Buff against SWF

Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just #########, noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:
Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.
the first idea seems cool but maybe OP, but the second idea I don't agree with. maybe instead of that, they can make a perk that makes successful hits while carrying a survivor put back the wiggle progress by 30%, like "the killer becomes excited at the thought of killing multiple survivors at once, and his grip strengthens".
or just use iron grasp i suppose1 -
I would suggest, if you're against a group of any number SWF (2-4), the survivors in that party are not allowed to bring the same items or addons. So if one dude in the group is running a purple flashlight with an odd bulb and a long life battery, no one else in that group can bring a purple flashlight or an odd bulb and long life battery.
Idk how good of an idea this is as I haven't really thought about it that much but yeah. It'd work wonders for those times when you get SWF running brand new parts and flashlights though.
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The first idea I'm not a big fan of because i think protecting an other survivor with your own life is risky and should be rewarded. Bodyblocking can be annoying, but some killers (including me when I started playing) are dealing with it the wrong way.
If only one person bodyblocks, go near and hit them and go for the hook as they leave. If the survivor isn't leaving, you hit them a second time and hook them instead. If there is more than one survivor, try to down one of them. Don't desperately try to hook that guy you're carrying. If they get down (and the guy most likely gets off) injure the other near survivors if possible so they can't bodyblock anymore.
Iron Grasp and Agitation will help you out a lot dealing with these sitations.1 -
Survive With Friends IS in a weird spot at the moment. Friends like to play together for a good time, and some friends (or even strangers) want to min/max the gameplay elements in order to “win” every single trial. Ofcourse, everyone can find their enjoyment somehow, but the problem with these hardcore SWF groups is that they gain the ability to “put out” your average joe Killer players- even some of the best will struggle.
But at some point... is victory even worth the bragging rights? It’s a stressful matchup that I’ve played quite a few times as Killer. I usually quit after for awhile after “those” matches...0 -
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@robin said:
the first idea seems cool but maybe OP, but the second idea I don't agree with. maybe instead of that, they can make a perk that makes successful hits while carrying a survivor put back the wiggle progress by 30%, like "the killer becomes excited at the thought of killing multiple survivors at once, and his grip strengthens".
or just use iron grasp i supposeI also thought that it might be OP, but i think that you would still have the ability to bodyblock if you do it well. But that's something I can't tell for sure.
The perk idea is good but it would not solve the problem. Marth88 did this ridiculous game with his friends where they sabo all the hooks and the Killer had no chance to kill them because they had so simply avoid the basement. Hangman's Trick would counter it, but how often do you run this perk? A situational perk like the one you suggested would help in some games, but not in enough to make it more worth than others.@jerrymiles said:
I would suggest, if you're against a group of any number SWF (2-4), the survivors in that party are not allowed to bring the same items or addons. So if one dude in the group is running a purple flashlight with an odd bulb and a long life battery, no one else in that group can bring a purple flashlight or an odd bulb and long life battery.Idk how good of an idea this is as I haven't really thought about it that much but yeah. It'd work wonders for those times when you get SWF running brand new parts and flashlights though.
That's something I would also like to see, but I think it's too complicated. I like the game because it has simple mechanics and rules. Players have to learn things like mind-games, loops etc. in order to get better and give the game more playful depth. And through the option to combine items, add-ons and perks in a group as you want you get a variety in the games you play, which is most of the time counterable as killer.
If the whole group runs flashlights, you can play around it. And the problem I have with the bodyblocking is that you simply can't do anything about it if it's done right by the survivors.@Degradee said:
The first idea I'm not a big fan of because i think protecting an other survivor with your own life is risky and should be rewarded. Bodyblocking can be annoying, but some killers (including me when I started playing) are dealing with it the wrong way.You are right, protecting others should be rewarded but at the moment you just have to protect them by running behind them. That's not really hard and you get the reward for it pretty easy. Too easy in my opinon as killer and as survivor. It's just no problem to do it and works everytime.
