The survivor community is destroying this game

5 games in a row I had a SWF who went around rushing gens everywhere and then just left their teammate on the hook. The next 3 games after that the SWF I faced all gen rushed, ignoring survivors on hooks all game. Survivors are intentionally trying to ruin games to make people quit right now and the devs do nothing about it. Something needs to be done
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I think right now it's due to the event; a lot of survivors have had difficulty escaping with the crowns, so they're trying to genrush and leave immediately since there've been a bunch of killers specifically targeting anyone with the glow.
I think it would've been wise for the Dev team to add a secondary condition for survivor crowns, either escape with it or spend x amount of time with it in match to unlock it across multiple attempts.
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You're absolutely right.
I keep taking crowns in every trial I go into, despite already having them.
I leave nothing for my teammates.
I live in a society.
Somebody stop me.
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really? these are just the threads going around today ######### god man
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I see what you did here
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This is just a 'clever' response thread to the one about killers that's exactly the same.
The fact is true, however. By demonizing the 'other side,' which is really just other players, there is a percentage of the community that will drive away players. That certainly comes from both sides. It's just easier as killer because it's just one person rather than four.
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"I had a SWF who left their teammate on hook 4 games in a row" - How do you know it was a swf?
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Ya pulled a sneaky.
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Can't we all just get along and stop demonizing each other?
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Or maybe the Killers are just playing the game and the glow makes them easier to find.
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Neither side can kill this game as fast or efficiently as BHVR
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I swear X'D
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And killers are just camping and tunneling. Both sides are being ######### not just survivors
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totally dude its the survivors.
Got my crown
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You're not wrong but you're also forgetting that the killer community isn't any better. We just need to accept that we are all terrible people who promote bad gameplay.
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If you camp someone to death and just got 10k bp and 1 kill, you got what you deserve lol
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I especially loves the part when he assumes that all these good survivors are obviously SWF lol
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The game is also designed to openly allow flagrantly unhealthy gameplay.
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The game itself is flagrantly unhealthy.
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I am unhealthy.
I should really try a salad sometime.
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Joke's on you DBD eats 5 McDonalds burgers a day and washes it down with Sprite concentrate
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Hes running a meme build. I love it when survivors theyre awesome fir nuking a meme build 😂
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Oh, I wasn't trying to defend the survivor gameplay, I was just trying to point out why they're playing extra sweaty.
Event of no event, killers shouldn't have to throw their game just to allow people to escape.
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I was gonna make a parody thread called
'The community is killing the community' and it was just going to be a picture of Thanos saying he used the stones to destroy the stones
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I knew this was a horror game but that's a whole new level or terror.
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Actually, the best thing they could have done was have the survivors have the same conditions for obtaining the crowns as the Killer - find it and touch it. It literally makes zero sense why survivors have to escape to get the Crown when all a Killer has to do is touch the thing.
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I think this is a holdover from one of the earlier Halloween events where survivors would collect the serum they needed and immediately disconnect.
The devs changed it so survivors had to escape to prevent the DC, which is why I suggested the secondary criteria of holding out for a certain amount of time across multiple matches.
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Don't care. He got the appropriate amount of points for not bringing a cake.
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You're missing the point, he clearly doesn't care about any of that, despite making enough of an impact to live rent free in your head, so your flex is absolutely meaningless. Man was just screwing about.
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Can we maybe stop with this, "I simply rewrite a post for the other side word for word to make the inverted point or to make fun of the original post"?
It is simply the laziest form of critique.
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The community isn't "destroying this game."
Any problems you perceive with DBD are BHVR's problem to deal with.
The community is only a problem because BHVR allows it to be that way. If you want something to change, it needs to start at the top.
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There's to much emphasis from the survivor community for better 1v1 play.
I play solo and want less 1v1 or at least keep it where it's at.
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Yes, it's "clever" because it's just a click bait. The title says "survivor" community, but the body says "SWF". Should have wrote SWF in the title.
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This is the most reasonable response I've ever seen.
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Or maybe the killer got tired of playing cakes for all the leachers out there during this event.
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You realize it's much more difficult for Survivor's to obtain cakes, right?
There are four Survivors that can bring four cakes and one Killer that can bring one cake, yet the Survivors are leeching?
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
10 vote ups huh? Well now I know about forum more
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Is this another "Clown isn't weak, he just needs brains 🧠" thing?
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I don’t have to prove chocolate is the best. I just have to disprove strawberry.
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And almost every game this event has had a killer facecamping and tunnelling at 4 gens
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That's kinda ironic.
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Honestly, I think I'm done bringing cakes. Both sides are toxic af right now, and I'm not going to reward either of them
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game is anything but balanced. If survivors run in a straight line and pre drop every pallet without ever looping once then they win. game is majorly survivor sided and has been that way for over a year
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I will remind everyone, as it got out of hand with some comments, please keep discussions civil and respectful.
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I have a peace of advice for ya!
Be positive. Stay calm. This is just a game -- you lose when you do not have fun.
Personally, I have failed and end up tunneling those gen rushers...
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This is genius. Or make it where you have to complete a gen or get a certain score (maybe safety pip)
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There is no game without the survivor community. If they want to gen rush, so be it. Move on to the next one.