survivors should randomly trip if running too long.

Let's remove bloodlust.
But we'll add a new mechanic, tripping.
tripping something found in most horror movies, it's a horror trope yet it's missing in this game.
While in chase if a survivor is being chased for over a minute they will be presented with a random skill check. if they fail the skill check they will trip and fall stunning them for a few seconds and this check will appear again every 30 seconds or until sight is broken.
This should provide more interesting plays and make the game feel more challenging to play
it would also combat this "hold w" meta.
While this is an interesting idea (some games do have balance mechanics that make you trip if you do too much stuff too fast), if they implement the idea, they'd need to nerf killer speeds a bit, or something, to make up for the fact survivors can now randomly fall and lose a chase because of RNG rather than skill.
scrap that, RNG based things are usually bad, please don't implement this, I don't want to die just because I missed a skillcheck mid-chase because I wasn't expecting it while I was trying to get away from the killer
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Firstly, what the point of swapping one set of training wheels for another?
Second, if a survivor is good enough to run you around for a minute or longer, take the hint and move on to someone else. You don't deserve free wins for playing poorly.
Third, I don't know if you've ever tried to hit a skill check in chase (i.e from Overcharge), but that's actually very hard, not in a skill-based way, more so in a BS way. Keeping an eye on the killer and your surroundings while trying to remember where available resources are is already tough enough, and you want skill checks on top of that? No thank you. Sounds extremely frustrating.
Tripping as a mechanic does not belong in multiplayer games. Learn the lesson of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
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they don't need to nerf killer speeds
I already suggested that bloodlust will be removed which should suffice.
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"Third, I don't know if you've ever tried to hit a skill check in chase (i.e from Overcharge), but that's actually very hard, not in a skill-based way, more so in a BS way."
Why are you gen tapping in chase anyways?
Gen tapping shouldn't even be a thing so you deserve to get overcharged
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Sometimes you get on the gen just as the killer shows up and you have to leave, for a reason or another, and you get the skillcheck as you run off. Doesn't have to be mid-chase.
Ah sorry, missed that part. Well If you're removing a killer "ability" to add a survivor nerf.. sorry but no, bad idea. I want to catch the survivors because I caught them, even if it was with the help of a little boost of speed because the chase lasted too long, not because they tripped over their own shoes mid-chase.
And as someone else pointed out, if you're chasing someone for over a minute and still haven't caught them, might be time to look for a different target, cause generators will start popping left and right, if they haven't already.
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Nah, make it a perk tho.
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Actually not a bad idea. Though I could see them maybe doing it in certain terrains. I could see killer tripping too because many movies have that happen when the killer trips and last ditch effort grabs at your foot. That'd make for some intense moments! Or maybe if you try to back hard to quickly running straight ahead and trying to turn around too quickly. Lots of possibilities for sure. I could see survivors and killers getting tired too.
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if they fail the skill check then you got them.
since when do good survivors fail skill checks anyways?
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Play on console before they fix it. Every lag spike is a “trip”. Killers also trip.
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Good question, i find myself constantly nailing Overcharge SCs when i'm running LOL
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They are describing the same situation you want to implement. Skill checks during a chase = Overcharge skillcheck (while running)
Btw, love how you ignored the other points and went directly to this.
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This would probably make the game boring
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also make them have to tie their shoelaces and make them instantly die from fall damage
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I mean Friday the 13th have that mechanic I don’t see why not.
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Also.. what next, a skillcheck to dodge killer attacks? Why not roll a d20 while you're at it.. if the killer rolls higher than you, they hit you, otherwise you dodge.
Make DBD into a DnD campaign. I'd actually be all for it..
Imagine Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Night, but with a DBD setting..
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I mean, what good is having a stupid idea if you're going to actually pay attention to the posts that give you good reasons as to why your idea is terrible..? This forum would be dead if people actually listened to common sense from other users
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It was a bad mechanic in Friday the 13th and it'd be an even worse mechanic in this game.
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If you're chasing for a minute, you're already doing it wrong .
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I like this sort of mechanic and have been wanting something along its lines for a long time. Although I'm not sure it should be a base mechanic, I've always thought of it as something that would be tied to a killer power, or at least a perk.
I first had that idea when Overcharge was released, and with it the possibility of having to complete a skill check while running. Having this as an actual mechanic that results in a stumble if missed would be cool. Though perhaps it should be tied to certain chase interactions (mostly vaults and pulls) so that the skill check trigger is not actually just random. But I would like it either way.
That said, I think Bloodlust is still a better mechanic for long chases, because it has more engaging counterplay (namely, chase state micromanagement).
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Random Tripping? Sure, only if they add Meta Knight as a survivor and I get to Shuttle Loop the killer off the stage.
Terrible idea.
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While they trip, they also should lose one health state and shouldn't be able to run anymore (fast vaulting also not possible anymore). Only when they are fully healed and their shoelaces are tightly bound, only then they can run again.
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Post edited by McFALLENONE on0 -
Fun idea, I like it
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Tripping should work like TF2 with critical hits, it just happens. No warnings it just happens.
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I don't think that's a good idea. Most games with tripping usually are hated because of that mechanic. I'm not against a animation that doesn't effect gameplay otherwise I don't think tripping would work.
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I LOVE this idea! It would be infuriating to experience, lol. But it's such a classic trope!
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I already get stuck on enough random terrain that I’m not supposed to get stuck on lol..