If there is more than one survivor, try to down one of them. Don't desperately try to hook that guy you're carrying. If they get down (and the guy most likely gets off) injure the other near survivors if possible so they can't bodyblock anymore.
Iron Grasp and Agitation will help you out a lot dealing with these sitations.I only saw it on lower ranks with not that good player that they let them self go down while bodyblocking. The problem I try to adress is, that if you have three survivors blocking, you have to hit three times to get to the hook. So if you down someone where no hook is next to you, you just can't hook them. And again my problem with this is, that you don't even have be a skillful survivor to protect your mate then. So as a killer you have to chase than another survivor, which can take a while, and if you downed him and there is again no hook nearby you can't do anything again.
@TheTimeMachine said:
Survive With Friends IS in a weird spot at the moment. Friends like to play together for a good time, and some friends (or even strangers) want to min/max the gameplay elements in order to “win” every single trial. Ofcourse, everyone can find their enjoyment somehow, but the problem with these hardcore SWF groups is that they gain the ability to “put out” your average joe Killer players- even some of the best will struggle.But at some point... is victory even worth the bragging rights? It’s a stressful matchup that I’ve played quite a few times as Killer. I usually quit after for awhile after “those” matches...
I totally agree with that. I do also take a short break after really stressful matches after I go into another game because I don't want to let the frustration out on other survivors which play fair.
@SaltyKiller said:
There's some ways to balance for SWF. The easiest and most succinct way to do it is that the Killer gets something to compensate against facing an organized group with mics. Big question is when and if Behavior is actually going to implement a balance fix. My guess: sometime next year.Solution 1
The Killer receives a special Mori per numbers of SWF players that join. It would work like this: 2 SWF members join and Killer receives an Ivory Mori. If two groups of SWF join then the Killer receives two Ivory Mori's. If 3 SWF enters the Killer receives a special Ivory Mori that allows them to Kill one person without needing to put them on a hook. If 4 man SWF enters the lobby the Killer receives a special Ebony Mori that allows them to kill all 4 players without needing to put them on a hook.
Note: obviously the big fix when facing SWF groups is that the Killer's perks and add-ons should remain hidden from dead Survivors until the match is over. This is just a given and the devs have indicated that they will do something like this eventually maybe.
Solution 2
The Killer receives a permanent speed boost per numbers of SWF that enter. 2 SWF enter and the Killer's speed is now 2% faster. If two groups of two SWF enter then the speed goes up to 5%. If 3 SWF enter then the Killer's speed is now 6%. If 4 SWF players enter then the Killer's speed is now either 8 or 10% faster.
Why 10% against a 4 man SWF group? If you have to ask then you'll never know. A 4 man SWF group is pure agony for Killer players even if you're using Billy/Nurse.
That would totally reck SWF group in the lower ranks. The most time people (including me) complain about SWF is when they get totally wrecked because the survivors really want to do it. If you just give a generall buff like Moris or movement speed that would force survivors to play like that.
#########, that post is longer than intended. lol
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TheTimeMachine said:Survive With Friends IS in a weird spot at the moment. Friends like to play together for a good time, and some friends (or even strangers) want to min/max the gameplay elements in order to “win” every single trial. Ofcourse, everyone can find their enjoyment somehow, but the problem with these hardcore SWF groups is that they gain the ability to “put out” your average joe Killer players- even some of the best will struggle.
But at some point... is victory even worth the bragging rights? It’s a stressful matchup that I’ve played quite a few times as Killer. I usually quit after for awhile after “those” matches...2 -
Any SWF nerf in game that effects solo players too, like speed, or blocking should instantly be thrown out the window, it won’t cut it, and doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.
