When are the devs gonna get rid of NOED?



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited July 2021

    Your rank is showing then. Survivors also get 16 perks among them, is it that hard to give up one of your 4 second chance perks to take 1 perk to get rid of totems or bring a map?

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Do Bones. Run Detective's Hunch, Small Game or Counterforce. Plenty of ways to handle NOED. you just refuse to use any of them.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    If anything, NOED just messes up their stats. You know, 2 kills on average...

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Counerforce is out and you survivor mains who hate noed still can't look for totems? At this point its just laziness excuses.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I always find it weird, when I first get into a game as survivor, that most of the time the first hit from the killer is in about 30 seconds. I'm really surprised that we don't go for bones first, cause killer is looking at gens all the time. Like when you are the last survivor, and the gates are powered, do you run to the gate? No, you get to the gate and wait for the killer to check it, leave, then make a play at it. Why don't we do that for bones/gens at the start?

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    First of all, the game shouldnt be and should never be balanced around the fact that the killer HAS to equip ruin and/or Pop/corrupt etc, gens go too fast and its a fact, since its the only objective survivor have

    Second of, even while equiping these perks they can turn out to be useless

    Then, if you cant find totems, you got THREE (3) survivors PERKS you can use to find and cleanse them

    Oh and it isnt hard as a survivor to finish games in between 5-7 minutes

    All you need to do is to split, usually poping 3 gens withing the first 2 minutes, and if you played smart and got your 4 last gens spread, almost no killer can actually patroll them or defend them,if the killer stops chasing you go sit on a gen, if he chases you its your 3 mates that will do the gen, and if youre bad at loopong dont worry there are now easy techniques to waste at least 60 secs from a standard killer while dropping fiew pallets and vaulting a fiew windows, so yeah it is not hard to have quick games with 4 hooks for the killer, leading to the well known high rank killer meta of Spirit/Nurse mains and the end of the fun on this game

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283
    edited July 2021

    If there wasnt anything to waste survivors time killers in this game would have no chance of winning. I play M1 killer so i have no speed whatsoever so i have to patrol the whole map and while i do that i hear gens popping left and right, so yeah i do use NOED and im proud of it.

    I'm tired of matches that last less than 5 minutes since people are camping 1 gen or 2 gens getting them done fast and then toxic flashlighting me at the endgate. Just yesterday i had toxic group that was genrushing..literally at the beginning of the match 1 gen was popped in few seconds. My noed activated in the end and i 4ked them. Match lasted less than 5 minutes.

    Also im not killer main nor survivor main i do both so i dont understand why survivors are so freaking toxic and whiney in this game. Theres bones clean them...stop camping gens or buttdancing to the killer. Do your job. In the end its a game, have fun you win some you lose some.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Yeah I did say both sides want the match over with as quick as possible.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    That's the idea. Its something else for the survivors to be doing. That time may pay off or it may not. If you die a lot to NOED then perhaps invest some more time cleansing totems.

    I often stumble across a totem between gens and take the few seconds to clear it because its BP's and time well spent if NOED is in play.

    So much of this game is about distracting the opponent from their objective, this is one designed to distract survivors from their objective.

    Its well balanced too, as its a perk slot lost till the endgame, meaning you have played the game to its fullest before you even get any benefit. Its cleansed very easily if survivors are taking the very minor amount of time it takes to clear a totem when they find it. Often only swings games to a 4k if survivors are stupidly running into it or making very high risk plays in the endgame.

    Its the team's job to clear bones, if you have cleared some, repaired gens and done your job and still NOED procs, its up to you to weigh the cost/benefit of making risky saves and plays while exposed against whether or not the team did their job.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    And a lot of the people complaining about NOED, here's what they do: "Oh, he has NOED. Let me cleanse these 2 dull totems AND THEN look for the NOED." Or earlier in the match: "Let me cleanse this dull totem but not the others so that when NOED spawns it will spawn in an even harder place to find, instead of at the obvious one I just broke." People really don't know how to play around NOED and that's why they complain.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    It takes like 4 minutes to get all the totems as long as the killer isn't interrupting you, and it's even faster if you're doing them as a team. If that's, you have OP Counterforce now. Gens can be done in 5 minutes easily, it doesn't matter how rare an occurrence it is. And that's wrong. All it takes is survivors putting their heads together and getting stuff done instead of memeing around and being inefficient the whole match. Just because a killer gets gen rushed doesn't mean they're bad, it means the game has ######### balance. Even 20-second chases won't save you there.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    It sounds like they weren't at all familiar with the totem spawns. Once you get that down, it's ez.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I've noticed the mindset behind threads like this:

    'I died to <thing>. But I am too good to die. This must mean my skill was not the factor. This means <thing> is OP. Devs; please nerf or remove <thing>.'

    Replace <thing> with: Camping, slugging, tunneling, Killer power, or Killer perk. Just look at the other thread claiming Hag needs the camera-screw from her power removed.

