Nemesis Needs more than 2 Zombies

I think he needs a few tweaks to his add ons IMO, lemme tell you why,
with the size of maps like Haddonfield or Dead Dawg Saloon, The Swamp. It is much more threatening to have 3-4 total zombies roaming the map and make a part dangerous than having 2. Yeah, you get those 1/4 chances they are both at the right place at the right time but it lacks pressure, they are slow...super slow..and they get stuck in walls at a corner of a map... if you use addons it helps and they are faster, especially if you use a pink but idk you gotta be a bot imo to get hit by one unless you didn't see it.
Without add ons im almost positive you could use fixated to go around one. If not 4 total zombies then 3 default and then an addon to do something to the zombies an add a 4th spawn. It just makes more sense and their default detection range should be increased, sometimes i've watched some just stand there as someone ran right next to them. Maybe even be slighly faster by default too
On most maps two zombies are fine but when you get something like red forrest they might as well not exist because they don't do anything.
So yeah for these huge maps I think tweaking the number if zombies should be a thing. Not by much mind you maybe 1 at max 2 additional zombies if the map is mother's dwelling
Post edited by Hex_Ignored on6 -
I'd love to see more than two zombies on the bigger maps.
Unfortunately, the devs said anything more than two zombies would tank the game's performance.
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what the ######### kind of what???no way lmao
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I think that could actually be true. Gotta be honest here - this game wasn't coded by experts at launch and thus it has quite a big amount of issues beginning with the installer/updater itself.
The more that gets added onto unoptimized code, the clunkier, more unpredictable and weirded the program becomes.
This game would probably need to get re-written all over to get it straight and stable again. Thing is - this takes a huge amount of time and effort and of course money, so I don't think this will ever happen.
Biggest chance is to maybe get DbD2 at some point...
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Zombies are fine, they just need some Tweaks to their AI to not get stuck on basically everything.
Also, they are just there to be a minor help, the main task should still be done by the Killer. Having 4 Zombies to help with zoning is too much IMO.
And well, I guess the REAL reason why the Zombies exist is because it is a Resident Evil-Chapter. If Nemesis would be an original Killer with that power, they would not have brought Zombies, I am very sure of that. They are basically an excuse to make it a real RE-Chapter, because Zombies belong to RE.
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No he doesn't. Not every killer is going to be perfect on every map. Not every survivor has perks that work on every map. Dead Hard fails constantly, but I don't use Balanced because it's not good on every map. Should every single map be changed to make that one perk better for me as a survivor? No.
Some are better for certain killers, some are worse. Same with certain survivor perks. I've been bothered by zombies on Red Forest several times. I've been chased of totems, and gens, and totems again, and had to lead zombies away while teammates finished the gen without me. Just because a killer doesn't see the zombies bother survivors, that doesn't mean they aren't.
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Have you overlooked the part where without addons you can almost scoot by them with fixated ? Someone should try it, and i think 3-4 wouldn't be oppressive, the maps are huge.
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What performance?
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Thanks for you input but as you said, other people experience different things in their matches. For me, i still feel adding more life to the zombies would make it better, Nemesis could be one of the more complex killers that way which is what id want
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Need to be able to point to a zombie spot. Or remove the zombies and strengthen the main force.
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nah keep the zombies i love them, they just a little bit of fixin
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This question was already answered by a Developer:
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He really don't
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I see a lot of people calling them useless but the amount of times they've chased someone off a gen or been at the loop I'm at and I can either bait the survivor into them or get the hit easier is crazy. I've had some of them just stay near almost complete gens and scare the players away or block shack/god bus window. It's probably a (I forget the term) where you simply aren't remembering how often they actually work out for you. Like how you're 3 times more likely to remember when they were useless then when they were useful.
They are very rng heavy but thats kind of the point isn't it? He's still a 115 Killer with a (relatively) decent power. He doesn't really even need them, they're just a fun bonus.
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Permission Problem
You don't have permission to do that.
Official Dead by Daylight Channels
Seems like the post is somewhere where normal Forum Users cannot read it.
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Thanks for pointing that out @Aven_Fallen I've copied it to here:
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he doesnt, I think right now the zombies behavior and amount is in a near perfect position.
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I understand that there are killers that are better on some maps than on others, but the problem with Nemesis is that zombies are only good on indoor maps, which are 5 in total, against the other 31 outdoor maps.
If you can't really add more zombies because it affects performance (as @TragicSolitude said), you shouldn't have built the zombie mechanic from the beginning. There is no point in creating something that cannot be balanced because it can affect performance.
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That just tells you something about the games programming. Can’t even have more than two zombies? I flip on total war war hammer and get more frames than DBD with 12,000 units running around sometimes.
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It's hard for the game to handle more than 2 zombies.
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On contrary, I think having 1 zombie you could designate to stay near 1 gen/patrol multiple might be a better idea and give more strategy
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Then there should be more survivors. Zombies doing the job for the killer is not exactly fair.
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That's great news, this is the time of stuff I like seeing from the developers — even if it's not confirmed. I'd like to see the amount of zombies that would be in a map be based on the area of land that's usable for the survivors.
It's like putting a pack of sugar in a coffee cup, versus putting a pack of sugar in a litter of coffee. They obviously won't taste the same and that's what we want to avoid — we need more / less zombies to get the same, intended map pressure, across all maps.
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We make sure that by any means a Killer's power is not impaired by map characteristic.
