
Why is everybody, their mother, and their uncle Bubba farming?! I have not played against a killer even one single time today that wasn't farming. Just play the game you guys, it's not that hard. You're going to get points. Farming is so boring! So unbelievably boring! Just play the game normally. It's more fun that way!! And, it's not like survivors have a say. If a killer wants to farm, guess what that's how the game is going. Period!
I honestly envy you. I've gotten exact opposite. 5 cakes and either everyone is dead before a gen is popped or all the gens are done before you realize it.
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With the event going on right now, everyone is trying to get crowns I think.
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Just do gens. It forces the game to end and/or for them to kill you.
Problem solved, you can move onto your next match and hope not to encounter another farmer.
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And, to clarify if you want to farm and let people instant unhook everyone that is your prerogative. But, if I don't want to come over there to reveal my location to you (maybe because I want the iridescent unbroken emblem) then that is my prerogative. You do not get to message the other survivors (I play on console) and make them hunt me down and reveal my location to you. If you want the game and come find me!
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I love farm sometimes
And sometimes yep i dont want to farm
So its boring to face farmer killer/teamates thats farm you and eventually kills you because you were the onoy black sheep there..
Stop it
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I'm farming because it gets people crowns, I get crowns, everyone gets BP and all of my survivor matches for the day have involved being camped, slugged, and tunneled at 5 gens. I want people to actually enjoy trials vs me, and enjoy the event in general, so I farm with them. If you don't want to farm, shame, but oh well. Just do gens and I'll hook the rest of your teammates and maybe chase you
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Except the killers aren't doing any of this. I can only solo so many gens before they've hooked, let them be instant unhooked, and rehooked all other 3 survivors in the match. And, then the killers are using the other survivors to track me down because they don't want to have to do it themselves.
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What server are you on because I'm jealous. All I get in california are turbo sweatlords. Maybe 1 in 15 farms.
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You can’t blame survivors for wanting to farm BP during an event where they can get 180k everygame. That means 1 million bp every 6 games if you’re lucky and get a farming killer every match. Normally they earn 20k BP in a match which means 50 games just to earn the same amount of BP.
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It's funny, I've had the exact opposite experience. The last few Killer games that I played I tried farming with the survivors since we all had brought in cakes, but the survivors didn't want to farm, which is fine, so we ended up playing the game as usual. But then surprise, surprise, just as they are about to die and lose their crowns, then all the sudden they want to farm and be cooperative. I was like, "screw that, I tried playing nice and you didn't want to", so they ended up losing the crowns that they worked so hard to escape with.
Simply put, don't get pissed if the Killer doesn't follow your rule book.
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I just had a game start with me and the other 3 survivors all bringing anniversary cakes but the Legion D/C’d 10 seconds into the match out of pure spite. I’d give them the benefit of the doubt but they came in perkless, no addons, and zero offerings. That’s just low, honestly.
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I've been playing as normally and then switching to farming after everyone's on death hook. For the most part, it's been going well and people are happy with me.
But people are very frequently DCing on me on first/third down, even with 3-4 cakes in play. I'm fairly sure those players would have preferred me farming from the start and were not pleased with playing a match that appeared to be legitimate, especially considering I'm pretty generous about letting unhooked players get away and spreading my damage. And I'm hearing a lot of frustration right now with survivors who are using what few cakes they can gather and getting slaughtered with <10k points constantly.
Point being... no killer can make every survivor happy. Your opinion is not unanimous and people are going to do what they want.
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I only farmed for crowns. I took for original killers. And for this i just let them go. When they wanted more points, i just gave them.
But now, all killers finished. I am taking crowns for survivors. And after this, survivors will pain again.
Survivors were happy btw because of free escape and so much points.
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As someone with less than 100 hours in the game, farming this event is saving me potentially weeks of grinding perks for survivor and killer. If there are at least 4 cakes, I see if the survivors want to farm (sometimes they don't which sucks because they usually finish a gen or two before I get the memo). When they do farm with me the bp is usually 120k+. I find that groups with p3 survivors are less likely to farm, maybe because they don't need the bp or something and I can understand their frustration if they just want to play normally. But to be honest, I'm pretty stoked that I'm able to get all these meta perks so quickly.
On a side note, I played survivor for 4 hours today and didn't match with a single killer that wanted to farm and the games were pretty standard.