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Doctor Shock Therapy power doesn't work - PC

Member Posts: 6

As in the title, Doctor's Shock therapy does nothing, survivors don't scream, their madness doesn't go up, actions aren't blocked. There isn't even an animation of electricity going through the ground, just the sound and fist animation. Happens in every game, to replicate just play as doctor and try to use his power

Static Blast and addon effects from madness seem to work as intended, but shock therapy basically just slows Doctor down during the charge and makes him laugh and nothing else

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  • Member Posts: 4

    Just had this same bug on the new map. static blast worked, but the shock therapy did nothing to the survivors, just slowed me down, and made the noise without the animation or effect

  • Member Posts: 699

    i've played him twice and he worked as intended, what addons were you using and what map were you playing on?

  • Member Posts: 136

    I had this once too. Happened on one of the swamp maps. Static Blast worked, but Shock Theraphy did nothing at all. Addons where yellow order and restraint I think.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I noticed that too when I was playing on the Cathedral map with the carnival.....I was chasing a Chris Redfield and used Shock Thearapy 7 times before he went into madness and he only screamed for 4 of the 7 times. I cant recall what addons I was using but I can only seem to induce madness with Static Blast, Shock Therapy seems to only induce it about 40% of the time at best.

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