Please put trap detection back onto Small Game

Right now, there is no counter in the game for the traps / hexes Trapper and Hag place (no, I don't believe flashlights are a true counter to Hag traps because 1) they don't aid in actual detection and 2) they have a very limited use). Small Game's warning was not over-powered in any way: it didn't give the exact location (far from it, in fact), but it at least gave you a heads-up something was somewhere around you.

I suspect I know why you removed it, which is that you're planning on introducing a perk that will be focused on traps - the problem with that is that such a perk will be too specialized to be useful. Already, we have too many perks in the game that see little to no use, because with only four slots, every player has to maximize the value of every slot they fill (especially survivors, since they have no way of knowing what Killer they will be up against in any given match). So the more specialized perks tend to fall by the wayside - yes, there are always outlier exceptions because someone has a particular fondness for a perk or because they enjoy running odd builds, but there's a reason certain perks show up in 90% of builds, whether it's on the Killer or survivor side.

We don't need a specialized trap detection perk that will never be used - unless you're going to give it a hell of a lot more function than trap detection. If you gave survivors a perk that functioned like a permanent map (providing auras of all Killer property - hooks, chests, traps, and totems), that would be a perk worth taking up a slot for (and without some way to trigger a cooldown, would also be overpowered). But a perk that only detected traps for two Killers? (or three, perhaps you're intending on releasing another trap-based Killer) - that would never be useful enough to take up a slot.

I still think the best course of action is to put trap detection back on Small Game. It makes sense, both from a story/lore perspective and game logic perspective (totems and traps are small items that are useful to the Killer).


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    This is one of the stupidest perk nerfs they ever did. I would argue Small Game was nerfed more than it was buffed.

    Also, I doubt they’ll reintroduce it on another perk. They don’t want perks that counter specific killers, which is why Small Game was nerfed in the first place. And don’t forget Slippery Meat nerf/buff/rework.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Use your eyes. traps are not impossible to detect. if you can look for them you can spot them.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    It is targeting trapper and hag too much, i think that's why it was removed. The trap detection made sense when there was only the trapper in the game. It started to make less and less sense as new killers were added. Finally the issue was addressed.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,865

    They said the don't want perks that are specifically designed to counter certain killers

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    No, BHVR aren't "planning on introducing a new perk focused on traps", they changed it specifically because they DON'T want any Perks like that, like how they changed Slippery Meat. An anti-trap perk made a lot more sense back when 1/3 of the game's Killers were trap focused, now they're the overwhelming minority. This is pretty evident based on how a lot of the game's systems have evolved, and nowadays the only features really like it are Lightburn, Calm Spirit, and the way Maps can work. (and TBH I think Rainbow Maps tracking Beartraps is pretty nasty too and I wouldn't mind that getting canned as well. it's also worth noting nowadays, calm spirit is primarily an anti-Infectious Fright perk, not an anti-Doctor perk)

    There "is no counter to hag or trappers traps" just like there isn't a Perk that lets you heal from Plague's infection, or block projectiles. It's okay to have counters to an extent, but especially for Trapper having a beartrap notification light was really nasty.

    Counter perks should be things like Spine Chill, that work against all Killers but have extra-special utility against ones that use Undetectable, which can include Killers with specific perk loadouts.

    I also honestly think Small Game is... Pretty good at its job? The issue IMO isn't the Perk itself, it's the general meta. It genuinely fights with Detective's Hunch as a very good Perk for finding Totems. The problem is even if you had a Perk that was a 24/7 Detective's Hunch, there's barely any room for it in the Survivor perk meta, which is extremely restrictive and probably the biggest balance issue in the game right now.

    You have slots for:

    • Any Exhaustion Perk of your preference, but probably Dead Hard
    • Iron Will because it makes the Killer have to sweat much more in chases, is borderline mandatory for juking to be possible, (which, if it happens, has a solid chance of winning the game) and enables Survivors to shrug off being Injured more easily which is also a major contributor to high level Survivor play (because spending as little time healing as possible and maximum time on gens is how you get wins)
    • Unbreakable, because it's not only an amazing Perk, but it's a Perk that essentially gets better the more frequently Survivors use it, creating a kind of unspoken covenant in the Survivor playerbase that at least 50-75% of them must have Unbreakable equipped at all times
    • 1 Perk of your personal preference, which has very high competition thanks to Perks like Decisive Strike, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline, or Borrowed Time, all of which do a fantastic job at helping you either when you're already winning or giving you a second chance in a bad situation

    So yeah, I don't think simply giving extremely situational buffs to stuff like Small Game is the answer at all. If you want people to use Small Game, you need to find a way to fracture the iceberg that is Survivor perk balance, so Survivors start taking niche perks more frequently.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    I mean you can just use a map throw on some addons and have a 28 meter tracking range on maps

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    They can and should nerf Hag in other ways. For Trapper, I feel that it does not really matter in a Chase - even if Small Game triggers, you will most likely be in a bad spot at this point, since you need to evade the Trap, which results in sub-optimal Looping, which results in a Hit (most likely).

    And to be honest, if you step into a Trap outside of a chase, this is on you. Even without small game detecting Traps, there is 0 excuse for stepping into Traps while not being in a chase.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    Except it really doesn't. Small Game, back when it had trap detection, did not give an exact location. It didn't give any sort of aura whatsoever. All it did was give the audio ping (with a cooldown) that notified you something (not even necessarily a trap/hex) was in the conal area you just looked. That's it.

    Hell, right now, you can get the audio ping that there's a totem nearby, and still not be able to find the bloody thing (unless you're someone who has memorized all of the totem spawn locations, in which case that's great for you but you're a very small minority).

    Sorry, I simply don't buy the "targeting Trapper / Hag too much" argument.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    well on some maps, hagatha's traps are very very difficult to see, tho i dont think they should revert the perk

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited July 2021

    Doesn't change the fact you now know its there. You act like there is no counterplay to traps aside from small game when you can look for them. Small game let survivors know where traps are and then they can just avoid the area and basically be rendering there powers useless. There is counterplay for traps. The small game change is fine

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Ruins the whole purpose. Because the whole point of traps are to get people off guard. Trapper is so bad right now traps are easily disarm able. While Hag you can disarm them also though much harder.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    The counter to Hag & Trapper traps is two parts:

    1. Use your eyes. The traps are visible.
    2. Use your brain. Think like the Killer. If you think 'Would I put a Trap here?' and the answer is 'Yes'; see point 1.

    Stop thinking the game has to give you perks and mechanics to do the work for you. No, Small Game should not make the traps glow with a neon 'Screw Trapper!' sign. Use your own smarts to outsmart the Killer. The traps aren't invisible, and no perk should make weak Killers even weaker just because Survivors want to run around full-tilt with 0 risk.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Small Game was good as it is. The change is quite... counterproductive:

    1. It is NOT the totem counter needed for solo-Q that some make it out to be, as it requires EVERYONE to run it. Just please give us a regular totem counter, even if it is just a 'lit up' totem icon that goes dull when all totems are cleansed
    2. as totems and traps had the same sound it was indeed just a heads up, and not overpowered. Heck, if anything it was advantageous to trapper and hag as a well place trap near a totem could do wonders.
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    I believe the new small game is better. I would want the trap detector removed if a survivor can just plainly see it's aura and disarm it.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    The biggest way to counter trapper is to not path normally. Also I've noticed a visual bug with hag recently where survivors can see the AOE of her traps, kinda like being able to see your own scratch marks even without Fixated.