Caleb Quinn AKA Deathslinger Mending Attack

BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think this just needs to be removed as something that Deathslinger can do because no one can ever mend. Deathslinger is meant to be played like Legion like when they put you into a mending state and get left alone but, since that isn't the case for Deathslinger players can the mending state just be removed.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I never understood why it gives deep wounds tbh I've seen deathslingers use the mend add ons which seem pointless

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I guess they wanted to give him some form or Reward if he manages to hit someone but is unable to reel them in. However, I can probably count on one hand how often I actually broke free from the Chain when playing against Deathslinger (except for those occasions where they want me to break free because I am the Obsession and they are running STBFL).

    So the Deep Wound is kinda pointless since he does not really need it, most of the time it is either a Hit or a Down, breaking free is really happening on rare occasions.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Nice to know that I am not the only one that sees that is the most useless thing ever since no one like I said plays him like a long-range Legion which is how he is meant to be played

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited July 2021

    Have you ever played Deathslinger?

    If you can count it on one hand, then you just don't know how to play against him. He can't hit you over pallet (unless it is super unsafe), so this way he gets at least something from it.

    It is not good idea to remove slow-down from killer with already very weak map pressure.

    Deathslinger doesn't often leave players to mend like Legion, but it is often correct play, when you know that you can't down them fast enough. This way he get at least some pressure from it.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Then you need to tell that to my last Deathslinger because he sure for ######### pressuring the hell out of the map I was on so to say that he has very weak map pressure isn't even valid since I've seen it done many times. Also to answer have I played him, yes to be honest I'm not the greatest with him but even knowing my own limitations against any killer I go against I can tell you that if the killer seems to have a hard time pressuring the players in the game that's because of the player playing the killer it all matters what perks you have on and the fact will it help you or not same with addons so him having the ability to shoot you with his gun and put you in a mending state is worthless for him as a killer and you as a survivor since you never get the chance to mend anyway since he will gun you down 90% of the time

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    If it is worthless, then there is not reason to remove it.

    I main Deathslinger and it is definetly not worthless. There are two main situations where it is good:

    -you hit someone over pallet of window out of reach, you just let him break it and let him go. He was far from you already and speed boost didn't help it at all, so unless he is in dead zone, it is waste of time to commit on that.

    -you hit someone and see another survivor close to you. It is way better to switch target and force mend. Now you pressure two survivors at once.

    It is not valid, because you have done it many times? I just love that argument. Yeah, you can have map pressure against bad survivors, but you can have that with burger myers too. So yeah, if there is something what isn't valid, then it is argument- "I have done it, so it is how it works for eveyrone".

    He is slow killer, with limited range. He is definetly one of the best at 1v1, but good survivors will dodge at correct times and predrop pallets, so you can't just shoot them over it and just waste a lot of time. Holding W while breaking line of sight is also very good against him. Even if you hit every shot, decent team can gen rush you. Against good survivors you best chance is to hold 3-gen, which is viable with STBFL and Pop.

    If you don't use mending effect, then your map pressure is even worse than it is already.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    His mending is not worthless, if you know how to use it. There are two situations, where it is good:

    -you hit survivor over pallet or window from huge distance. Then it is good idea to leave him, because he was far away from start and speed boost didn't help it. It changes, if he is in dead zone.

    -you hit someone and there is another survivor close. Then it is better to switch target and force him mend. This was you pressure two survivors instead of one.

    Argument "I have done, so that's how it works" is really bad one. You think mending is worthless, so that means your map pressure is even worse than usual. Everyone can get good map pressure against bad survivors, even burger king Myers, but that doesn't mean that killer has good map pressure potencial by default.

    He is slow killer with limited range. He has one of the best 1v1 tho, but it is still not that easy against good survivors, there are things to slow you down. Break line of sight, hold W, pre-drop pallets and learn when to side-step. It is possible to have long chase even against Deathslinger.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    IDK why you posted the same thing twice but yea maybe for you playing as a Deathsligher as your Main Killer that is something you do where you put Survivors in a mending state and leave them so what you're saying is your the other 10% of people that actually play Deathslinger the way he is meant to pressuring Survivors to mend not every Deathslinger Killer plays like that all the ones I've seen since his release Shot put you in a mend state and then chase you to down you end of story these people don't play as you do sorry to burst your bubble back to reality where not every player plays the same so again I and it seems that other people that have messaged in the discussion agree that him putting you in a mending state is worthless you're the 1% who feels different about Deathslingers mending aspect of the game that is solely your decision

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    IDK why is it there twice too to be honest...

    "10% of people that actually play Deathslinger the way he is meant to pressuring Survivors to mend"

    So there are players who know how to play Deathslinger.

    "all the ones I've seen since his release Shot put you in a mend state and then chase you to down you end of story these people don't play as you do sorry to burst your bubble back to reality where not every player plays the same so again "

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but most players are bad at this game and this game should not be balanced about them.

    Most of Deathslingers don't use mending, that doesn't mean it is worthless. What the hell is that logic. When you wanna rate something you want to rate it based on people who know how to use it.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2021

    Yes, there are some players again 10% which is rare when coming across a Deathslinger player since again 90% of them just M1 or they put you in a mending state just to stay on you to down you never going out of the way to find anyone else so yes in those types of matches mending is useless.

    "I don't want to burst your bubble, but most players are bad at this game and this game should not be balanced about them."

    You say most you might as well say 75% of the player base is bad and that's just me being generous and yes I do believe the game should be more balanced towards them especially since they released Cross-Play which is a mix feeling since you can have a good killer or a garbage one same goes for survivors.

    "Most of Deathslingers don't use mending, that doesn't mean it is worthless"

    That does mean it is worthless because Survivors themselves never get the chance to mend which also means that the person playing Deathslinger isn't wracking up the points for putting people in Deep Wound status if these players keep playing the way they are which means not getting enough points to pip up if they just make the game short by not slowing the game down by forcing survivors to mend.

    "When you wanna rate something you want to rate it based on people who know how to use it"

    Also, I rate something by Science and Numbers which gives me a percentage I analyze the games I've played in as well as Streamers I watch as well my friends who share screen their games to me. I don't just all willy nilly toss numbers and percentages out of my ass just cause. I do the research. Something like this isn't hard and anyone can do this something I assume you do not and that's ok you just play the game and don't think about any of this like I do or other people that I know who do this kind of thing with Video Games. With your opinion, you don't see anything with Deathslinger but since I made this Discussion the people who have commented say the something as I do Deep Wound Effect is worthless and shouldn't be in the game for Deathslinger because 90% of players who play him don't play him as he was intended to be played as because they just want to end the game as soon as it starts which in my personal opinion is a stupid way to play the game.

    I know that the only reason why you are so massively defending Deathslinger and his Deep Wound status effect is that you play him as your main killer and what you're failing to realize that BeHavior gives no ######### about this Discussion not as they will ever read this and be like Hmmm.... this player has a good point maybe we should remove it so they will just do what they want to do adding more licensed and original killers with a map and move on never really fixing any of the bugs and issues in the game so just take all this as "My Own Opinion" and stop being so soft defending a character in a game

    Post edited by BigKuhfahl on
  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I understand why I denfend it, but I really don't understand why do you cry about it and want to remove it, when it is as you think "worthless".

    There is so many mechanics bad players don't use and that is definetly not reason to remove them. You say you want to balance around bad players sure. How is your suggestion balancing? His mending is not overpowered, so there is no reason to nerf it, or remove it. Bad players just don't know how to use it, how is that reason to remove it for balance? What does it change? It will just make already avarage killer even worse.