Devour Hope Ghostfaces are just awful.

That’s it. That’s the post. Clap for the big brain play, but oh man, being stealth hit like this on Lery’s or Midwich... ugh...
Do bones.
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Is it different when i do it on those maps with 3 Tokens as Wraith from an uncloak coming out from behind a wall?
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thanks for the idea man
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Trapper +Devour+Bloody Coil can be fantastic if it spawns in the right place. I had it spawn inside the shack not too long ago so I sealed it like a can of sardines. The survivors had no hope.
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This is one of the reasons why detectives hunch is permanently in my build. I would also suggest premonition but that Is currently bugged.
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Sounds like a fun Idea. Honestly not sure why your complaining. This game legit has perks to counter hex perks. If your not doing bones you got reason to complain. Especially with Devour Hope needing you to go down in the first place.
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Spine Chill is better than Premonition.
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Yeah but I just prefer premonition since spine chill is countered by looking the opposite direction. Plus I have had some bad memories of spine chill lighting up and me running into the killer. Premonition completely negates these too downsides.
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Yea, I do that a lot versing Ghostface and Myers.
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Kinda. Ghostface has immediacy though.
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I know. I’m kinda joking in this post. But it’s one of those combos that makes me go “oh great, we’re all gonna die now” coz finding Hexes on those maps without detection isn’t fun.
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Every time I try to cleanse all of the totems to prevent devour or noed my team always dies before I find the last and cleanse them all, or enough of them are dead with so many generators up it wasn't worth it to begin with. People don't realize how time consuming totem cleansing is. Even with a map and Jill's perk I still can't find and cleanse all the totems before my entire team is either dead or death hook.
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Combo’ing both Premonition and Spine Chill is still excellent. Get a really good idea on what the killer is doing/where they’re coming from without the downsides of other killer detection.
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I not really complaining. More if a joke/exasperated sigh.
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The games always a steam roll in one direction or the other tbh.
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Yeah I'm thinking about doing that and making a build around them? Although I think I should wait until premonition is fixed
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For Devour, you only need to find one lit totem, unless they're running Undying, then just look for two. For NoEd, if you're playing Solo, it is actually more time efficient to wait for the last gen to pop, make sure you're not found, and to look for the lit totem.
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Yea about that... you see each match has a killer that can traverse the map pretty fast and they can also see hex totems. I've tried every "safest" ways possible to cleanse the hex totems and it just isn't as good as people say it is. Sounds like a good idea, but plays out very differently in a real match.
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Eh. I think, as far as stealth killers go, Wraith is a way better user of Devour than Ghostface is. More mobility, will activate 3 stacks before Ghostface can against most teams, better shot at getting 24m away before overeager rescuers can make a play. Ghostface's ability to approach undetected is very dependent on the map and the alertness of survivors.
The only reason I'd run Devour on Ghostie is for that sweet mori of his.
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You wouldnt like me much either 😬
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Yeah but once he has his 3 stacks, DH is ridiculous on him while he’s in stealth.
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Stealth Killers + Stealth Perks like Tinkerer are why Spine Chill never leaves my loadout.
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Yea, I mainly play Survivor and I don't have much trouble with finding and cleansing totems, without any maps or perks. The only time I have trouble is when it's Midwich, Lerys or The Game, but that's because I hate indoor maps and try to blot them from memory. You're supposed to cleanse the totems when the killer is in a chase with someone, and if your teammates can't last long enough for one cleanse, then y'all are going to lose no matter what.
If you need help, Small Game has a totem counter and it gives you a noise notification to let you know you're near a gen and what direction it is in. Detectives Hunch shows you where the totems are when you finish a gen. The new perk Counter Force lets you cleanse them 20 percent faster and shows you the furthest totem from you after you cleanse one, while granting you additional cleansing speed.
Heck, run Plunderers to horde pink maps. I do this and I have 150 maps in my inventory.
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Imagine Ruin, Haunted Grounds, Devour Hope and Surge on spirit
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Devour + Undying + Make Your Choice is my free win combo on Ghost.
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I literally mean it when I say I have tried everything to get rid of all of the totems as fast as possible and it just doesn't work. They are all too often VERY far apart from each other. I have had several matches today where the totems were each on the opposite side of the map every time I cleansed one. The run time alone was over half the match for me. Cleansing them took that much more time. Also this is all in the assumption that there is a totem around that is going to be bad news for us unless we know there is a hex that needs to be cleansed. The totems also do nothing to progress the objective required to power the exit gates which is why many survivors ignore them. Totem cleansing is just not in the category of interest for many survivors because it feels like a job that doesn't always give that much of a benefit. It really sucks because some hex totems are so strong they essentially give the killers a 2nd power.
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Again, when it comes to NoEd and Devour, you only need to do the lit totems. Secondly, you are not the only survivor, your role is a team role and your teammates should be cleansing the totems. If they don't think cleansing a dull totem is worth it, and pay for it later, that is on your teammates. If I cleanse several totems, and make it to endgame, and NoEd pops, I dip out the doors asap if my teammates were terrible. I'll only stay behind to rescue someone who looped the killer well.
Finally, start running Inner Strength if you want to get value from dull totems and suggest it to players you play with. You get a nice, easy, quick heal for every totem you cleanse, by getting into a locker.
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I love using devour hope
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Again, you're missing the point. Cleansing a noed totem is literally a good luck not gonna happen. Its a rare occasion and I mean RARE that the noed totem is found. Also as I said, finding the totems during the match, EVEN WITH the map and perks, STILL takes a very long time to do and its also one less person doing gens and probably someone is being chased by the killer at this point which means you might have 2 people doing gens. You're basing your statements on best case scenarios when that literally is not the way it happens in matches most of the time in my experience. Totems take a long time to find often times and they take a long time to cleanse even with perks. Killers gain way too much power and advantage over survivors with totems for how long it takes to find and cleanse them.
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You know how the curse goes.
When the killer has hexes, no one has totem perks and they're all hidden perfectly.
When the killer doesn't, everyone brings their totem assassin builds.
But only when you're survivor.