop pointing that out just because it makes your argument #########. Even adrenaline, a claudette hiding in a locker in basement can get adrenaline. She then would have got it for nothing eh?

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    Saying noed isn't fair because it rewards bad killers? Surely a bad killer would. Only get the one down ? As survivors get more efficient end game is playing a bigger part of the game not sure why we should shame kills for using it when it has so many downsides

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742


    We both know how the game is survivor sided, especially with SWF. And you know that NOED doesnt work against Swf (except of they are silly or new to the game).

    Solo players dont have the same level of informations, and the gap Noed actually creates between the 2 categories (solo vs swf) is too big. That's why I think it's not balanced in it's current state.

    SoloQ asks for buff for years. Kindred base kit, ping system... What they got ? Small game totem count ? Wow.

    Bhvr wont risk anything concerning balance, (orbon the contrary will kill things for whatever reason), please don't join their poor decision making.

    NOED is cool, but the way it works now is outdated.

  • ITSCJ46
    ITSCJ46 Member Posts: 17

    I think Adrenaline would be more interesting if the devs done this, if you're currently downed, it picks you up and heals you (like right now), if you're just injured it will heal you but no speed boost, and if you're fully healed jus the speedboost obviously, this is me being generous considering it definitely doesn't need to be nerfed, I play both sides and I never found Adrenaline to be annoying. NOED rewards most killers that use it for being bad, it literally gives you at least 1 free kill, this sh*t of "just cleanse tottems" is such a stupid counter for people playing solo q, etc.

  • ITSCJ46
    ITSCJ46 Member Posts: 17

    IMO this game is ONLY survivor sided when you in SWF, solo q survivors does not make the game "survivor sided" the devs have nerfed a lot more survivor things over the last 2-3 years then killer nerfs, the game will never actually be balanced.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    I dont have a problem with adrenaline, or exhaustion perks, or noed. My point is any argument you can maje about nied can be made about exhaustion perks, including "if everyone has exhaustion perks it guarantees you at least 1 escape. This 'just play around it argument is bullshit.'"

    Neither is a true statement, but bith arent entirely wrong either.

    Noed is a simple counter. Dont do bones, if it pops, leave. Dont feed the noed user. Simple as that. Also keep in mind that killer played with only 3 perks all game, if hed had 4 maybe he would have been able to apply more pressure and wouldnt have looked "bad." Hell a lot of times its run with blood warden so he played with 2.

    Noed exists to encourage doing bones, which slows the game down giving the killer more of a chance to get more hooks. But people dont want to do bones, so the games fly. PLUS all your exhaustion perks extend chases even more.

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    I mean, assuming you pay as much attention to these threads as you did to the colorblind ones, NOED is here to stay until you lash out on stream again. Things only change in this game when the devs feel pressured. They don't want to balance or optimize the game of their own accord. Because that would be trying.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2021

    They are similar :D Let's make NOED 1-shot but have to wait for 40-60 seconds to get the 1-shot again, like Adrenaline does. Balanced, as all things should be.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The problem with that is noed only applies at the end of the match and only if the survivors didnt cleanse bones (which admittedly is very common). Unlike sprint burst, lithe, dead hard, head on, balanced landing and whatever other exhaustion perk im not thinking of. Thats the balance. You get to extend chase all game, i get to shirten chase during end game. Balance.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Being one shot for not doing anything all game is not balanced. Adrenaline has a requirement of doing all the gens to receive a reward. Hex: Devour Hope is the closest to NOED but requires you to get hooks plus stay far away for your 1-shots. NOED isn't balanced. You did nothing but lose. It's a perk from days when the game was severely unbalanced.

    It either needs a requirement to activate or a cd per 1-shots. A killer should never get rewarded for chasing someone all game and not doing anything else because they know they got a 1-shot. Even Adrenaline and other perks have a CD as a downside except Adrenaline. It has a CD and a requirement. NOED should require at least 5 hooks to get its effect just like Adrenaline.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You're being one-shot because of:

    1. You were too lazy to do bones
    2. The Killer was able to protect at least one unlit totem.

    Neither of those is the 'for no reason' tripe or 'rewards bad play' garbage Survivors push to pretend NoED is some invincible uber-perk that is impossible to counter and gets 5 billion kills, per match.

    One is Survivor's fault, and one is Killer playing well, not badly. Anything else is a falsehood pushed solely to nerf a disliked (not OP) perk.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited July 2021

    1) NOED is a hex perk, additionally survivors literally get emblem points toward their OBJECTIVE category for doing a dull totem: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Emblems So many points, such that if you cleanse all 5 dull totems, you are guaranteed to get a SILVER.

    2) it is a stupid comparison

    3) see 3

    Just do bones. The reason they can't get rid of NOED in it's current state, is that it is the only counter to gen rushing. If survivors slam gens and don't do totems, or loot chests, or other objectives, the game goes too fast. The game is designed around the idea that survivors do their secondary objectives. But most at high level do not. NOED punishes that, just as DS punishes killers for tunneling. Killers don't KNOW that the survivor has DS, but they always assume they do. Why can't survivors assume the killer has NOED and just do the totems?

