Option to randomly (automatically) buy everything in bloodwebs

Sometimes I don't even spend bp's because it is boring and takes forever to do it. Even tho I would like to just hoard stuff.
I wish there was an option to spend bp with one button/click and get random stuff that easily.
What do you guys think?
This would help so much. Doesn't have to be optimized, just the ability to power through bloodwebs faster if so you choose.
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A button that auto completes the bloodweb, or the remainder of any partially completed bloodweb would be very welcome. Spending points can be a chore, especially during events like this where you can go from 0 to 1 million in just a handful of matches.
While we're at it, can we get rid of the "You're at level 50" screen that displays every time you finish a bloodweb at level 50. Like, I know, I have thousands of hours in the game. You don't need to tell me every time I do a bloodweb.
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Yeah good point about the level 50 screen, some simple things like that would be nice and I am pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to implement.
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It would be nice,but it takes years for BHVR to add super simple QoL changes unfortunately
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Yes, please!!!
Imagine the players who lost ALL their progress and got compensation with millions of BP only to have to go through thousands of bloodwebs again… MY GOD I hate this game
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I just wish they would let us sell back (at a lesser price, of course) bloodweb items we don't want. It would ease the grind a little bit, being able to sell stuff you don't want and will never use.
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Well, then elaborate on your suggestion how would it fix problem with bloodweb in any way.
Your suggestion sounds like crying about Iri head and wouldn't change anything. That's why he considers you an entitled survivor.
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The game is out for 5 years and we still don't have a basic UI to search for perks, imagine a automatic bloodweb progress.
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That's actually a good idea, just hearing the sound of upgrading annoys me almost every time I hit 1M.
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Even if you call it cyberbullying, I couldn't care less.
I just told you, why you were called entitled survivor.
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I am the one who said you are entitled survivor, so how that makes me entitled killer?
*I am not
I just said your suggestion wouldn't fix anything, which I think is true...
Only killer where I use iri addons is Wraith, so I couldn't care less about it.
Post edited by Dino7281 on0 -
Yeah we just need the whole bloodweb system reworked. I'm constantly sitting at the 1mil cap because it's just so tedious spending points, and in a level 50 web there's usually only like 3 things in it that I actually want.
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would be great!
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One thing I wish was that offerings were shared between characters (and survivor items/add-ons)
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You should at least be able to click on the perks, and then it will automatically take the fastest way to them without having to click on everything on its way.
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Single clicking should select nodes, you can only select those next to already unlocked (or currently selected) nodes. Long clicking buys every selected node on the path, in order of selection.
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There is error: I am NOT the one who said you are entitled survivor.
I have 1,2k play time, always rank 1 killer and usually red rank survivor.
I have no idea how it matters here, but you look like type who cares about it...
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iri head sucks now