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Crowns are not being given. I escaped as Zarina with the sparkly effect and didn't get the item.
Can confirm killer's are not receiving there's either.
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supposedly fixed now if you restart your game.
Also itd be very important if anyone sees this happening you report the following info
System played on: pc ps xbox mobile etc
Do you already own y/n a crown if so what year?: y/n 1st 2dn 3rd 4th year
Did you wear an old crown in your match y/n?:
Specifics matter ;)
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You can see in the video I attached that I'm on PC, and none of those other things apply.
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Same thing happened to me on Kate. PC
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Do we get another crown or is the same as last year? cus in the vid on youtube they have other looking crowns and when i played and escaped i recieved the crown from last year.
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Yeah i saw. :D But i do work in support and you have no idea how many wouldn't really look for those things it's sad really but it happens.
Pretty sure behavr reacted better than most large companies i've worked for :D
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From... Last year? No, it's separate, there should be one specifically for this event
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indeed here you go this years on display last years is a hollow circle
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sorry edit messed up thought post was deleted.
Post edited by Midnght on0 -
Yes I played as Leon on Xbox and I escaped while sparkling and I was Excited because this is my first crown so I went to equip it and it wasn’t there and I was thinking did I do something wrong but it seems I’m not only person that is having problems
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@DomAntSal You did nothing wrong, Leon is a licensed character, the crowns are only available for original Killer and Survivor characters.
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So is this fixed?
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yes this issue is fixed, but if you've had your game open from when the issue occurred, you will need to restart.
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And for the list of character in case your not sure which ones they are that can get a crown see this post
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I've had my ps4 off since i noticed it happening, just finished a match, got crown with Twins and do not have it.
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Issue is still not fixed. Did a trapper game and didn't get the crown. I do have the crowns on all characters from last year.
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Same. No word yet. Played Twins
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I played a couple more games after that one and it eventually gave me the crown. Trying again might help. Seems like it was either delayed or you had to play a couple games to get it to start working.
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Didn't want to waste any more of my time since I'm only playing this beta like game atm for the event crowns, but I'll give it a few more tries.
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Hello I went and retried to get a crown this time with bill and my did it and I still don’t have it unlocked
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Bill is a licenced character, you cannot get crowns for the licenced characters.
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I honestly though the first post was going to be they went with bill and then didn't get a crown. seems there needs to be a pop up saying who can get the crowns as no one reads patch notes or looks around on who can.
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I escaped with the sparkle effect as Nancy Feng nea yui and Cheryl have received it I restarted my game and everything
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I am still not receiving crowns on my account and my boyfriends. Yes, i am aware of which characters are licensed or not. I tried around 20 times with dwight this morning and another 5 successful escapes with feng. Still no crowns besides my last year ones. :( I also tried restarting already.
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Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, Ace, Feng, David, Kate, Adam, Jeff, Jane, Yui, Zarina, Felix, Élodie and Yun-Jin are original characters, which may be able to get crown.
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When you play licenced character you can't get:
- Better face for Quentin and cosmetics.
- Better face for Laurie and cosmetics.
- Better face for Tapp and cosmetics.
- Crowns for all of licenced characters.
the question is: For what do we get those characters, when we can't have 100% fun with them?
BHVR really, better make your own survivors and killers than trying to put some popular here if you can't get a licence for them, what make all of us really enjoy them.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Oh... wait... you playing licenced character, so nevermind... Anniversary is not for you! Same with cosmetics... Well... GG
In my opinion BHVR should stop making new characters that long as long they can't fix the licence problem with characters that are already in game - OR - leave that, and start making only original characters. It's not fun when you can't enjoy game in 100% cause something is blocking you about licence.
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Made a post about it effecting one killer before but discovered more are effected I think the crown bug might be back on the killers side as I did a few matches as spirit while grabbing the sparkles and 2 as hag and didn't get the crown for either of them I will continue to test by grabbing the sparkles on other non licensed characters I own and I don't have the crown on for a few matches
Platform: xbox one
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Played a game as Wraith and didn't get the crown, although I did interact with the pedestal and finished the game accordingly. On PC.
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Played as Twins and didn't get it either.
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did you end the game as victor, because if you end the game while being victor you don't get the crown, same glitch they had on release where you wouldn't get sacrifice emblem points as victor but its now with the crown
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Yeah I did, I'm gonna try again later thanks!