Extremely easy solution. Give solo people comms (killer CAN NOT hear it, and none of that proximity bullshit) and then nerf survivors. Done
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@SaltyKiller said:
And I don't think that would destroy low rank players. If you're playing SWF then 99% of the time they're using Mics and so they have a massive unfair advantage over the Killer and there needs to be some compensation. Not to mention that Marth88 proved, beyond a shadow of doubt, that Survivors don't need items or perks in order to not only win but de-rank the Killer. So your argument doesn't hold much water.Marth88 showed also, that you don't need SWF in order to totally reck the killer. But that's not something I'm talking about. This post is not about the survivors with 1000+ hours being OP. It is about SWF groups being so strong that you are not just losing a round, you are not a threat as a killer anymore. Even if the players have about 300 hours and don't loop perfectly.
And low rank survive with friends group are not to strong, because killers are still "OP" in if you look at low rank players and their posts on reddit etc. They would totally get recked by just giving the killer moris or movementspeed. Even the communication in low ranks recks them sometimes. There is no compensation needed.@Jack11803 said:
Any SWF nerf in game that effects solo players too, like speed, or blocking should instantly be thrown out the window, it won’t cut it, and doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.That's true.
Extremely easy solution. Give solo people comms (killer CAN NOT hear it, and none of that proximity bullshit) and then nerf survivors. Done
And why not just giving the killers some powers which are useful against SWF and not against solo players, like I suggested?
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Just option to choose if you want to go against swf or not (prob no one does). Tells much about that SWF shoudn't exist.
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@Jack11803 said:
Any SWF nerf in game that effects solo players too, like speed, or blocking should instantly be thrown out the window, it won’t cut it, and doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.Extremely easy solution. Give solo people comms (killer CAN NOT hear it, and none of that proximity bullshit) and then nerf survivors. Done
I repectfully disagree. I don't think it should be thrown out the window and tbh I like the first idea. I think it would make it much more intense and horrifying.
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Personally I would like it just removed but they wont do that despite how it breaks the game and goes against the idea of the game, so just give killers the option to join swf lobbies or not and just give them a reward for joining e.g. more BP/Shards or have outfits to unlock after like 300 4K's (100 for each part)1
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Seems like it would be simple to include a marker showing if players are grouped, so the killers will know they should give up while the game is still in the lobby.
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Hey, I suggested this in another post but I think I have something that could help balance out swf and gen rushing in general. We all know how swf groups usually work, one tries to distract you, the other three work on sperate gens and they pop the floop out of them.
The whole idea is this: should a lone survivor be able to do a generator all by themselves? I thought this could potentially work as a great way to slow the game just enough, without completely ruining the survivors chances of escape.
A lone survivor would be able to repair a generator up to 50%, at which point the entity stops them from working any further. At this point another survivor would have to keep working on the generator. In solo queue this would mean two survivors are needed to complete a generator. This would ensure you can pressure the active generators more, since they can only bring so many up to 50%. This 'passive entity blocker' would deactivate once there are only three survivors left.
In swf it works alike. If it's a full four man group you need three survivors to finish a lone gen, as they can only work on each gen for 33,33~%. It would mean you could chase someone efficently, knowing they either are all working on one generator or they can only bring them up to 33%. Once a survivor died it would go up to 50%. And after another died it would deactivate the passive.
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4 man SWF is extremely strong. any premade group above 3 person needs to be nerfed. It's near impossible to win unless they play super dumb and kept trying to save each other. Any killers would have no choice but to dodge those queues, it's extremely frustrating to fight against them and its no fun
u can easily wipe them on Rank 20, but on Rank 1 its completely the opposite. Any below Rank 12 they should suffer penalities for being in SWF. its way too strong i am not joking
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For starters, they should have it so the highest ranked member of the team is what they use to matchmake. So people can't just use a rank 20 friend to go up against low rank killers. Secondly (and this is not my original idea) they lose a perk slot for each additional member. So for example two will lose one perk slot, three will lose two perk slots and four will lose three perk slots. This means that they trade communication, which is 99% of the time better than any perk for perk slots. Additionally they cannot double up perks. So only one person can have self-care, sprint burst etc etc to incentivise variety and reduce overall strength.
