Now that the dust has settled it's time to admit the police station is a good map

It's clear people just had a bad sense of direction & if the map isn't a wide open field people claim its too complicated to navigate and/or loop. People forget that indoor maps are going to have entirely different structures & they did well crafting a map based entirely off a different game. I'm glad people can finally appreciate something different for once.
I’m sad I’ve only played on it once, but I have a few of the badges saved up so I’m gonna spam them once they are re-enabled and the DC penalty is back on.
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It really isn't good.
Most of the time I've been sentenced to it, people have either crashed or just DC'd.
Very few people like it.
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It's a great map. If your hobby is jogging.
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...Yeah, no. I still despise it. The bit about the blinking lights leading to generators helps, and I'm gradually getting a sense of which rooms are relative to which other rooms, but it's still labyrinthine, an epitome of holding W gameplay, has zero gen immediacy for survivors or quick pathing for patrolling as killer, and an absolute pain to traverse due to no as-the-crow-flies mobility. It's like Haddonfield and Midwich had a baby that exemplified all of their flaws.
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It’s objectively a badly designed map for dbd. It’s too big yet also too claustrophobic alongside having god pallets and pallets that are guaranteed hits
It makes haddonfield look like perfect design
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Haven't had the pleasure (or perhaps the displeasure) of playing on this map yet. But it doesn't look fun.
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It's a good map for Resident Evil but not for Dead by Daylight. In RE2 remake you spend a LOT of time in the RPD. Certain rooms and whole sections are blocked off until either a puzzle is completed or a different section of the game has been explored. Then you come back to the RPD and unlock that section. You have to face zombies, lickers, and Mr. X. RPD is meant to take hours to get through.
Dead by Daylight is only 4 people with 1 threat (the killer). While BHVR did lock the third floor and clock tower room they still included way more than they needed to of the map. What they should have done is make two versions of it. Have one RPD Map 1 focus on the main lobby and everything to the Library side. RPD Map 2 can focus on the main lobby and everything to the Crashed Helicopter side. This still gives a lot of room to move around and would force more interactions with the killer and survivors.
But hey that's just my two cents.
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It looks good, but it is actually a badly designed map.
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They won’t. You’re likely to continue coming across lots of resistance.
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Fantastic fan service, great to see BHVR have picked up very talented designers that can craft a RE map to that detail.
Awful DBD map, flawed in everyway.
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Part of the game is killers being able to cut off survivors to catch up faster. With all these long corridors with no cut offs you have to literally w key only and thats awful map design.
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It's time to admit it's a good map when it actually becomes a good map. But as of right now, it isn't good in the slightest.
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Nope, this map is objectively bad. Your allowed to like it but saying that it's a good map is wrong. Not only is it massive map, which makes killers like Deathslinger and Huntress suffer, but it also has a decent amount of god pallets and even an infinite on it. Also as a survivor it's extremely tough to find generators and totems, meaning that you'll spend precious minutes of your time running around like headless chicken.
It has all the qualities that make a bad map a bad map. Big, indoors, God pallets, extremely garbage pallets, and dark.
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Felt like I was going through a tunnel while playing that map, trying to find my way out.
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Just because it looks just like the original map, doesn't make it a good DBD map. It's way too big, has no Line-of-sight, a million obstacles and corridors that make it impossible to get from A to B in a timely manner, and the pallets range from godly to absolutely useless. It's a dumpster fire of a DBD map.
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Look to each their own, but copying the exact map layout from Resident Evil 2 does not mean it also makes for a good dead by daylight map. The map in Resident Evil 2 was intentionally made big because Mr. X was constantly hunting you down. But for a 1v4 game, that same layout doesn't work well at all.
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Has the dust settled, though? Feels like there's still some issues to work out with it. I played on it today and besides the fact that it was still laggy, Sprint Burst just straight up did not work the entire game. It would trigger without any change in speed whatsoever. It's hard to really think about how good or bad the map is when it's still so glitchy.
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By "good map" did you mean to say terrible? I really hope you did.
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Those glitches are why the map has such low odds of appearing in your game, and why the map offerings don't work. It's crazy to think that the Resident Evil chapter has been out for nearly a month, and the new map still isn't fully playable.🤦
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As best said in Clueless.
"She’s a full-on Monet. It’s like a painting, see? From far away, it’s okay. But up close, it’s a big old mess."
The map is so faithfully created... thats it.
7 -
just my lowly opinion, but I hate the map. It is perty, but unplayable. I hope it gets better with repeated plays, but it doesn't feel like it will. It's just so damn big...midwich can be a pain to find a generator and it feels like it is tiny in comparison
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Midwich is completely fine tho. Unless you're against a comp surv squad, but they dont play public games, so you're fine.
