Any Means Necessary

The perk is really fun to use. Sneakily recovering a pallet that was just dropped feels really good. That being said, it could be better, considering that most pallets are broken as soon as they're dropped.
The first buff would honestly be more QOL, and it would be to allow the perk to reveal the auras of dropped pallets within around a 32 meter radius.
Secondly, it could have a shorter cooldown. Considering you have to take the time to find and then pick up the pallet, it should be able to be used more often. That way, it would give you more value for your perk slot. I don't think that 40 seconds for a cooldown would even be that outrageous.
I second this. Imagine how nice it would be for survivors to actually have to spend time going around the map getting pallets up instead of just immediately jumping on gens.
Even without that change, I don't think i'd necessarily be opposed to Any Means Necessary either being base kit or having it's cooldown reduced way more. If it were base kit I'd probably have the time it takes to get a pallet up increased by like a second.
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Your suggestions are definitely nice QoL adjustments, and they are if anything the least BHVR could do for the perk. Because the thing is that even with these changes, the perk - like many others - would still not nearly be good enough to compete with the limited few actually good perks in this game.
The vast majority of the time, any pallet that would even be worth spending time resetting is also a pallet the killer breaks immediately. And if they don't they most likely aren't a killer that even cares about pallets to begin with. The perk is not without reason sometimes called "Any Memes Necessary".
A notable improvement to the perk's impact potential and consistency would be to reduce the time it takes to hoist a pallet up, such that it can feasibly be used mid-chase. Only if it can be used mid-chase does it have any reliable impact, because in that case you have the opportunity to do so before the killer breaks the pallet. With the current 4 seconds that is however almost never possible - reduce it to 2 seconds and the perk instantly becomes much more interesting (and fun). At 2 seconds it can still not be used to double-stun a killer (not without a considerable risk anyway), but it can much more often allow its user to reset a pallet while the killer is attempting to mindgame it or otherwise forgoing to break it in a chase. And it would still be far from an S-tier perk even then.
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