Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Give Up Option

Member Posts: 63
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

We've all been there. Last Survivor, did a great job but still get downed and as you brace for the sweet release, the killer just stares at you and doesn't pick you up. Now you get to sit there at stare at your screen, check your texts or maybe get up and make something. Really, you get to do whatever you want, except get into a new game of DbD, unless you forfeit all your Bloodpoints and leave.

So why isn't there an option to simply give up and let the entity take you? If the killer isn't going to end you and would rather kick gens, break pallets/doors, find the hatch, ect, then there's no real reason why you should be forced to bleed out or wait for them to finally end a game they've already won.

Edit: For any concerned, a 5-7 second buffer between being downed and yeeting yourself solves any honest abuse issue.

Edit #2: For those particular individuals who just *need* to roam the map for miscellaneous things, 45sec-2min delay can be added to allow you to do objectives after the survivor leaves. This would allow you to get whatever dallies/tomes/ect you would need.

Edit #3: As @Marcavecunc has pointed out, Decisive Strike can remain active during this time. A 5-7 sec channeled action, which can't be activated while Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Soul Guard or No Mither are active, that notifies the killer and initiates a 10-15sec bleed out would suffice. Obviously you can't allow survivors to make opossum plays against killers and killers should be notified that a survivor is ready to leave and doesn't have an ability to escape.

Post edited by SkulkingPaladin on

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  • Member Posts: 9,436

    This could go either way, as the final survivor could be slugged while the 2nd final survivor is being hooked, crawls into a corner, and the killer can't find them.

    Ultimately the devs position is "the bleedout timer is a hard cap, therefore the game duration is already limited", but it wouldn't hurt if the last remaining survivor bled out a bit quicker.

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  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I like how everybody wants a DC penalty but then an insta ######### button is ay-okay.

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  • Member Posts: 3,306


    You'll live without the thousand or so bloodpoints you'll get kicking whatever you find while someone gets to just sit around and not get to play the game, i'm sure.

    Odds are you'll actually get BP faster just moving on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    "We can both say selfish [GAMER WORD]"

    I'm sorry, the equivalency here is severely

    s e v e r e l y


  • Unknown
    edited July 2021
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  • Member Posts: 3,306
    edited July 2021

    The situation you're bizarrely, inexplicably trying to protect isn't a worthwhile scenario to protect compared to protecting the many, many people who get bled out on the ground for 4 minutes by spiteful gremlins with societal maladjustment issues. I've never, not once, been left to bled out by someone who just wanted some more BP I swear ;)

    You'll make more points just moving on and playing the next match.

    They could hold you there for 4 minutes or a week, but they're still doing it to ruin your game you play for fun because you literally can't stop them and I feel like you, yes you, Scrooge, can find it within yourself sacrifice that third of the bloodpoints for a brown item on the bloodweb to give people being bled out a [BAD WORD] swift exit.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
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  • Member Posts: 1,378

    already said this a million times:

    You should be able to charge up a second bar after you charged up the recovery bar.

    When this second bar is full, you get the option to end it yourself, dying with a point bonus "On your own terms"

    To make it fair, the killer can when in range by an aura colour if you are charging that second bar.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    You go around find breakable walls & dropped pallets do not earn you more than 1k. As each gives you 100BP, you mostly never able to leave that much pallets & breakable walls.

    I had a match that Nemesis slug me & David through 4min and he just walked around punching Zombies, the map was Azarov, has a single breakable wall.

    Force other people laying there waiting for you to earn merely 1000 BP is selfish.

    As @Grandpa_Crack_Pipe said, find another match is a faster way to earn BP, slash them 3 times already gain equal.

    Survivors that just waiting at exit gates tbagging is surely toxic, but Im still able to use that whole time to find breakable walls, pallets, use power. Or just go to the gate and instantly end the game, I have my choice. Slug me on the ground for 4min gives me no choice and no BP.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Just make it so the last survivor can do it and give killer full bp so no one complains. And while you are at it make it so it counts for trophies and challenges. Etc.

    Everyone happy?

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  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Why would survivor not give up to deny killers bp every time they can?

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  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited July 2021

    I said "every time they can".

    So if the killer slugs all remaining survivors in the trial, last survivor always get to deny killer bp.

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  • Member Posts: 5,923

    If bp is not important to you why not let killers have it anyway?

    You get to get out of the game and killer gets his bp so no one complains.

    Otherwise some toxic killers that love watching people bleed out would complain it is a bad change because of bp deny.

    You have to think about scenarios and loopholes. Even with my suggestion I bet I missed something that they would complain about.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    The fact that many thinking that slug 1 or more players just laying on the ground doing nothing for 4 mins each game so they can break some pallets for 1.000 BP, in a role that M1 survivors 3 times to gain equal BP, in a game that 50.000 BP give a single Blood web - scared me because of a selfishness human can get.

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  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited July 2021

    The problem is that some changes won't take place if a lot of people are opposed to them.

    I personally don't understand why you find it an issue how many bp killers get. I wouldn't care less as long as I can leave the game and move on to another.

    But maybe I do. Both sides love doing things out of spite to punish the other side. Even if it is some measly bp.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I personally don't understand why you find it an issue how many bp killers get. I wouldn't care less as long as I can leave the game and move on to another.

    Except slugged survivor can not leave the game and move on.

    But maybe I do. Both sides love doing things out of spite to punish the other side. Even if it is some measly bp.

    Survivors have no problem that Killer can get a measly BP. Its the Killer slug Survivors cause them can not play another game to earn BP.