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Doesn't that map have true infinite loops on it atm?
If so then its objectively a bad map even before you consider anything else.
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It's the effective size of Mothers Dwelling stacked on top of itself. It includes no real loops, just god pallets, god windows, and mega-unsafe pallets. It's dark and difficult to see anyone not wearing bright colours, which includes Undetectable killers. It's a claustrophobic indoor map, so no real power use for most killers, just basic gameplay and holding W by necessity from the survivors. It's hooks are spread out too far, similar in fashion to The Game.
And that's without getting into its labyrinthine layout at all
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I've yet to have anyone counter the points that the haters kepe bringing up.
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Ya, love it. But it's fine if others don't, not everyone is meant to have great taste.
Love the name btw.
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I don't dislike Midwich at all, personally, but it does suffer from some problems - relatively few easy access points between floors meaning that you can hear a survivor above or below you but be 15 seconds away from reaching their location, which gives them an ample head start on you. (This is also a problem on Haddonfield to a slightly lesser extent.) There's also little line of sight on that map and even less ways to cut off survivor pathing, so you basically always have to catch up the slow, manual way - which will happen because the other flaw that RCPD shares with Midwich is a general lack of structures that can be looped.
Still, Midwich's hallways are straight and regular, and one can find gens just by walking in a square and checking the rooms even if you aren't familiar with the layout. Even if you don't know where the drops and individual rooms are, the layout is very straightforward and you don't waste too much time following the main circuit. It's also not a very large map. Playing on RCPD is like if you made Midwich twice as big and vastly more confusing to navigate.
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"relatively few easy access points between floors meaning that you can hear a survivor above or below you but be 15 seconds away from reaching their location, which gives them an ample head start on you."
There are plenty locations to go down tho. Let alone that survivors dont really hear exactly where killers are unless they are directly below them. This means to a survivor, you could either be below them or around the corner. This gives the benefit that you can have pressure on generators above or below you without actually being there.
Line of sight breakers are healthy for this game and we arguably need a lot more of them. Having entirely open maps for a vast majority of killers destroys their power. Yes, cutting off on Midwich doesnt happen much. But it also means survivors cannot beeline to their objectives, and thus need to take predetermined paths to reach that location. Which you can use on most killers against them. Heck, the fact that killers like Myers and Trapper can actually perform very well on those maps, even though they are arguably the 2 weakest killers on the roster makes it quite a good map.
And yeah, new maps will always be harder to navigate, especially if that map has been disabled most of the update AND is an inside map. It will take time for players to learn the layout, learn the loops, learn the routes, learn the spawns and learn the shortest paths to places. People often claim Lery's and The Game are also offenders of not being able to cut survivors off at all, even though The Game is probably THE map where you can cut survivors off. Yeah, they have LOS breakers, but you have to remember that LOS breakers go both ways. Survivors dont know if the killer still is able to track them if they dont have vision on the killer. I've had high tier survivors keep running the long way even though I've started to cut them off through LOS breakers. I'm not too sure of RCPD has similar ways of cutting off survivors, as I have barely been able to play on it, but I am sure there will be. Heck, even Midwich has tons of places you can cut off survivors. The hallway on the top floor is the only one that cannot be cut off in any way, shape or form, but you can use the hallway to cut off survivors that go inside rooms.
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Well nvm i guess people still don't like it. Hopefully with time people can learn to appreciate it.
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Looks great but time crippling to navigate.
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It's a great map but when you try to play Billy or Bubba or Blight on it, it's horrible lmao
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I'm a Resident Evil fanboy and honestly they didn't accommodate the map at all for Dead by Daylight. As much as I love the attention to detail they should have done what RE:Verse is doing with their version and accommodated it for the game. If you look at the trailer for RE:Verse - The hallways are shorter and wider, rooms are more compact, doorways are usually removed for a larger entry way. Admittedly when I saw this map from REVerse I immediately thought they'd be assisting BHVR because their version almost looked perfect for DBD.
Blight is unplayable on RPD, Nurse is unplayable on RPD, Hillbilly is excessively difficult on RPD, Huntress is excessively difficult on RPD. Pretty well the only killers who are decent on RPD are stealth killers and basic M1 killers. Leatherface isn't bad on the map and Trapper is okay on the map not because of hiding spots for traps but because you literally cannot run around the traps in most situations.
My view of the current version is they need to split the West Wing and East Wing into different maps only allowing small bits of the opposite wing when available. Also don't understand why they didn't open up the coin statue in the center lobby for something. Wonderful map in regards to attention to detail but they did not accommodate most killers at all.