For me, playing on the Xbox One X, that isn't true.
If I were to try to play Blight or Billy on Hawkins, Lery's or RCPD; I'd find it very difficult to use their powers at ALL, much less as intended.
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Two is already oppressive enough, they kick survivors off gens and totems, destroy loops and take free health stages across the map. And more would just be a huge annoyance, they need to fix the ai. Not add more
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I think the same.
Zombies are ok as they are.
They are annoying but fun and fair.
They are helpful but not op.
I feel Nemesis is a great balance killer. I enjoy play against him and I enjoy play as him.
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Nah 2 is already enough. You know how many times ive already been cucked by a Zombie that you cant hear because chase music is too loud? Only to have it body block a path on you, get a free hit and then Nemesis downs you a second after.
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He doesn't need more Zombies, he needs a complete redesign and a proper killer power that isn't a mix of old killers.
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Disagree completely. They're already incredibly annoying as is. It's hard to see their effect as killer, but they can be a pain from the survivor perspective.
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I just don't understand why performance would be an issue, as the zombie AI should definitely be handled by the server and not the clients.
And to render 2 more characters in Unreal engine... performance impact is none-existant. Especially the models they used for zombies
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He doesn't need more zombies, he needs revamped zombies that are a threat, not an annoyance.
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Will the PTB 5.0.0 feedback section ever go public again? One of the developers mentioned that they tried as many as four zombies on a map, but forum users don't have access to that anymore, and it's a shame that there are some interesting comments about the process behind Nemesis that now can't be reached.
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I think nemesis only needs like 1 more zombie on the really big maps.
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You say? I once had a game on RPD map, I was sitting on the hall gen and there was a nearby zombie who did nothing for the whole game and I safely did the gen.
Is this a perfect behavior?
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Helter and Skelter have a tendency to hide around corners and ambush me like Seal Team 6 when I’m survivor.
Heckle and Jeckle usually get stuck on a rock when I play Nemesis and moan about their own short failings in despair.
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It's perfect BHVR, as we know them ;)
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I'm of two minds.
In one: more would be fun, and helpful(!) on the really big maps, Ormond/RPD/etc.
On the other: they are so useful as they are. Even if they aren't downing survivors left and right - which, can't be overstated that that's not actually their purpose anyway. They are time wasters for survivors, forcing them to break from whatever they're doing to either lure the thing away, or blind it. And even better, they're informational for the killer. I was playing Nemmy last night and don't have BBQ for him yet. But I "almost" didn't need it. (Still would have loved those sweet, sweet bloodpoints.) Seemingly every time I hooked someone and looked around, there was a zombie, somewhere, with it's arms out telling me where a survivor was, or one was in its "blind sway" state, telling me, again, a survivor was nearby.
I'd say I could get behind an offering that added one. Like Piggy and her extra bear trap offering. Something fun for every now and again, but not base kit.
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Have y'all seen how badly the game performs on current gen console? And no matter how bad it is on there, the situation is so much worse for the last gen players for they are in a world of utter suffering and pain. The game even chugs on certain PCs and graphic card brands
I fully believe them when they say anything more than 2 zombies blew the game up because this game is filled to the brim with spaghetti and prayers that the code will hold because BHVR's content release plan really doesn't give the team any time to fix the bugs that pile up with every other update
Back in 2018-2019 there were sound bugs, visual bugs, movement bugs, and all other kinds of horrible stuff that happened every other update sometimes all at once, this game is very unoptimized
What needs to be done at the very least is zombies should have faster movement speeds on big maps and the same or lower speed on small maps. Adjusting the way the addons and base speed are capped is essential
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I’ve literally lost multiple games just because of the 2 zombies harassing every gen combined with ruin. He absolutely does not need more. Maybe +1 as an iridescent, but that’s it.
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If they can't do more zombies, then AI control should be base kit. You could look at a gen, activate your power, and if a zombie is near it they go to it. Or after highlighting a gen, the next zombie respawns near it.
I would also buff the base zombie movespeed.
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Zombies should be "smarter". Cmon BHVR it's not that hard. When Gen is turned on (>0% progress) then the gen emits noise (is loud) and so the zombies should check them out automatically.
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The link doesn't work
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It's because they lock down PTB 5.0 feedback after the PTB ends so no on can see all the feedback they got and changed nothing to live.
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What I noticed that Zombies randomly roaming around until a survivor getting close then it's movement homing to the survivor.
In random encounter, Zombies are useless.
In doing Objective, Zombies randomly disturb you and force you to waste at least 30sec, if Ruin is up, Gen is pretty much reset (RNG)
In chase, Zombies can lock down a loops if its happen to be there when you're in chase (another RNG).
I think, there should be more Zombies (3 or 4), except each Zombie only roaming around a certain area. So they generally will occasion disturb survivors more than usual. But they will not cluttered and make that area impossible to run from Nemesis.
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Oh, that's kinda cool. Thanks for the heads-up
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If nemesis had even 1 extra zombie it would probably cause all console and low spec pc players to explode there systems. He might need it but this game cant handle it. Instead zombies should be programmed to be smarter
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Nah, he's fine. 3 zombies would be crazy overpowered and 4 would be broken.
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Better to add a zombie after two gens are done, then another after two more gens are done
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They should respawn after being immobile for 30 seconds. I had one sit in a z wall all game on red forest.
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I think 2 zombies as base is fine, but I would be all for an add-on which may add 1 or 2 extra zombies!