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@SaltyKiller said:
@shadowsfall42 said:
For starters, they should have it so the highest ranked member of the team is what they use to matchmake. So people can't just use a rank 20 friend to go up against low rank killers. Secondly (and this is not my original idea) they lose a perk slot for each additional member. So for example two will lose one perk slot, three will lose two perk slots and four will lose three perk slots. This means that they trade communication, which is 99% of the time better than any perk for perk slots. Additionally they cannot double up perks. So only one person can have self-care, sprint burst etc etc to incentivise variety and reduce overall strength.I like your first idea but the second idea still wouldn't be enough. Marth88 proved that an SWF team without items or perks can still absolutely destroy the Killer. The problem is still the communication that they have.
It's at the very least a start, that doesn't affect solo survivors.
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They already have these for killers.
1.) Bloodwarden ((Perk))
Blocks the exit for 40 seconds, which only increases as you raise your rank with it. This gives you time to down a couple of survivors.2.) The Huntress ((Killer))
Throws a hatchet at players, but you really have to be able to aim with her.They also have ranks in this game for a reason. However, I do hate that you are unable to level up as effectively as before. I got 5k across the board once, and that didn't even give me a pip. I was so angry, I left the game for a week before coming back.
FYI: Killers who are amazing at this game can down SWF just as easily. Honestly, there have been countless times when my sister and I have been playing together, which is usually the case, and we have been slaughtered. This can also be done because of campers. Those toxic [censored]s just need to stop. I'm still waiting on the fix the creators claimed they were going to have for that. I suppose their answer is SWF. -.-
Other times, though, I have played alone and killers contacted me chewing me out for SWF when I wasn't even with other people I knew. I'm just that helpful to others. >:)
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Forgot to mention that the new killer has AOE. Huntress's isn't really AOE, but she does have a 1 hit down.
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Good, that's what I wanted.0 -
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@SaltyKiller said:
To be laughed at and mocked for having a totally wrong opinion about reality? Okay then.Yeah, I’ve beaten a P3 Squadette with 4 BNP’s, using Doctor before he got a single buff. Yeah, it’s definitly possible if you’re an amazing killer, but even if it is, I went through a fresh hell that game.
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@SaltyKiller said:
To be laughed at and mocked for having a totally wrong opinion about reality? Okay then.No, I wanted laugh about the end comment. I did not realize that you were being a rather awful human being, focusing on tearing the opinions of others about you down. From your comment, I can assume that you're a camper yourself.
No opinion is wrong, and you have every right to disregard mine, but when you state that you're laughing, of course I am going to focus on the positives because I'm not a pessimist. From now on clarity should be your goal instead of downing someone who was just trying to be helpful to someone who was having difficulty against survivors.
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@RogueGoddess said:
@SaltyKiller said:
To be laughed at and mocked for having a totally wrong opinion about reality? Okay then.No, I wanted laugh about the end comment. I did not realize that you were being a rather awful human being, focusing on tearing the opinions of others about you down. From your comment, I can assume that you're a camper yourself.
No opinion is wrong, and you have every right to disregard mine, but when you state that you're laughing, of course I am going to focus on the positives because I'm not a pessimist. From now on clarity should be your goal instead of downing someone who was just trying to be helpful to someone who was having difficulty against survivors.
Because people tear down his suggestions, usually because they have gaping flaws that are pointed out almost instantly that he never thought of.
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Thank you. I appreciate your support. I wanted to respond to your comment, but became enraged by what I saw him say, so I shall answer you now.
I agree that this tactic can be hell. After all, everyone in the party can communicate with one another and plan their actions in real time. On the other hand, there are ways to cope with this, which I wanted to put in another post for the benefit of the person requesting assistance in this thread.