    (Apparently I'm a biased Killer main for DARING to disagree with such a clearly needed nerf!)

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2021

    Thats the problem here.

    Risk and reward is not ballanced at all.

    50% of the time, survivors do dull totems even the killer does not have it.

    The other 50% he might have it, but they cant find the last totem or are slaughtered in the process. It is underrated how much time it takes to cleanse 5 totems. This is basicly a full survivor doing nothing for 3 minutes at least, even with totem finding perks. Survivors can not afford playing 3v1 for a big part of the round just to neutralize a single perk that might not even be used by the killer.

    My suggestion for noed: Give the survivor a notification, that the killer runs Noed, then they can decide what to do by themselve.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    then just press M1 or whatever button on the console you play in and counter dead hard It's pretty easy lol

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    No. This would make NoED garbage.

    Survivors would not have to cleanse, if they knew NoED did not exist in a match. And thus they would just genrush.

    How many times do I have to say it; NoED being an unknown threat IS ITS PURPOSE. It exists like this to SLOW DOWN GEN SPEEDS.

    If Survivors knew they could ignore totems, then NoED may as well not exist anymore.

    Either do bones or don't; That's YOUR call. And you get punished or not if you make the right call or not. This is not rocket science.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Uh, yes you can. You gen rush while he's camping. When NOED happens, you have to either break the totem or leave the 1 guy so that everyone else can escape. All too often, people will let the killer get a 3-4k when they literally could have given him 1 kill max from the camp. Yes, it sucks for the guy on hook but that's a loss for the killer, a 1k with NOED.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    It's only problem is that it rewards bad killers, Same with dead hard for survivors.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Writing everything in big letters wont make your argument more valid, Captain Caps-Lock.

    If the survivors know that the killer runs noed, it will actually encourage them to do totems and in the process it will slow down the game instead of rushing the gens, or they will suffer the consequences.

    I dont mind Noed as survivor and i never use it as a killer, but i can understand the complains about it. Noed somehow feels as cheap as the very old DS we had like 3 years ago. Outdated perk.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    So killers have to play risk/reward (with DS, BT, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, etc) but survivors don't have to?

    And y'all's interpretation of how all the totems get cleansed is so linear and unrealistic. You don't just run around the map getting all the totems and then decide to do gens. You do a totem near the gen, then get on it and finish it, and maybe you even have Inner Strength which is extra payoff for the time you spent doing the totems. Rinse and repeat that, and the gen speed will only be slightly slowed down. 1 person doing a totem doesn't turn it into a 3v1 match, because you're still in there in between totem breaks. You can still do gens, heal, and take chases. Not every match do you need to do totems either. If you know 3 or 4 of the killer's perks, or he's an actual good killer, you can conclude that he doesn't have NOED. In the case that you get a bad killer who will obviously have NOED, you have more than enough time to get all of the totems.

    And survivors do get a notification for NOED, once the killer's gotten a down with it, or even before that if you see that the totem is lit.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I don't use caps to shout. Think of it more as stressing/emphasizing those words. Text can only do so much.

    And you're ignoring the other two-thirds of knowing if NoED exists:

    1. Survivors will know it exists, and waste time doing totems, sure. You are right.
    2. Survivors will know it DOES NOT (again, emphases, not yelling) exist, and ignore totems to speedrun gens without worry.
    3. Survivors will know it exists, and do bones, and thus it will NEVER make it to end game.

    So, in 2 out of 3 results, knowing NoED is in a match completely negates its effectiveness. In fact, it downright nerfs it into uselessness.

    It either never activates, because Survivors knew to do bones before popping the 5th gen, or Survivors know it's not a current threat, and never risk doing bones.

    It's like Survivors just can't understand that the thread of NoED is exactly how it is to make them do bones no matter what. It was BHVR's fix for gen speeds. Changing it would undo that fix and nerf NoED into the dirt.

    No Killer would use a perk that does nothing all match, tells the Survivors it exists before it has any use, and thus never sees end game.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Your whataboutism is out of place. I never said DS BT etc is fine. Its about noed, thank you :)

    Does it matter if it is one survivor who is cleansing all the totems or done by all 4? It takes a lot of time to find them all, probably more time survivors can spare if the killers skill is on par with the survivors skilllevel.

    It might all work out if you play in a coordinated team, but especially for solo players it would be a complelty stupid move to spend even a second looking for dull totems. you can not trust your team is doing them aswell, you have no idea how many totems are still around and where they have been done... and last but not least, you dont know if you simply wasting your time your team wont have.

    Please dont forget, that a regular round looks like this: One survivor chased, one on the hook, one is safing/healing ... and one should actually do the gens. Not that easy to find time for hunting a ghost.

    A notification or a full rework is what will happen, for reasons.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I would definitly run it, if they decide to make that change. It would be the best slowdown perk in the game.