    Even if Killer gains BP through M1 survivors on hook, I have no problem with it.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Dude we are talking what would happen if there is a give up option.


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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I definitely want this as an anti-griefing measure. Encountered enough dedicated bleeders to be sick of the concept. Personally I think it'd be fine to implement as long as the following conditions are true:

    -Every other remaining survivor is also downed

    -Your recovery bar is charged and capped (so you have to have been left on the ground for ~30 seconds)

    -The killer gets full points and emblems for the action, as if they'd sacrificed you and you died on that hook. This is to prevent spite usage and players wandering off and suiciding when the killer is actively looking for them, or situations where the killer is only slugging because they know DS is active.

    For people complaining about the equivalent, killers do have the ability to push survivors out of the gates if they don't want to waste their time any longer. It's obnoxious, but the only way it takes two minutes is if the killer refuses to meet the tbag party. Survivors don't have the ability to hasten things along when the killer decides to grief them.

    The bloodpoints argument isn't salient either, because killers only get a pittance for kicking walls/pallets/gens. You'd get way more bloodpoints by moving onto the next match, which is why virtually no killers do this without ulterior motives. Either they have an archive challenge for breakables/hatch closure or they're being a dick on purpose.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Finally someone that understand the "bp" point.

    I think both sides need to come together and accept compromises for this to work. Giving up ability to "grief" shouldn't be that hard right?

  • Member Posts: 2,057

    I wouldn't mind a "Bleed out faster" button, not flat out giving up.

    But it would require certain conditions to be met.

    Stuff like, but not limited to..

    • Having been slugged for over 30 seconds while being the last survivor alive
    • Everyone else has also been sluggedfor over 30 seconds (to prevent insta-bleed out to let another slug get hatch) or is on their second hook stage

    Only reasons I can think to want to give up is if everyone's slugged or about to die. That's it. None of that "I want my teammate to get an easy hatch escape" bullshit.

    Oh, and "bleeding out faster" would just make the timer go down faster, not instadeath at a press of a button.. say, x2 or x3 times faster than regular bleed out. Yes it would still require you to sit around and wait to die, but at the same time, an easy out of the match is the reason they added the DC penalties in the first place. No reason to add an in-game mechanic that goes against that logic, unless you add requirements before being able to do it.

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  • Member Posts: 117

    Kinda like how killers constantly deny survivors BP by slugging. I feel like most the comments in here are just acting like this is a free escape suggestion when its not. The killer would get their BP if a survivor suicided. Which is how it should be(and i think the DC bonus should be 3-4x higher than it currently is for everybody). Your counter arguments don't isolate and fix the problem that a lot of solo players have at all ranks.. I would honestly like a way out of a game where i'm slugged, dont move, and the killer is just being a toxic troll. Then post game they have deerstalker and they were just being a jerk. Fun is subjective but if you're going to play like that then honestly go play something else. If i wanted competitive toxicity i'd go buy Overwatch or play CSGO.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    You didn't read my other posts. I am for it if it gives the killer full bp.

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  • Member Posts: 2,057

    I understand your point, but I'd still make it longer, even if you're the last survivor.. why? DS. The wait time before being able to give up should be longer than the DS timer. Sometimes I slug the last survivor a bit if I know they've been unhooked recently and haven't seen them doing objectives that would turn off their DS. Would suck for me to wait out their DS only for them to give up and deny me my kill just because I didn't want to get stabbed in the neck.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Why, though? They're wasting their own time. Most killers just want to move onto the next match.

  • Member Posts: 568

    Good idea, just click 'give up' and the entity will take you instead. Like how it does during the EGC...

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  • Member Posts: 2,057
    edited July 2021

    I mean.. it's an unlikely scenario, DS lasts what.. 60 seconds? and if the option to give up is only offered to the last survivor, it means someone unhooked them and THEN left the game and let the unhooked guy to their own demise.. so by the time you catch and down them, some time will have passed. But just to be sure (in the "unhook, unlock hatch with a key, kick it closed in the unhooked guy's face and slug them" scenario, better make it the full 60 seconds of slug time before being able to give up. Which is still better than 240 seconds if you get slugged til you bleed out.

    But to be fair.. in those unlikely scenarios.. I'd probably still pick them cause ######### slugging someone to wait their DS out.. I mean I've done it in the past, but rarely to the very last survivor.. usually if their teammates go for the obvious rescue in my face and they didn't have DS, or the survivor runs straight at me on purpose to bait it..

    But still.. got to account for those rare occurences that can (AND WILL) be abused. That's why they "nerfed" Soul Guard, to prevent people who abused the **** out of it from doing so by adding a short cooldown to it.

    EDIT: just read your edit, and I agree, the killer should get a notification that the survivor is about to bleed out on purpose.. And bleeding out on purpose shouldn't be a "hold the button for X seconds, if you let go it cancels.. once you press the button to do it, you commit to it, no going back. so if you press E (or whatever) to bleed out on the ground, killer gets notified, if they don't pick you up, you die, if they do, you get hooked and die, and if they just hold you to carry you around without wanting to hook you just to grief you, you die after X seconds of carry time, or if you wiggle out, cause ######### it. (also, giving up could just deactivate the second chance perks, that way, you wouldnt have to wait until you used them all up, if you know you're going to die anyway, you can just give up, it deactivates your unbreakable/no mither/ds/soul guard/whatever)

    Maybe just add a second timer once the killer pick you up. 10 seconds til you bleed out, if you get picked up, the killer has an additional 10 seconds to hook you, otherwise you just die on their shoulder (or under their armpit, in Nemesis' case)

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