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You can't really cope with an organised team that isnt actually bad at the game in my opinion, if they're smart enough to time unhooks properly and keep tabs on the killer they will lose 90+% of the time. Plus Swf make so many perks obsolete e.g. Bond, emphathy, Premonition to an extent (If i've not confused it with another perk) etc. Also chances are you're getting blinded1
@RogueGoddess said:
@Lord_TechnopapstThey already have these for killers.
1.) Bloodwarden ((Perk))
Blocks the exit for 40 seconds, which only increases as you raise your rank with it. This gives you time to down a couple of survivors.2.) The Huntress ((Killer))
Throws a hatchet at players, but you really have to be able to aim with her.Giving the killer a power is not fixing a problem and bloodwarden is not what I suggested. Bloodwarden is similar, but has a completly different impact on the game than my idea.
I also see here many people discussing about "winning against swf". I don't want to go into this topic because it's not clear for me what people are even talking about. "Winning" in DBD is to get a pip after the round but I think some people think they need to get a 4k to win or something. Idk about that whole "winning"-thing so I'm focusing on my "killer should be a threat"-topic which I actually started.
@shadowsfall42 said:
For starters, they should have it so the highest ranked member of the team is what they use to matchmake. So people can't just use a rank 20 friend to go up against low rank killers. Secondly (and this is not my original idea) they lose a perk slot for each additional member. So for example two will lose one perk slot, three will lose two perk slots and four will lose three perk slots. This means that they trade communication, which is 99% of the time better than any perk for perk slots. Additionally they cannot double up perks. So only one person can have self-care, sprint burst etc etc to incentivise variety and reduce overall strength.I really like the idea with the matchmaking. But taking away perks would still be way to impactful on low ranks. Last year, when I started to play this game with my friends, that would have taken the fun away and we would have stopped playing this game. If the balancing for high ranks make the game just awefully unbalanced for noobs and newbies that would sooner or later play back on the game and the community.
The double up perk idea is good, but I don't think that it is possible to do it.0 -
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
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@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
You are right with the camping. They should make camping a so bad tactic that no one wants to play it first and then think about my idea. Totally agree.
To the first point, the entity block really late. So the killer has be past the colums for it to be blocked. You just have to make sure that you can outplay the killer next to an exit and work with your exhaustion perks to build up the distance. There is not much needed.0 -
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@SaltyKiller said:
@RogueGoddess said:
@SaltyKiller said:
To be laughed at and mocked for having a totally wrong opinion about reality? Okay then.No, I wanted laugh about the end comment. I did not realize that you were being a rather awful human being, focusing on tearing the opinions of others about you down. From your comment, I can assume that you're a camper yourself.
No opinion is wrong, and you have every right to disregard mine, but when you state that you're laughing, of course I am going to focus on the positives because I'm not a pessimist. From now on clarity should be your goal instead of downing someone who was just trying to be helpful to someone who was having difficulty against survivors.
Believe it or not dude, there are such things as wrong opinions. Saying "The sun is green!" Is a wrong opinion or "Dog meat is tasty!" Is maybe a little bit more debatable but nevertheless a horrible opinion.
I don't know what it is about this game but I think the devs are at least partially to blame for this participation trophy, everyone's a winner and no one's a loser, entitled bullshit.
You clearly can’t grasp or know the definition of opinions. Saying the sun is green ISNT an opinion, it’s a declaration, and an incorrect one. Tasty is a subjective, this an opinion. And as such, as it’s subjective, can’t be proved wrong. Saying it’s a horrible opinion, is YOUR opinion. Also, saying opinions can be wrong is an incorrect declaration. If you’re gonna go English nazi mode, at least be good at it you pushover.
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@Lord_Technopapst said:
@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
You are right with the camping. They should make camping a so bad tactic that no one wants to play it first and then think about my idea. Totally agree.
