Hold W meta is unplayable against

All survivors got to do is run in a straight line its bad for 115 but worse for 110. There's probably no fix for it but damn survivors get looping smh
If you're chasing normally a survivor while playing a 110killer I'd assume you're doing something wrong. Slower killers are so because their power is strong enough to compensate the 5% lower speed
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I think we already had enough unnecessary complaints about „holding W“..
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Well if the devs keep replacing loops with unsafe windows & unsafe pallets along with maps with huge deadzones this is what it boils down to.
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I mean-- I can give you no other advice then just to not chasing as a 110% if they do that. Especially if your out of hatchets/blades, or way out of your range as slinger.
Or I guess out of your web as Hag. Spirit, you can use your power to catch up.
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All 110 killers have some way of hitting from a distance. The only one who really can't do anything about hold W is Hag if the survivor is running towards an area with no traps.
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Your saying tricksters power is strong? Hahahaha I wish
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🤣🤣🤣 Another daily post of certain folks griping about survivors running. Like what do you guys want survivors to do just wait and let you get the hit. And if a survivor knows how to loop some folks call it "abusing loops". So there is no strategy that survivors can put into action.
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Uh-huh killers can catch up to survivors and 110 killers have powrs that compensate the lack of speed
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Seriously? This again? Ya'll will find problem in anything by next time I expect thread complaining about survivors having ability to heal
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I play trickster if a survivor is running mindlessly they won't last. Those are usually easy downs. Ironically looping the trickster with high tiles is what makes power useless.
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This is really killer dependent.
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Or having ability to move.
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"W meta" lmao. Killers back from infinities days are laughing hard about this.
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Y'all REALLY need to stop complaining about survivors engaging in a basic function of the game - forward movement aka running. What are they supposed to do instead? Fly? Belly crawl? Dance?
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They need to start twerking and dab.
For me, I'd do the bad romance dance.
It's true, in these trying times only the fastest killers can save us against the w.
Gone are the days when survivors teabagged near me after dropping a pallet. Now? They hold w and teabag from a distance.
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I don't know what you mean when I play killer the majority of the players always will loop, so I guess I'm playing a different game. And plus a lot of the reworked maps have less, and less tiles they also have less pallets and more dead zones. Anyway you folks need to come up with something better to gripe about, because this is silly complaining about survivors running.
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"hold w meta"
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Want maps changed so they are not gigantic and allow the killer to cut survivors off. Any questions?
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Two survivors together are required to tango. Three or four together, and they must be doing the cha cha slide.
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The thing is survivor say they are unsafe because they required the survivor to outplay the killer and most of the survivor cant do that. Imagine if the map had a jungle gym into a jungle gym into a jungle gym the map would be unfair. I think part of the survivor skill is to know where they are the most vulnerable and find the good timing to go in those part to do their objective and just bring the killer there like that the rest of the team work on gen freely
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Didn’t you know that pallet looping is toxic? It’s been that way for years now. These killer mains complaining about this ######### is hilarious. The game in its current state has made playing killer the easiest it ever has been. What I think the real problem is is it’s way too easy to rank up in the game. They get into ranks where they clearly do not belong and start getting vastly out played by other players that probably have 20 times the amount of hrs as them and then come here to complain. Unfortunately these complaints will never stop until they get an MMR system that truly works. All this forum is is a gigantic salt mine lol.
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You do realize that this is killer design that allows a lot of killers to bypass looping and maps not having enough areas to loop that is causing this. Survivors haven't changed, killers and maps have.
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Or existing
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The Devs have fixed the "Hold W" meta.
They've added bots that slow down when a killer is chasing it so that the killer can down it and feel good about himself.
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This is an excellent point.
