The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What is your favorite Chapter?

GeneralV Member Posts: 10,385

Greetings survivors, killers, and both-siders of the Fog! I hope this thread finds you doing well.

So, we all know that things are not exactly in a very good state right now. A recycled event filled with toxic players, paired with countless performance issues on console can make the game difficult to enjoy. And this is without mention the most recent PTB, which I don't even have the proper words to describe.

To help easy my mind a little bit, I decided to take a moment and think about the fun and interesting things DBD still has to offer, and it didn't take long for its many Chapters to come into my mind. For better or for worse, new chapters never fail to amaze us, giving us new characters to play as, new scenarios for our trials and new perks to collect.

And that is what brings us to the question I have for you tonight:

What is your favorite Chapter?

As someone who mains Quentin as survivor and Freddy as killer, my answer should be very obvious, but my favorite is the A Nightmare on Elm Street Chapter. Currently, its content is not very impressive. However, on release it was the best and most unique chapter in Dead by Daylight's history, in my honest opinion. It came with a perfect killer, an interesting survivor and a nice map.

But enough about me, for I would like to hear it from you. Perhaps your favorite is a chapter which you've bought right on release. Maybe it had just released when you first started playing. Or maybe you don't even have a favorite.

I appreciate your answers, and as always: see you in the Fog!

-Signed by GeneralV, your local Old Freddy main and A Nightmare on Elm Street fan.

