Console Player Feelings About this WONDERFUL EVENT!!!

What consistently drops frames
-Killer or Survivor gaining a speed boost
-A Skill Check
-Throwing a pallet down
-Fast Vaulting Windows
-Doctor's Static Shock
-Nemesis in general
-If they game just decides to
I think it's safe to say extending the event to the 22nd is great...for PC players, as they still have the game being somewhat playable. Console players however, get a unplayable mess that is a disappointment in many ways. I can't tell anyone to go buy this game right now in the state it is in. I would say wait and pray it gets fixed or another company is in control. Spaghetti code is fixable and you don't need a DBD 2 or anything extreme to solve that issue.
I'm frustrated and upset that everytime I play this game and hope it gets better, it doesn't. SO MANY PEOPLE support less chapters if the game gets fixed, but no. More chapters are added, while also making the game run worse. What's the point of making content for a game, if the game is unplayable?
I love Dead By Daylight since 2016 and I root the best for it. But it's like a sports team that just doesn't want to win right now. I'M NOT BUYING ANY AURIC CELLS, DLC, OR RIFTS until it's fixed personally.
Cheers to a 5th Anniversary and hoping the game gets better.
*laughs in series X*
On a serious note they need to fix this ASAP but they don’t seem to care tbh
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Yeah, I do not get this decision. Until there actual fix, what good is extending the event?
Joining my Series X brother above, I am not affected by these slowdowns and issues so I'm super happy about the extension but if the point is to say "Sorry we done F'ed up" to last gen/older PC users, the hell good extending the event going to do them?
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me being a ps5 legend, been pretty goood.
my friend who plays sometimes, but not too often on ps4. not even going to attempt to play the game until the stuffs fixed.
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I haven't been able to get my hands on a PS5 yet sadly and if I'm required to get a next gen console so the game is playable, then why is the game still allowed to be played on PS4? Just frustrating.
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The frame rate for me (PS4) has gotten that bad I've had to call it a day on the game until it's fixed. I forced myself to play enough to at least get 70 for the rift, only to hear them extend it the day after I finish. But the framerate drops are just becoming unbearable, especially during chases where I literally freeze and end up running into a wall and downing, or the game deciding to freeze just as a skill check begins. And trying to play a killer with a more active power is a nightmare. I usually main Trickster and everytime I ready his knives, I lag out and end up losing the survivor thanks to the freeze. It's honestly a joke they're allowing this to continue for over a month. It makes me question wether or not to even bother buying the next DLC if it's going to be a repeat of the mess we've had so far from the last 4.
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If it makes you feel better, I 100% agree
If BHVR is somehow unable or unwilling to make DBD work on the last gen consoles, it should stop selling the game and the DLC.
Fix the game or officially drop the support
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Even thinking about playing Nemesis on RPD crashes my game.
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TBH....Epic or any decently ran company should buyout BVHR.
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My brain crashes at the thought of it
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I just want the best for the game and community ya know...BVHR displays the exact opposite.
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yeah I don't see how making the event last longer makes it up to us console players at all. It's god awful to play right now, and they're rolling out a new PTB for PC players and worrying about buffing Trickster. It's a slap in the face. None of us should spend a penny on this game ever again.
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I really wanted to enjoy the event,but man.The lag and freezes makes it so frustrating.
I'm just disappointed that we'll have to wait at least until the mid chapter for the fix.
BHVR always manages to outdo them in the worst way possible
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I haven't had any issues on Switch. Nothing near the game lag I saw for PS4 players. I saw DyllonKG compared it to like a Mr. Game & Watch with frqme skips
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This is an event for pc players.
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As pc player I'm not enjoying this event. Killer queues take forever even at evening time. It's probably because everyone playing killer to make more bp and because there less console players playing game.
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I lowkey need the extension to try and level all my killers. I have 2 at level 30 and one at level 40. And who is to say I will get my perks by 50 anyways? An extra week should suffice, but we shall see... The day queue for killers is oppressive. At night, they are basically instant.
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Aside the constant frame drops and lagspikes, the extra BP are nice.
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Ew.. why would you wish for anything to be bought by EPIC?
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laughs in PS5
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For me the queue times are horrible, even for killers. And I'm in EU, so much players from there.
Hope you get your perks though :D
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Positive note - If not for the current state of the game I never would have tried Dishonored. That game has been in my que for so long and I am really liking it. Thanks Bhvr.
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Same for me, but with Evil Within and DMC 5
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Imagine dying with only 5k bloodpoints because you lag during chases and messed up skill checks cuz of it. The game is not encouraging players to play the game. So they numbers won't grow and queues will get even longer till the game dies.