Even the slowest Killer is faster than survivors' base speed. Exhaustion perks that give a speed burst only last 3 seconds. Add in Bloodlust, add in the number of Killers who can simply ignore pallets and loops (and because of how over-tuned Wraith is right now, he counts as one of these), add in that there's currently no effective counterplay to Hag and Trapper traps (they are both far more difficult to see, and with the removal of them from Small Game, there's literally nothing in the game that gives you any chance to detect them whatsoever, so you have to just hope that somehow, your eyes spot them) - why the hell would any survivor want to loop? There's no benefit to it. The only benefit right now is to get as much distance from the Killer as possible - while at the same time trying to draw them away from where teammates are working on gens. You want to know why you're seeing so many folks running Sprint Burst? This is why.
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survivors should trip like they do in horror movies and it takes them 2 minutes to get up
one thing this game is missing is survivors randomly tripping which prevented survivors from holding W in movies.
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I'll admit I find it boring when Survivors just hold W. Here's the thing... instead of complaining about it, want to know what I do? I run Killers and Builds that counter that. Those 100% exist. Like this guy:
He's fantastic at dealing with Survivors that just hold W.
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It is not impossible to counter, it is just really boring and unfun.
I want the loops, the mindgames, situations in which both sides can outplay each other. I wanna have fun.
Screw the "hold W meta". That should not be a thing.
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Have you tried Blight?
Alternatively, Legion with M&A also does a good job of shutting hold W down.
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You can thank the "All pallets/Vaults become hits" meta with recent killers. Survivors can't just loop anymore as its free hits for the killer. This is all they can do, because stealth isn't viable much anymore.
Say what you want about looping, at least there was some actual interaction.
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It is a good advice, but having to play those killers in order to counter this poor excuse of a strategy is...bad.
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Almost like this game was never made with sweaty optimal gameplay in mind or something.
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Eh, you don't need to run those Killers though. M&A + StBfL on any M1 Killer can drastically reduce the amount of hold W that happens. Sloppy + Nurses + Stealth can let you hit somebody, let them go and get the 2nd hit later on.
There are more options than just those two.
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Now we are talking! At least those perks I can run on Freddy.
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Yeah, almost...
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Side question, how well do stealth perks work on Freddy? Like on the one hand when they're awake they can't see you past a certain distance so smothering your TR is very effective. On the other hand, when Survivors are asleep, they hear the lullaby instead of the TR so TR perks don't do anything.
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When people evolve and adapt people just find new stuff to complain and jump on.
I said it once. Some people on both sides want every single thing nerfed until they can stomp every game. It is just human nature.
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Not so well, I would say. You can use them to catch an awake survivor, but they are not so effective anymore.
However, in the past there were a few interesting stealth options for Freddy. They worked in a very unique way, but they did work.
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Not unplayable but so boring it might aswell be.
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Right, in the game currently we have a few killers that counter this meta:
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Blight
- hillbilly (against bad survivors)
Which killers are complained about the most on these forums? Also, we should have more than 3 viable killers out of 30.
Sure, you can catch up to them, but the problem is how long it takes. The math doesn't add up in favor of the killer. If the survivor does nothing but hold shift + w and run in the opposite direction of the killer. No windows, no pallets, no perks, no mindgames, no nothing, just pure unadulterated shift + w, it will take the killer 48 seconds to down that survivor. Factor in the time it took to find them, the time it takes to pick them up, walk to a hook and hook them, and the other 3 survivors finish 3 gens. This is a real problem. At high levels you can't really counter it. Everyone agrees that at high level you HAVE to get someone on the hook fast, hit and run doesn't work.
- If you hit the survivor and break chase, you spent 30 seconds getting that hit, they spend 16 healing it away and/or just hop on a gen.Every other survivor now does the same thing.
- If you break chase before you hit the survivor, they just hop on a gen. Every other survivor now does the same thing.
- If you stay on the survivor, you just lost 3 gens et's not strawman here. Nobody is saying survivors can't loop. Loops and mindgames are where the fun is. the game isn't fun when survivors just hold w and immediately drop every pallet. Where is the fun? You are just running through a grinder until they run out of pallets and hope the team is bad at doing gens. It's not fun for either side. I think survivors should be rewarded when they win loops, and punished our rank is showing then. The majority of my games are like that these days. Ever since the oracle vs tru3 matches survivors have been playing like this more and more.whennother strawman. they hey may be faster, but not that much faster. .6 m/s more is extremely slow when you need to close a gap of 20 meters.d
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odyRight, in the game currently we have a few killers that counter this meta:
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Blight
- hillbilly (against bad survivors)
Which killers are complained about the most on these forums? Also, we should have more than 3 viable killers out of 30.