To the first point, the entity block really late. So the killer has be past the colums for it to be blocked. You just have to make sure that you can outplay the killer next to an exit and work with your exhaustion perks to build up the distance. There is not much needed.The first idea has way too many flaws. It’s not a good idea, with how many ways it could be abused. Also, saying that it’s priblems are fixed by perks is even worse, so I have to run an exhaustion perk to even be able to escape if the killer is chasing me? That’s not good at all.
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Also, I do not see a participation trophy in this. The only people who get participation trophies are campers when they get a kill because all they did is hook a survivor once and stand there. Survivors have to work hard to actually achieve any points/pips. Survivors, unlike camping [censored]s, have to complete at least 1,000 blood points in every category to pip. If they do not raise more points than this in other fields, there is a very high chance that they might not even get to keep a pip.
When a survivor is immediately caught and then camped, they may as well disconnect from the killer because they are certain to lose their pips and not gain but, perhaps, 1,000 blood points in total. And I bet you're the type of person who sends "gg" after every single match to every person who you have personally camped. You dare to insult players who you have the gall to even speak to when you know your skill is so lacking that, were you to give them a chance, you would be bested.
Opinions are everywhere. And I have every single right to ignore your opinions because I disagree with the way you present your case.
And, @Jack11803 is right. If you're going to try to roast an English major over something like this, perhaps learn how to differentiate between declarations and opinions.
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@SaltyKiller said:
@RogueGoddess said:
FYI: Killers who are amazing at this game can down SWF just as easily. Honestly, there have been countless times when my sister and I have been playing together, which is usually the case, and we have been slaughtered. This can also be done because of campers. Those toxic [censored]s just need to stop. I'm still waiting on the fix the creators claimed they were going to have for that. I suppose their answer is SWF. -.-
Other times, though, I have played alone and killers contacted me chewing me out for SWF when I wasn't even with other people I knew. I'm just that helpful to others. >:)
I laughed.
Why laugh. I've got about 400 hours on killer, downing SWF isn't a big problem, what is the problem is when i play survivor and killers camp me because they think im playing SWF when im not (AKA they will make any excuse to camp)
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@Lord_Technopapst said:
@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
You are right with the camping. They should make camping a so bad tactic that no one wants to play it first and then think about my idea. Totally agree.
To the first point, the entity block really late. So the killer has be past the colums for it to be blocked. You just have to make sure that you can outplay the killer next to an exit and work with your exhaustion perks to build up the distance. There is not much needed.I guess the first one could work then. And about the camping, the perfect fix would be the longer and the closer the killer stands near the hook, the slower he gets, and the slower the hooked survivor dies. He wouldn't slow down that quickly but it would be enough so if he's within 5 meters of the hook for about a 80 seconds the survivor would pretty much stop dying and the killer would move at about 50% the speed of a survivor. This affect would persist for 10 seconds after the survivor is unhooked. Here's a discussion i made for my camping fix idea https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/4888/camping-fix#latest
Post edited by No_Cluie_Louis on1 -
@SaltyKiller said:
If a supposed "English Major" spends 24/7 of their free time shitposting on these forums then I truly doubt that they are in fact an English Major.Doubt it all you want. I do not care about your opinion on the matter, as I have a diploma that proves you wrong. Nothing says that I am still in college.
######### posting is a term that means one is posting content that is not helpful or relevant. I am defending my honor here, as you have personally insulted me. I will not be belittled. I respect differing opinions when my opinions are also respected. Stating that you've laughed at me in a derogatory manner is insulting, and I will not stand for this. You have at least three people who find your point of view invalid. You're the one who is ######### posting.
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Jack11803 said: Also, saying that it’s problems are fixed by perks is even worse
But this (above) caught my eye.
There's zero reason it should matter to a killer if they're up against SWF or not and it should be of zero consequence to survivor mains how they come in to any trial.
I think the problem is just the core mechanics plain and simple and it isn't something that can be perked over. Perks should be just that, a perk.
