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Opinion on Keys and Mori

TheVolgun Member Posts: 34
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Point of the post is in the title, what is your opinion on the current state of keys and mori

Here is mine:

They should both be entirely removed from the game.

Simple as that, I have seen keys and Moris through the various stages of their existence and not one moment have I said Hey these are actually fun and don't simply allow the survivors/killer to skip gameplay. The closest I have ever been to that sentence is for the latest version of Moris we have but I still don't believe they should be in the game.

Anyways there is my opinion what is yours?


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited July 2021

    Mori's are functionally fine after the nerf, and they're an iconic part of a killers kit, their unique kill animation deserves to be seen. The problem is that there's really no reason to use them as an offering over some other better offerings. Mori's should award a BP bonus for Kills by your own hand. 50/75/100% bonus respectively maybe.

    Keys are mostly fine, the problem is the hatch spawn conditions. There should be no reason the hatch could be opened while survivors are still capable of repairing generators. The killer's objective is to defend generators and score hooks, by downing survivors, who need to repair generators, it's a simple circular objective loop which gives the killer no reason to go out scouting for the hatch. So to have the game suddenly and abruptly end while the survivors still have objectives to do, completely outside of the killers control, is just wrong. So change the Hatch spawning conditions to only; when there's one remaining survivor (they can re-open it with a key), or when all generators have been repaired. In both cases, all it's doing is increasing the possible exit points from two to three, and it's more than reasonable for the killer to patrol three exit points when the killer has no other objectives either. I'd even suggest a killer offering/perk that unlocks the ability to see the aura of the hatch.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Boy, are you gonna hate the fact that they're supposedly making them basekit.

    I don't really have an issue with current Mori's. They're an extended last hook that show off an animation.

    Key's can be annoying, in my experience most people who blatantly bring keys into the lobby are really bad. Most of the key escapes in my games are from keys found from chests.

  • TheVolgun
    TheVolgun Member Posts: 34

    You know what now that you mention it, I guess my frustration mainly with keys does actually come from the hatch I 100% agree with the concept that survivors shouldn't be able to use the hatch when gens can still be completed.

  • TheVolgun
    TheVolgun Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2021

    I know about the moris being base kit, and like I mention in the post this is the closest I have ever been to calling moris balanced, the reason I still think they shouldn't be here is because I don't think keys should be here and It isnt really fair to say one should stay and the other should go.

    Furthering your point, if they did this I wouldn't want it to be a perk I would think that the killer should just see the hatch aura kind of like how the killer can see both switches all the time, If you look at it as increasing the exit count from 2 to 3

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2021

    Moris in their current form are pretty benign, and that's honestly a good spot for them. To begin with, offerings should never have too big an impact on the game because they don't require any special commitment and otherwise add a complete balance-shifting layer upon the game of its own that makes achieving a reasonable state of balance only more difficult. It also leads to a scenario where the less impactful offerings only see even less use, as well as make it more conflicting for players to use BP offerings if they are forgoing big advantages they could get by burning other offerings instead. And being on the receiving end of a powerful offering makes players become dissatisfied with a match before it has even begun, when they see it appear on the offering screen.

    Moris now that they only work once a survivor is on death hook merely have the potential to save the killer some time and circumvent rescue mechanics such as DS, and blind, stun, wiggle and sabo saves. That is regularly not all that impactful at all, in fact it can even be detrimental for the killer since hook-based perks such as Weasel and BBQ obviously do not trigger on Mori kills. Primarily Moris are used now for the (more or less) cool kill animation, which is what they should have always been anyway.

    Keys are not in a good spot, but contrary to popular complaints they are actually also not in a good spot for survivors.

    People usually think of a scenario where you have an SWF group on voice comms coordinating their hatch escape. But the reality of keys is not often that, much more frequently it's this:

    Survivors that bring in keys often do not do gens, because they are already shooting for the hatch escape.

    Survivors that bring in keys are more likely not to save other survivors, sometimes even intentionally sandbagging them, in order for the hatch to spawn.

    Survivors that bring in keys regularly do not contribute to the round at all, not doing gens, not saving people, searching for the hatch for ages, hiding out avoiding killer confrontation to make sure they get their escape.

    Survivors that bring in keys much of the time escape alone, leaving other survivors behind with tremendously decreased chances to escape themselves.

    If a killer sees a key in a lobby, they are more likely to bring the strongest perks and add-ons as well as play a more gloves-off game than they otherwise might.

    This all means that keys can actually be more bullshit for the other survivors in a match than for the killer.

    And even in the SWF scenario where survivors actually can reliably coordinate to get multiple players out with a key, they have to finish either all gens, at which point they could regularly have just as well escaped through exit gates, or they have to finish all but 1 or 2 gens, have 1 or 2 survivors die, and then instead of finishing the last gen they can get 2 or 3 out with the hatch. The last scenario is bullshit, but only really bullshit if the killer actually still stood a chance to defend those remaining generators in the first place.

    I do think keys should be reworked, but it's not as simple as making it so the hatch closes behind the key-having survivor for instance, as in that case keys would only become even more of a detriment for any other survivors in the trial. Removing them from the game entirely on the other hand is an overreaction - why remove an entire item when survivors if anything should have more items? But I would be fine with the idea of simply scrapping the keys' ability to open the hatch, if it goes alongside with buffs for their add-ons.