    The reason why noed is so beloved by killers (and hated by survivors) is because it slows down the game anyway (usually a few totems will get cleansed in the process somehow) but eventually, 1-2 remain and the perk activates regardless of the survivors effort.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I never did complain about dead hard, i dont even have an issue with the perk tbh

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    How would it be the best? You would be running a perk that screams 'Come cleanse me before you finish the last gen so I don't do anything for the entire match!'

    Do you know why some perks are 'invisible' (IE: You can see their effect right away. I know DH has a lit totem) until they activate? (NoED, Devour Hope). It's because their power is in their surprise. If Devour Hope started the match and went 'HE HAS DEVOUR HOPE!' Survivors would 100% cleanse it before doing anything else, and it would become useless to run.

    The same goes for NoED; If the match started and there was a symbol screaming 'KILLER HAS NOED!' then Survivors would drop everything to totem hunt. Sure, it buys some time, but the perk would, in most matches, never live to see the end of the match.

    And since it does nothing until the end of the match; what would be the point in picking a perk that does nothing and never procs?

    The threat of NoED maybe existing is what makes Survivors do totems. Just look at the complaints in this thread; 'It makes me waste time'. Survivors don't want to waste time doing anything but escaping (gens & doors). This is not an insult; they want to do what makes them win, as efficiently as possible. This makes sense.

    So if they knew, concretely, that NoED was not in a match, barring other perks (like Ruin); they would ignore totems & slam gens. Don't don't tell me they won't; Survivors don't want to do totems when NoED is an unknown threat, so why would they do totems for funsies if they knew NoED was not around?

    (Working with using bolds and italics for emphasis instead of caps)

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    No it really doesn't mate if your so bad you can't get kills with current NOED you should go back to playing Minecraft.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    I mean what's funny to me is most people who argue that "NOED should be removed" don't cleanse totems or do anything to counter NOED they just think whining on the forums without a legitimate change or better counter to NOED will get it removed.

    Personally I think it should be so everyone is Exposed yes but you get a speed decrease or possibly just make it so it spawns on the map at the start of the game like Devour and you get stacks for doing something in game making it not only rewarding but so fair people can't whinge on the forums about it "rewarding killers for playing bad".

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    The only ones who defend it are the ones who use it.

    l have never used noed in my life just like l have never used DS or BT or any of those perks so for me they can go or they can stay.

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    There are plenty of perks for it, including helpful progressive builds. You have counter-force, detectives hunch, small game, inner strength and plenty more to counter every hex perk in the game, including but not limited to, the dreaded No ED.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes, thats the reason why it would be so good. Becaus it would scream "cleanse me" ... Just like old ruin. Old Ruin forced survivor to clanse 1 Totem at the start of the match, Noed would force them to cleanse 5 totems before the last gen pops. If that is not the best slowdown perk in the game, i dont know who else it could be.

    You know why Noed is so disliked? Because it exists. It is a single perk (out of 78 perks) that has the power to change the entire game (not the round, the game) just because of its existence. People clease dull totems because the killer could run noed. Could. I see some parelles here with other very disliked perks: Unbreakable or DS.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Noed needs maybe a rework, e.g. you get as many instadowns as many totems there are still in the game. With this change it could maybe even be a base kit perks for killers. Would promote totem cleaning.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I didn't read OP or any posts, read the title and popped in to say the obvious.

    "if you think NOED should be removed, then Shade, Ghostface and any other killer with a one-down power should be removed as well.

    Nothing wrong with using NOED, if you are so worried about it, find the 5 totems before the end-game and then you sorted, or you know, just wait till the end game and find the shiny totem and clear it, never understood the hate towards NOED.

    it's a legit perk used by killers in a super survivor sided game that has 4 players vs. the one killer, while you're unlocking other perks, it's a useful perk to use until you got something better.

  • bongu
    bongu Member Posts: 11

    Well then, get rid of BT and DS too.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited July 2021

    The thing about noed is - it's very easy to tell if someone has it.

    1. If the killer isn't good in chases and struggles to get people downed, they most likely have noed

    2. If a killer stays near a hooked survivors, even though other survivors aren't pressuring the hook, they most likely have noed

    Confident players don't run noed - it's a weak perk and an easy one to play around.

    If you're playing against a bad killer, you have plenty of time to cleanse the totems. If you're playing against a good killer, you don't need to worry about noed.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Actually true, I always anticipate a NoED if the killer is actually bad.

    It just represents low self confidence.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    People should know a killer like that might have NOED. Literally just play safe, like the 2nd guy to get chased can start pre-dropping pallets, and that's enough time wasted so that the other 2 can open the exits, and when the killer is forced to break a pallet (at a jungle gym, killer shack, or another common infinite) that's enough time for him to just hold W to the exit gate and escape.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    I really can't understand what is the problem of NOED...I mean...cleanse.

    the game is not just about gen rushing, actually...

    when I play surv I always take my time to search for totems.