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When I was suggesting the perk, I was doing so because the request that Techno was making was very similar to the perk, as the way that I interpreted his request.In this situation, it seems that Techno just needs a bit of assistance in playing the game, as he stated in his original post that he was bad at it, which is what I was trying to do. I do apologize for the misinterpretation.
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You also appear to be unable to grasp detail. Oh, you poor dear. God is the male term. Adding "dess" makes the term female. As such, I am a woman.
Oh, and, one more thing. I obviously don't know everything, but at least I know more than you.
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@SaltyKiller said:
Kiss my [BAD WORD] ass you pompous, entitled, and misinformed piece of dog #########.First of all I want to ask you, SaltyKiller, to not post here again. I started this topic to have a conversation which worked out so far but you are just starting to make this a bitchfight. A forum is a place to chat and discuss with people about everything and everyone has to be respectful to others. As long as you are not willing to participate in a real discussion anymore I'm not going to read it anymore.
And to the others: just ignore him and don't help him turning this forum into a reddit rent post.@RogueGoddess said:
In this situation, it seems that Techno just needs a bit of assistance in playing the game, as he stated in his original post that he was bad at it, which is what I was trying to do. I do apologize for the misinterpretation.You got that right. I do need help as killer because I've not played it much and I'm also thankful for your post with the tips. Of course that would not stop me getting into games where I just get bullied from high-rank SWF group where I still wish for changes in the game like the one I suggested. But hey, I don't want to have everything in this game fixed in a sec. I want to improve as killer and maybe help by finding ideas to make SWF less stressful for killers. You don't have to apologize for anything.
@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
You are right with the camping. They should make camping a so bad tactic that no one wants to play it first and then think about my idea. Totally agree.
To the first point, the entity block really late. So the killer has be past the colums for it to be blocked. You just have to make sure that you can outplay the killer next to an exit and work with your exhaustion perks to build up the distance. There is not much needed.I guess the first one could work then. And about the camping, the perfect fix would be the longer and the closer the killer stands near the hook, the slower he gets, and the slower the hooked survivor dies. He wouldn't slow down that quickly but it would be enough so if he's within 5 meters of the hook for about a 80 seconds the survivor would pretty much stop dying and the killer would move at about 50% the speed of a survivor. This affect would persist for 10 seconds after the survivor is unhooked. Here's a discussion i made for my camping fix idea https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/4888/camping-fix#latest
I read about a very simlar idea and I think it's a great way to fix camping in the game and make it more fun. At least from rank 20-8. Don't know how that would work out in the higher ranks.
@Jack11803 said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
@No_Cluie_Louis said:
@Lord_Technopapst said:
Last month I started to play Killer more than just for the rituals and I had a pretty good time with Doc, Wraith and Myers. Most games are fun and even though I lose some rounds where everyone escapes I'm still enjoying it.
But every now and than I get a SWF group with players that are much better than I. Because of the lack of a real ranking system that's something that happens and I have to admit, that I also enjoy it to face much better/worse Killer/Survivors every 13th-16th in the month.
However, some group really make me feel like #########. If a killer has to face a group of survivors with multiple flashlights, desicive stikes or brand new parts this game goes from fun to a feeling which I would describe as just [BAD WORD], noob (name of that emotion was taken from some after game chats).
I try not to be like remove flashlights, fix d-strike bla bla bla because I know that flashlights can be dealt with. SWF group that play in a much lower rank then where they belong are the problem. They just stop respecting the killer and see them as their dog to play with.
So I tried to figure out what is the unfair part about the games where I can do nothing about which can be fixed to prevent the killer from being a useless victim but keep the counter mechanics for the survivors up.
And now after a way too long introduction comes my first buff idea:Entity blocking the exit also for survivors
As the Killer approaches the exit gates the entity blocks it, so that he can not escape. If this barrier would also come up for survivors it would be a counter for the unhooking and then blocking behind a survivor giving the killer no chance to get them. Now after the gates are opened killer mostly just stay with the hooked survivor if there is one and camp them. With this changes killer could chase another survivor, knowing that as long as he is behind them in the exit area, they can't escape. The killer gets the chance to get another survivor hooked and the others can unhook the person.