Sure, you can catch up to them, but the problem is how long it takes. The math doesn't add up in favor of the killer. If the survivor does nothing but hold shift + w and run in the opposite direction of the killer. No windows, no pallets, no perks, no mindgames, no nothing, just pure unadulterated shift + w, it will take the killer 48 seconds to down that survivor. Factor in the time it took to find them, the time it takes to pick them up, walk to a hook and hook them, and the other 3 survivors finish 3 gens. This is a real problem. At high levels you can't really counter it. Everyone agrees that at high level you HAVE to get someone on the hook fast, hit and run doesn't work.
- If you hit the survivor and break chase, you spent 30 seconds getting that hit, they spend 16 healing it away and/or just hop on a gen.Every other survivor now does the same thing.
- If you break chase before you hit the survivor, they just hop on a gen. Every other survivor now does the same thing.
- If you stay on the survivor, you just lost 3 gens et's not strawman here. Nobody is saying survivors can't loop. Loops and mindgames are where the fun is. the game isn't fun when survivors just hold w and immediately drop every pallet. Where is the fun? You are just running through a grinder until they run out of pallets and hope the team is bad at doing gens. It's not fun for either side. I think survivors should be rewarded when they win loops, and punished our rank is showing then. The majority of my games are like that these days. Ever since the oracle vs tru3 matches survivors have been playing like this more and more.whennother strawman. they hey may be faster, but not that much faster. .6 m/s more is extremely slow when you need to close a gap of 20 meters.don
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You cannot seriously want to nerf this when holding w is the best and sometimes also only way of buying time vs certain killers.
Play Blight or Nurse and you will be fine
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After killer mains were able to get survivor's arms and legs nerfed, killers then went after the overpowering ability of survivors to hold "w" to crawl away...
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Honestly I wouldn't even say Nurse does a great job of countering hold W unless you're running distance Add ons or something. I have heard that a base blinking Nurse is... about the same speed overall as a 115% killer.
Legion with M&A does because 8m less of warning and Frenzy has nearly no swing cool down and is 130% instead of 115% so you can get right up on them quickly... then Survivors don't usually keep running during the Frenzy CD unless they aren't at a loop yet. Double that if you've given him CD add ons.
Trickster does if you get your injury with Knives. Holding W in a straight line is practically an invitation for Trickster to keep throwing knives into your back for a free down.
Bubba with stealth Perks can because the perks get him close and Chainsaw = no post hit hold W.
On the right map, Stealth Killers counter hold W very well. After all they won't hold W if they don't know they need to.
On a decent number of killers, Save The Best For Last does wonders for minimizing hold W after hit.
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This 100%! This is what happens when you take away loops, pallets, etc. Not to mention killers like PH, DS, Nemmy, etc. 🤷♂️
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You’re exaggerating. I would like to see you play killer, you probably are not good.
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The worst part is it ends up annoying both sides. Give a killer a strong chase and the ability to almost completely override pallets/vauls and you have to equalise them by giving them lacking or no map mobility/pressure.
So they can still be easily genrushed which annoys the killer, and the chases are pretty much gauranteed to be short and almost impossible to win, annoying the survivor.
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This guy knows whats up!
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Exactly. I enjoy looping and trying to mind game the killer, not just pre throwing pallets. Not really much you can do against some killers that punish the survivor for looping or vaulting a pallet/window, tho. It's boring for BOTH sides.
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@OP The only advice I can give you is not to play killer that have to play the M1 game without any form of extra mobility or other boons. You are never going to win against half decent teams, we often pitty the likes of Ghostface/Myers/Pig/Trapper/Legion because they are literally helpless. Only play those killer to meme because that´s all they´re good for.