Losing and Winning

If I 3k a game but the game says you can cant let anyone escape; do I lose than?


  • Devildove
    Devildove Member Posts: 4

    You decide for yourself what you consider a 'win' or 'loss'. In my opinion, if you had fun, you should consider that a win regardless of how many hooks/kills you got. Personally, when I'm learning unfamiliar killers, I also consider having half the possible total hooks (so 6 or more) decent performance and a personal victory. On killers I'm more familiar with, I consider 2 kills and 2 escapes a 'tie' and 3 or more kills a win.

    Others might use the pipping (ranking) system as an indicator of win/loss, with pipping up indicating a victory, pipping down indicating a loss, and no change ('safety pipping') as more of a tie - however this system is a bit dodgy and you can definitely safety pip or even depip when you've done a very commendable job as killer.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    i just realize something, when results come in you get that one thing that tells you if you displease entity or not too. Derp

  • Devildove
    Devildove Member Posts: 4

    Yes, that corresponds to the 'pipping' system I mentioned in my earlier comment. Entity Displeased = depip, Brutal Killer = safety pip, Ruthless Killer = 1 pip up, Merciless Killer = 2 pips up.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Exactly what I think. 0k is an utter defeat, 4k is a flawless victory, 2k is a tie.

    Since the ranking system is broken and it's far too easy to pip below red ranks, I could not see myself as using pips to determine win/loss conditions.

    I'm not saying those that do see pips as winning or losing are wrong though. Since the devs won't tell us, we have to decide for ourselves.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    i sorta tend to go on the ranking system, as other people have mentioned. But I aim for 20-32k for BP, since that is literally ALL that matters in this game because earning BP earns shards, which all go towards leveling and getting perks.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    4 BBQ stacks is win and 0-3 is lose