    I made a thread about this a while back here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/260542/unpopular-opinion-noed-should-not-be-nerfed-changed/p1 But i'll paste the main point here for you:

    Against most survivors, and even at the high level play team Oracle for example, everyone agrees that a killer MUST have some sort of game delay, or gen regression perk. Well, let's look at all of those perks that are classified as game delay/gen defense:

    • Corrupt Intervention (Plague)
    • Dead Man's Switch (Deathslinger) *also a bad perk
    • Dying Light (Myers) *also a bad perk
    • Eruption (Nemesis)
    • Hex: Huntress Lullaby (Huntress) *also a bad perk
    • Hex: Ruin (Hag)
    • Oppression (Twins) *also a bad perk
    • Overcharge (Doctor) *also a bad perk
    • Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown)
    • Surge (Demogorgon)

    Now, if we only look at the good perks, you basically have:

    • Corrupt Intervention
    • Eruption (Usually has to be paired with something else)
    • Hex: Ruin
    • Pop Goes the Weasel
    • Surge

    Do you see anything in common with all of these perks? They are all teachables. With the exception of Hex: Huntress Lullaby, which is an extremely terrible perk mind you. The rest of them require you to spend shards or money to access a killer. Then you must level that killer to 40, to get their teachables, then level the killer of your choice to get the perk you want.

    There are no gen regression/defense/slowdown perks that exist as baseline perks. NOED is basically your only other option if you don't take some sort of gen defense.

    Thus, if you want to nerf/change Hex: NOED, you first need to give a VIABLE gen defense perk as a baseline non-teachable to give people some sort of alternative.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Being able to sprint across the map anytime you want or avoid going down several times a match without doing anything is not balanced at all.

    See how easy this is? Its because exhaustion perks ARE THE BALANCE to noed. Together, you have balance. If you want to nerf noed then you need to nerf all exhaustion perks

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    "Why can't survivors assume the killer has NOED and just do the totems?"

    The answer is simple; Survivors don't want too.

    They WANT to slam gens as fast as possible, and NoED, just by existing, means they can't. But then they do anyways, get hit with NoED, and scream it's 'unfair' and 'OP' and 'Unhealthy' for the game.

    Because, in their minds 'Healthy Game' = 'Do Gens & Win ASAP'. They refuse to do bones, then pretend it's not their fault that NoED proc'd. Instead, they blow it up into this uber-perk that no one can counter, because they refuse to do the counter that exists.

    For them; It's 'Unfair' that they have to stop slamming gens. And 'OP' that they have to hunt for totems. And 'Unhealthy' that the Killer can find them, or protect their totems. And thus, NoED is all of those things, just for doing what it exists to do.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742
  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283
    edited July 2021

    Why should they get rid of NOED? Its survivors own lazyness if noed hits in the end of the match. Theres 4 survivors im sure 1 of you can use a perk to find totems and leave the gen rushing to the other 3. Gens are already rushed before i can barely find 1 survivor so why should they get rid of something that punishes lazy survivors? I'm always saying GG if i lose to my own lazyness. Usually i try to find totems and i ask my friends to do the same but most of the times people just genrush and yes ive gotten punished by it but i never get toxic or salty since in the end it was our fault for tunnelvisioning just the gens.

    Noed doesnt just help *bad killers* It helps against gen rushing survivors that take less than 5 minutes to pop them all. Red ranks are very able to loop the killer long enough for the others to just rush gens.

    I'm not the best killer in the world but this game is very survivor sided, and yes i play mostly survivor and i still admit its survivor sided.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    You bring up a good point. NOED is the only perk that activates after the gens are completed. They could start looking into adding more perks that activate during end game to incentive doing bones more.

    Imagine if No Way Out was actually a hex totem that blocked the gates for a minute or two or until the totem is cleansed (based on tokens, like Devour. The more hooks, the longer it'll last until max time). That could be very interesting and make bones feel more worthwhile instead of like a "time waster", doing them on the off chance 1/20 killers brought NOED.

    It would give dull totems more agency. Or perks based on tokens that do nothing and will eventually light a totem in the match after X objective for the perk is reached.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Would normally agree that it should lose the speed increase or only work on hooked survivors and I still agree with the last part but now that we have counterforce I can hardly say it truly needs a nerf. That perk existing is your noed nerf

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    how many survivor perks take nothing to get activated/work,

    deadhard -you have to be injured and press e

    lithe - vault a window

    sprintburst - press shift

    ironwill - equip it

    unbreakable - be slugged

    bt - just unhook someone now

    list goes on... leave it alone, like if some more perks got nerfs then sure. its not like noed is free pressure, you have to lose all the gens, and pray bones arent done, then at that people can cleanse it. its really whatever.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2021

    Its not all match. Its once per 40 seconds of walking around. No one is using their exhaustion perks more than once per chase and 3 seconds vs 1 shot are 2 different things. NOED is a free down for not doing your objective and probably face camping. A survivor has limited time in a match, specially with Ruin in the game to do all totems plus all gens if someone is being camped.

