Twins are bad

From the moment I first saw them, I was confused and not impressed by this concept for Killer.
I didn't understand why this rabid baby was popping out of this chick's chest, (it is a chick, right?).
I had to read the back story to understand ######### was happening. I will admit, it was kinda gruesome and sad.
The look of the Killer is drab, and bland. I haven't payed attention to new skins, I don't know if you can make that look any better...
Victor is not fun in chase, maybe it's just me but, I can't track that damn thing, especially in tall grass, corn.
Body blocking Twins and good Killer's that understand Twins are very annoying, it's not great fun. I tip my hat to anyone who subjects themselves to that killer.
I don't even see them very often but, I think it's my least favorite Killer.
I love love love playing as them, and going against a good one, they're so damn strong - little brother is awesome :)
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I play them occasionally
I personally hate how you get punished insanely if you miss a pounce, you give the survivors a long 5 seconds to run over and crush you and all your pressure is gone because you missed one hit.
This is the main thing that kills my fun for them, especially since its much harder to hit pounces on console with a controller.
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Twins are good :3
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3 seconds if you miss a pounce, 5 if you land it actually...
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I actually find Twins fun. Both playing as and facing them.
If I could just use Victor all the time I would. It’s fun to zoom around and creep on survivors.
They are probably up there in terms of uniqueness. The fact that you can “split” up and hunt survivors down literally gives this killer so much complexity and it feels refreshing to not have to be tied to one option all the time.
I understand they aren’t as fun to go against when those lazy players just park Victor by the hook, but believe me I am the first one to advocate that this shouldn’t be possible. The devs could literally make it so that if someone parks him by the hook, his killer instinct won’t go off. This will discourage people from knowing every time someone goes for a save.
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They're a hard Killer to learn and get good at, but once you do they become the best Slugger in the game. Victor has no counterplay in the chase and when combined with things like sloppy butcher you can constantly pressure teams.
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Okay im sorry :(
It felt like 5 seconds
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This might sound a little random, but the thing I hate most about Twins is that basket of trash hanging on Charlotte's back. I hate the little banging noise it makes, and it just looks so stupid, even if they are supposed to be scavenger peasants. (I don't have any twins outfits but) The outfit with the tiny coffin on her back for victor is much cooler.
As for the gameplay, yeah they're pretty bad imo. Feels awful when the survivors travel in pairs and basically make Victor's power much weaker.
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>>>>Twins<<< suffer from the same problem as Hag, great power potential but everyone just plays the camping game
Post edited by BioX on0 -
yup, Hag does suffer from Hag,
sorry cx
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I don’t mind them now because they’re not popular and they add diversity to the game. Unlike Trickster and Nemmie, they are formidable. Couldn’t stand them at launch. Took a lot of L’s during the height of their popularity.
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i have tried the twins and actually they are not too bad for a killer though it'll take some practice to get use to the switch of victor and charlotte but overall i think they're great they may be hidious looking but effective killer if used wisely lol
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U joking? Victor legit comes back within seconds of a survivor kicking him. You hardly get punished for losing Vic at all.
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But how about when Charlotte is on the entire other side of the map and you just slugged two people
By the time you get there as Charlotte both of them have been picked up and all your pressure is lost
Please dont be rude or shame me or anything i was just saying that is what it feels like from someone who doesn't really play Twins.
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I actually quite like twins. They encourage survivor teamwork and punish split up survivors
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Wasnt trying to shame you at all? Im just saying that if you're using Charlotte that way then you are playing her wrong.
You swap to Victor when you know survivors are nearby so even if they do kick him, Charlotte will be there pretty fast
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Why are you using Victor if you are far away from survivors?
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Honestly. People who don't know how to play them camp and give us Twins mains a bad rap. Also it seems like 90% of the community doesn't know you can crouch to avoid killer instinct so that doesn't help at all. Though if they were played more I feel like they would get nerfed more out of annoyance
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I tried crouching and I still got detected. Are you sure it works because she walked straight to my crouching ass.
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I just love the Design of the Twins very creative they are my Main and i just love playing as them
best Killer ever added im in Love :D
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Thats still wrong. Even after you release Vic he has the speed to catch up and its not like Char is moving at 110% shes moving at base speed and even IF Char cant catch them that is still 1 survivor who isnt going to do gens since they are busying dealing with Vic, even if hey kick him thats still time wasted for the survivor.
As to being far away from survivors. thats mostly gonna happen when they have 1 gen left to pop and only 3 gens remain. So yeah that is the correct play you're able to pressure two places at once. Twins is another character where low efforts is still rewarded. Kick Vic, survivor time wasted Vic is back within seconds again, don't kick Vic able to injure survivors wasting survivor time, Char comes and pressures the nearby survivors or can go to other gens.