Average Survivor Rating

I know that rank resets every 13th or so, but I've been wondering what the average survivor rank across the PC platform is? Like percentage and ratio of 1-5 vs like 6 - 10 and below? So on and so-forth. It's been egging at me for a while now. I haven't played many games competitively before this except Overwatch, and I know the common competitive rank in that game is like .. platinum? So what would the average survivor ranking for this game be? The majority hold?


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I'd rate the average survivor as a french fry on the raw-potato-to-twice-baked-loaded-potato scale.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    I would never say that this game is competitive, or even supposed to be competitive. It's a mess of balance issues overall.

  • WhiteAqua7
    WhiteAqua7 Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018
    Most rank 1s should not be at rank 1 imo. When i check ppl's profiles in rank 1 lobbies some have as little as 45hours. A lot of the randoms at rank 1 are not very strong survivors, they waste pallets (throw down the pallet but still get hit), some of them don't know how to loop and just wait at pallets and are overall unoptimal. They can't even do ruin skillchecks and do not know totem placements and walk around the map aimlessly saving crutch burst (these are extreme cases of course)
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Most of them are trash.
    There's few top tier survivors.