This would lead in my opinion to a more exciting end game because as a survivor you have to make sure you have enought distance between you and the killer to escape the trial and killer don't have to camp as soon as one gate is open. Saving someone from the hook at team also needs a strategy instead of just blocking behind the injured survivors.
Also survivors do not just run towards the exit line, self care, and then go back just to save another person. In order to not get trapped in the exit they have to leave or try to escape and then heal themself.
You get also a punishment for cocky survivors which refuse to leave in order to taunt the killer in the end.Make the short ranged killer M1 a AoE strike
SWF group tend to just bodyblock the killer in order to make it impossible to hook someone. I don't think that this should be removed, but it's way to easy. If the short ranged M1 attack deals damage in a small cone in front of the killer it would be possible to hit two survivors at the same time. That espacially helps if you get blocked by more than one person in a corner so you have to hit twice in order to move again.
For bodyblocking you would have to alternately block the path of the killer and not just run there and sneak in front of the hook. So it's still possible, but you have to respect the killer as a threat and be careful of what you are doing.
I think that my ideas are pretty simple which I think is good because noone wants to overly complex mechanics to balance the game. They also do not affect every game you play, they are situational and should make the killer more threatening against SWF groups.
I read a lot about people complaining about that SWF is to powerful. So what do you guys think about it? Could my ideas make these matchups more balanced? Or am I not having the right approach to this topic?
I'm looking forward to get some feedback and hear about other ideas from you.I know you have tried hard for both these ideas but both wouldn't work. The first one allows the killer to essentially pick the survivor they liked the least whose still left at the end, then constantly chase them with their being no chance of them escaping. As long as you're there then they can't escape so you can essentially take the game hostage. The second idea at first sounded good but then i realised you're buffing camping. It means you can stand at the hook and down the rescuer and the hooked person in one go. I agree a change needs to be made but these wouldn't work.
You are right with the camping. They should make camping a so bad tactic that no one wants to play it first and then think about my idea. Totally agree.
To the first point, the entity block really late. So the killer has be past the colums for it to be blocked. You just have to make sure that you can outplay the killer next to an exit and work with your exhaustion perks to build up the distance. There is not much needed.The first idea has way too many flaws. It’s not a good idea, with how many ways it could be abused. Also, saying that it’s priblems are fixed by perks is even worse, so I have to run an exhaustion perk to even be able to escape if the killer is chasing me? That’s not good at all.
I think that a exhaustion perk is normal for most players in the game. But you are right, perks should not be a must have in the game. Still I can say that you don't need much distance between you and the killer to survive. I can't tell then I had a killer really close behind me as I escaped. I only see this happening if people are bolyblocking for another survivor. But I guess that's something where we only have opinions based on our playstyle/experiences and we could never know it for sure.
Also your post brought me to another problem of my idea: what if killer don't hit survivors next to the exit gates in order to deny them their movement speed buff which would let them escape. So this would be another hatch stand-off and noboby want something like that.
Maybe the exit gate should not be blocked if the survivor is in the dying state or something. I haven't thought about that yet but maybe someone else has an idea for that.3 -
Thanks for the feedback, and yeah, he regularly turns anything into a fight, he flagged me 13 times in a single post, and I’m pretty sure he may have been suspended for false flags, because he dissapeared and refused engage me at all for a good week.
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First you show your lack of knowledge in words, now you show it in context. 1) He said his English diploma shows knowledge.... IN ENGLISH, not the game! He’s saying he was able to tell your grammar sucks, not that his game view is supreme. Also, you don’t know what shitpost means either, as that’s usually a postvthats satire and not meant to be taken seriously. You seem to think it means, that it’s simply a bad post. Which is not the case, and even IF IT WAS, you’d still be wrong.