So when are 3 gen hiding games going to be fixed?

Without whispers you are guaranteed to have playing hide and seek for 20 minutes while a key escape may occur?
How is this outdated mechanic still in the game? The longest time I had "fun" looking for survivors on red forest was almost an hour with trickster trying to do his adept🙄
How is evading the Killer considered an outdated mechanic? What exactly would you like survivors to do, if they realize they are in a 3-gen situation?
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I don't have a problem with this as a killer or survivor. What could even happen? If there was a 3 gen would it automatically reveal all survivors? How could the game even determine what a 3 gen was and there are so many variables that it couldn't have 1 rule set like reveal all survivors.
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Because the survivors aren't doing anything in these types of situations, I understand hiding from the killer, but multiple times I'll go stand on the opposite side of the map for 5 minutes & not a single gen has been touched.
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Every time I've been in a situation like this, the survivors are indeed working on gens - they simply get off the gen and hide every time the Killer comes by on patrol. If the Killer keeps kicking the gens, and is also unable to find any of the survivors, then yes, it's going to be a slow finish to EGC. But you can't expect every survivor in these situations to just decide to YOLO it.
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Change your path up take different routes.
Look for the hatch and areas they might be hiding if their not doing gens.
Watch the gens from a distances let them get the courage to come out from hiding, and you might get lucky and see where they came from.
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How is that the killers fault that their team didnt spread out gens?
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It will end when you find them or when you get found as a survivor.
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If nothing is done to further the game (Gens aren't touched for 5 minutes for example) then the egc can be started by the killer opening the exit gates...better than waiting 15+ minutes in a standstill situation
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Want to talk about killer that dont engage the chase because they want to stay near their gens ? Yeah. Boring for everyone.
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Just report for holding the game hostage. If survivors don't actually attempt to advance the gamestate (do gens) for a prolonged period of time it becomes bannable.
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I feel for you...have wasted various games like this when I just want to move on to the next one
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5 years and 1800 hours played as killer and never had a 20 minute 3 gen happen. Not saying it CAN'T happen, but I am saying it's not a guarantee that it will without Whispers.
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It's not the Killer's fault (and I never said it was, so no clue where you got that idea). But neither does that then mean survivors should just give up and not try to still complete their objective - and it also doesn't mean that the only "correct" way for them to do that is by broadcasting their location and not getting off a gen when they know the Killer is headed their way.
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There have been time I am literally on the other side of the map from the gen and its locker roulette and urban evading time...I just DC after a while because that is ridiculous.
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Whispers, Spies from the Shadows and Iron Maiden all help to counter this. Play more survivor so you can get an idea on how/where survivors hide and you won’t have too much trouble.
If it is a common problem for you, Doctor+Whispers will prevent this from happening.
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Unfortunately it's when I go for adepts that it happens...yeah otherwise whispers works pretty well
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Thanks and yeah I usually run whispers. I am speaking out more to help newer players who are going to do adepts and have this situation possibly happen to them😎
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Agreed, the 3 gen patrolling is an outdated mechanic
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I mean a lot of killers will identify a 3 gen at the start and defend it with their life.
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I guess your the chosen one then🤣
The only time something like that happens to me is when they find a key, and camp the hatch until their all there then they escape. But that rarely happens.
Their lurking around the gens or around that area like I said change up your pathing and think like a survivor would. Their hiding right underneath your nose. Some of them take a little long then others to come out of hiding.
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Gens, i expect them to do gens.
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I didn't say that, I'm talking about games where the survivors never touch a gen. People on this forum always have to put words in other peoples mouths to have an argument
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I just walk across the map from the 3 gen to give them time to progress on a gen. That way when I come back I know what gen they're near. Works well.
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if there's for example 2 survivors left sneaking around in maps like swamp or red forest without touching gens or doing any objectives for a while it's considered those dudes are holding a game hostage so you tell us. The killer doesn't have a possibility to end the game but to find some hide&seek players that won't try in any way to end the game in maps where finding survivors like that is close to impossible when done good.
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chuckle I'm in the minority - I find I have inexhaustible patience. I simply wait them out. Sooner or later, they're going to realize I'm not going to DC, I'm not going to rage, I'm simply going to wait for them to put on their big-person panties and get to work on a gen somewhere.
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Lucky you.. I have had it multiple times and it is always a swf that does it.
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I have long thought DBD trials should have a hard time limit of some kind. The "no pressure on survivors" approach that we currently have is too lenient i think. If anything id recommend the game timer start at 10 min, and additional time is added every time a gen is completed (probably like +3 min). If time runs out at any point, all survivors remaining get insta sacrificed. Trial over.
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So killers should be punished for using strategy? Is this in the survivor rule book with no tunneling or slugging or camping?
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I mean I literally left the 3 gens a d looked at a wall on the other side of the map and still nothing...some people just like using broken game mechanics to troll😛
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Exactly and how has this not been more of a priority?
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What is the longest you have waited? 🤣
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I didn't really keep track, but the match lasted a good twenty minutes or so
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It’s definitely difficult having to think as a survivor to find the final ones.
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See what I mean that could have been at least another couple of matches you could have enjoyed
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Eh, I don't fret about what "might have been." I enjoyed the match, and once it was over, I queued for the next. :)
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The survivors are taking the game hostage which is against the rules. There’s only so long they can go without engaging in the objectives before it’s breaking the game rules.
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Yeah for me it was "I stayed up to play another match for this?"🤣
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he not the chosen one, this stuff happens almost every game with super immersive survivors who literally hide in a bush or locker all game, literally just had a game on midwhich and 4 gens was left with 2 people alive, they decided to hide all game it lasted for more than a half hour and no gens had been touch lol. What am I supposed to do they will hide all game with spinechill, urban evasion and let their team die on hook just so they can stay in their perfect hole to hide in
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How did the game end?
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"Damn survivors and their *pulls card* aversion to dying"
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You agree with hiding for 20 minutes at a time?
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You could've ended that 20-minute standoff at any time by chasing a survivor. You hold equal blame for how long that game took. You were unwilling to stop camping your 3-gen, they were unwilling to suicide
Gain more self-awareness
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Yes let's make stealth gameplay utterly impossible so bull-headed killers don't have to leave their gen cluster
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I was playing insidious bubba, and went afk in the classroom right by the bathroom, stood their for 5 minutes until I heard crows in the bathroom, it was a Meg in the stall hiding, proceeded to hook her and decided to use insidious to lure ace to the hook and proceeded to kill him, funny thing is I was going to quit but someone brought bloody party streamer so I didn’t want that to go to waste. Proceeded to made over 200k bp with only bloody party streamers and level 3 bbq in that one match
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Take your pick...the important thing is YOUR comment🤘
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Nice at least you made some bank😎
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Except they aren't taking the game hostage, they're avoiding the killer who has all 3 remaining gens in visual range. The killer is the one who holds all the cards in this situation, and the survivors can only take part in the game if he does.
And I see you trying to sneak in jabs at my skill level, but the thing is, I'm probably a better killer than you. I played at the top level with what was, at the time, the worst killer in the entire game
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And the sad thing is it continues🤬
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Try to report them and see how that goes
If anything, you're holding the game hostage. You stood there staring blankly at gens for 20 minutes because you so desperately wanted those survivors to suicide bomb into you.
The solution to your problem is to actually play the game and not be a stubborn sweatlord.
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I’m not against the idea of applying something like an afk crow notification to reveal survivors locations after a certain amount of time has elapsed and gens aren’t reaching a certain percent of progress after X amount of time. This might sound horrible but I’m just winging it.