Also again 4 killers being practically unplayable is unacceptable for a map. It's bad enough when it's just 1 for new maps.
Also it is not an exaggeration - THEY ARE UNPLAYABLE. Especially for Blight unless they fixed the collision issue.
6 -
Is this satire?
If not, well, that's fine. If you enjoy it, good for you. Don't assume everybody else does, though. Especially seeing as the few times I've pulled it, half the team, or killer, dcs. It's a terrible map from a DbD perspective. Everything I hate from maps like Red Forest and Haddonfield, tied in a pretty RE bow.
3 -
I only rolled the map once so it's still too early to tell how good/bad it is. But I didn't enjoy my first game on it, I spent the entire game being lost in the maze of corridors. It kinda felt like these old text adventure games where you're told you're lost and you just randomly type north, east, west, south until you somehow get out.
Except this time I didn't get out.
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It's just way too large. The RPD could have easily been a mutli-map realm in and of itself.
I'll grant them that it looks pretty good (minus all the glowing jell-o that Umbrella apparently spilled everywhere), but DbD was very much not the game that the RPD was created for and it shows. Just like with Midwich.
While I loved it in the REmakes, I haven't really enjoyed my time with it as either role in DbD.
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You complete buffoon. ######### you
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I mainly play stealth killers, probably the best on RPD, and I still think it's a badly designed map. Literally copy and paste from another game will never work out in DBD, and 90% of the other killers barely work on it. Unfortunately I don't think BHVR had anything to do with this, it was probably Capcom, so we're stuck with this mess.
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But what is there to appreciate apart from the faithfulness to the source material ? Sure it looks great, but it plays really poorly for DBD
The RPD combine the very well known issues of large map, indoor maps and multiple floors maps.
And there is a very ovious option to solve the problem. Have 2 variants of the maps called A and B referencing the 2 scenarios of the game, with parts of it closed off.
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You don't get penalty if you dc in loading screen tho...
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It's not good, at least for killers with low mobility, patrolling gens is a pain in the ass due the amount of corridors and rooms you have to cross.
Visually is excelent.
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For myself, I prefer this game mostly have indoor map. The most perfect one is new Lery & old Game, second to Midwich & Hawkin.
But RE map is really bad for gameplay.
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The only time I played there I was Leatherface. Got the 4k, but I was really only playing as an M1 killer the entire time except when the borrowed time save came out.
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I will not admit it, I will never admit. No matter how many times I get it in a day, I will never play on it.
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I really hoped that the Devs could've learned from Midwitch, but nope - here they are making an even worse map. It's waaaayy too huge. Each floor could be it's own full map. There are like 2 places you can actually do loops or mindgames. The rest is just corridors and small rooms.
It's almost like trying to make a Resident Evil map-copy to DBD was a bad idea..
It would've been so much better to have the Police station as a main building with a street and maybe some small areas open in other buildings as the map. The main room, with a few adjacent rooms is enough to make your stupid tributes (though some may like them whoch is fair) to the RE game. You don't need like 20 in one map lmao.
For next time/map: Focus on gameplay, not aestethics.
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nope it feels awfull, half of the Killers cant even use their ability there and there are so many dumb ways that makes the map increadible unfair and unfun even for survivors.
I could camp at the middle of the main hallway while the exit gate was open at the back and the survivors on the left side of the map couldnt pass me or open the gate at the main hallway, so they where forced to wait for the end game collapse or run into me... and this is just 1 of many issues with this map.
I wish they could just delete this map and let it in custom only for ppl who want to play on it with friends, but not in public...
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Is it great for RE fans? Sure,
But even if you know the layout, it's just a pain. It's a map that'd be great for a mode with more players, but fir the regular 4:1 matches? nope. even if they'd add a minimap
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its good as a copy paste from RE, its bad for an asymetrical arcade game like DBD, they should make a lot more drastic design switches to make that map work
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I haven't had any issues on it when I get it.
Since I play Pig it's pretty good for me too. Yes, it's MASSIVE but that's OK. Some nasty head pop add-ons and I suddenly don't mind that so much. Heck I didn't even use Tampered Timer and I got a pop since they have to spend an eternity traversing the map.
The coolest part about the map is that they kept it as true to the original Raccoon Police Department as they could and I love when they do stuff like that. This has been a pretty awesome homage to Resident Evil but it's whatever I know there's that large part of the community that has to bitterly complain about everything.
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I mean I used to speedrun re2 (og & remake) and while I know the layout sometimes I struggle to navigate the map. It's too big and could be split into 2 maps. Granted I'd prefer them reworking RPD so if they split it they add more areas to each side. They should have had 5 more compacts maps from re2 / re3 rather than 1 big one.