    If you want to reverse that experience, run no slowdown perks against SWFs and nothing that speeds up attack recovery and dont use Spirit or Nurse and tell me how it feels to get rushed without no real way to stop it. Its the same for survivors. You have limited time. You waste time looking for hidden totems while someone is camped and you lose a survivor with no gen progress. Now its a 3 vs 1.

    All you have to do it repeat the camp and now its a 2 vs 1 with 3 gens left and now you're 1 gen left with 1 on the the hook and 1 person doing the last gen. This would be every match if the killer catches someone quickly and face camps while the survivors are worrying about NOED. Not enough time. Gens take 80 seconds. Totems take 15 seconds and you have to find them also. Hook timer is 2 minutes until death. See the issue here? If a killer just camps with NOED, you will always lose as a survivor.

    That shouldn't be rewarded. Half of the time, survivor's don't even get Adrenaline because they're dead before it begins and NOED speed boost is permanent while exhaustion ones are 3 seconds with a long CD and have requirements for activation. NOED needs changed. I say 6 hooks to get NOED and if a survivor isn't rescued for a hook state, that hook state doesn't count towards NOED.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You're being one-shot because of:

    1. You were too lazy to do bones
    2. The Killer was able to protect at least one unlit totem.

    Neither of those is the 'for no reason' tripe or 'rewards bad play' or 'Failing to do your job' garbage Survivors push to pretend NoED is some invincible uber-perk that is impossible to counter and gets 5 billion kills, per match.

    If a Killer killed you before you escaped; he succeeded at his job. It's not over just because all 5 gens pop.

    This false idea that Killers 'failed' because gens popped needs to stop. it's creating this false idea that Killers lost just because the gates are powered, and that is what people are basing NoED on.

    They did not fail if they killed you before you left, regardless of WHEN that killed happened!

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Im sorry that a killer can face camp each person to death with NOED and always win because of time constraints for survivors :) You can't do everything if the killer face camps. You do not have enough time.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    speed rushing kills? you mean trying? so when killers stop trying, then you'll try and do totems? You realize that if your dying hella fast, thats usually on you for not utilizing your resources properly. hell, just holding W alone can stall up to a minute.

    If a killer is "rushing kills", they are literally doing their objective as a killer. same with gen rushing, your doing your objective but for survivors, its riskier since you're taking the risk of hex perks screwing you over. If you willingly ignore totems just to do gens, then you know the risk, dont complain when a NOED bites you on the way out of the game.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    3 seconds is not at all comparable to what happens when most exhaustion perks are used πŸ˜‚

    If we assume it takes about 15 seconds of chase to get a hit, then thats about what most exhaustions perks give you. Whatever the number is, NOED is the inverse.

    "noed is a free down for not doing your job"

    "exhaustion perks are a free health state for not doing yiur job"

    I can do this all day.

    Ive got 3k hours in this game, theres not a survivor/killer/build/experience i havent had.

    Everything else is just more whining about noed. I dont care. As long as exhaustion perks are in the game and you can do bones survivors have no room to complain. Heres a thought, why doesnt every survivor drop their exhaustion perks and run small game instead and do bones? If everyone did thst, youd never see noed again

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I'm sorry that Survivors can't do bones and will blame 'camping' for literally everything. :)

    If the Killer 'face camps' then you are free to find Totems. Unlike your false narrative hinting that he can; he cannot 'face camp' AND protect his totem.

    So which is it? Camping? Or defending NoED?

    Oh, and if he has someone hooked near a lit NoED totem? Do gates & leave. You don't deserve the unhook just because you want it. He hooked them, he's camping. You don't get to save everyone just because you feel it's 'unfair' otherwise.

    Also, and again, you omit this to push your 'NoED is OP' narrative, he can't defend NoED until NoED procs, because he had no idea which totem will become NoED.

    Unless he picks one at random to defend...Which, AGAIN, means he's not 'face camping' or patrolling gens very well.

    Funny how, if you don't skip over literally every other aspect of the game, the Killer is unable to be in 2 places at once and do the two things Survivors love to complain about, at the same time!

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    You spoke my point. Do gens and leave if he's camping. Oh, you didn't do totems, get NOED'd. Seems about right. Thank you for helping my point.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Yup. Cause noed magically nuked all remaining survivors from orbit πŸ˜‚ ######### man πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    I personally prefer Detective's Hunch. While a gen has to get done for it to proc, you also know generator locations and can see totems from most areas on a map.

    With seeing generators remaining, I know what gens need to be done to prevent a 3-gen on top of seeing how many totems are left on the map. It's really useful in both regards and requires only one perk instead of multiple, like Visionary/Deja Vu (it's Deja Vu, right?) or something WITH Small Game for that 3-gen knowledge.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    You know what to do....

  • darryl
    darryl Member Posts: 29

    Mettle of man was nerfed cause it rewards survivors for playing bad.Doesnt noed do that?