No small upside outweighs this issue. Glad ur staying positive tho.
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Really unfair how we’re missing out on the event and can’t even play or enjoy the game (mainly killers).
not buying anything either till it’s fixed the game has just had issues after issues stacked onto it without fixing the issues before releasing new content.
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Survivor is barely playable too. You get down easily because every freeze stops you in place during a chase. Dead hard doesn't work and lots of other perks makes the game freeze.
No one is spared.
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Well simple, they update games weekly not only fixing any issues, but adding more things that refresh the gameplay. As well we would get EVENTS that would have effort behind them.
Just a few reasons, but Epic doesn't have to buy it. Anyone that would just handle the game with better care.
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Ik, That was implied. FUN FACT
Sprint Burst
Smash Hit
Cause the game to drop frames a lot More often, as sudden bursts of speed aka fast movement OUTTA NOWHERE. Makes game brain fart, always on current gen consoles. Next Gen and PC drop frames, not as much, and they get to still use Dead Hard as well.
Lithe actually runs well on current gen.
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I tried EW but didn't take. Might try again after Dishonored 1&2 will probably be sooner rather then later considering DBD can't seem to get fixed.
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It's a solid 8/10. Fun gameplay, pacing and suspension handled amazingly. The story is poorly written in points, but parts of the story is still good.
Recommend it while we wait 2 years for BVHR to sell DBD
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I responded to the guy who said it is mainly killers that have problems.
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Oh gotcha, and I'm sure they are aware. I play both back and forth, depends on if I have friends.
They probably just main killer
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On this note I have been playing survivor mostly as it's just easier to manage the current state of the game on that side. Don't get me wrong it sucks playing that role right now as well but killer is way worse IME. Almost every killer power lags up for 1-3 seconds, when a unhook happens, status effect applied, and don't even get me started on DH.
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Oh best part is when you are going to hit them then they have a Exhaustion perk, making not only loose ground and miss, but your games freezes for 2 seconds as they cover SOOOO MUCH GROUND where it becomes impossible.
I refuse to play DBD unless I have 3 friends asking to play in a 4. It's too unplayable to play killer and it's to unplayable to solo queues. You get punished for not buying a PS5 that is almost unattainable or a expensive PC. Truly privileged people will think I NEVER HAVE THOSE ISSUES, YOU'RE JUST CRYING. I've had people tell me that several times and it's gross.
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I went to pc to get away from those problems
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The last gen version should just be delisted from the digital stores similar to what happened with Cyberpunk. Hit BHVR where it really hurts.
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I would like a refund for all the DLCs and skins then😅
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Not everyone can is that issue you know. Some people think SCREW CONSOLE PLAYERS for just not having PC. Toxic mindset to have when they are the minority of the playerbase.
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All i did was save money buy individual parts and waited people can do that
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NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE have spare money in general though.
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Not to mention how PC also need constant support and need replaced parts. IT'S A FINANCIAL Privilege.
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I just cut back on certain things and saved in order to afford it
Well what do you mean by this i mean if a console breaks you either have to get a whole new console or buy parts to fix it/get someone else to fix it which can be expensive depending on what breaks
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A PS4 is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and if you think you're better for it or other people are missing out for not having one you're ignorant.
Game doesn't work on pc that well and is worse on console and saying GET A PC has no value.
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I have a ps4 and a pc and play dbd on both i don't think im better than people who play a console what i was saying was dbd on pc is way better than ps4 and i stopped playing on ps4 because of these issues
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This opens the doors to playing Survivor to grind for Archives challenges and Rift levels for consoles. They're not fixing it but I am very glad they're extending it.
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It's weird. I've played PC games for many years but console on and off. It's more difficult these days for me to get used to playing on PC after enough years on the PLaystation. I've played both DBD and RDR2 on PC and I find that my 'muscle memory' related to controllers is hampering when using mouse and keyboard. There again, no problem playing WoW with mouse and keyboard. There's just something about having played a game for so many hours with one control interface that makes it more difficult for me with a different set of controls. Too old, maybe.
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In fairness to BHVR, whenever they have an update for console they have to send the build to the individual company microsoft/sony/nintendo to make sure it doesn't break their operating system. That submitting and approval process takes time.
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why don't you just play something else for a week? Try Civilization or something for a refreshing change.
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The best part too...they won't extend the event for console players so...they miss out. I won't get any crowns done
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Sounds like you're making excuses for spaghetti code they refuse to fix...
The game doesn't run on pc without frames dropping constantly. The game needs to be REBUILT from the ground up. More DLC will only make more problems.