What's your favorite Charm?

Mine is the lunar lantern from the 2nd rift as the final tier reward. It has a simple design, but one that is both elegant and shiny enough to notice in the trials. Most other charms IMO have "too much" going on.
However both the pride charm and all the chibi survivor figurines are definitely runner-ups.
To anyone who doesn't know what the lantern looks like:
Edit: Added the photo
For me it's between the tiki death cup from tome 4 I believe and the recent blood moon charm from end of the rift.
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I wish they'd add more food charms
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Snowglobe and Sea Goat charm
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This was a tough one, and boy howdy did I mean it when I said it was a tough one. After thinking, I decided G N O M E
Firstly, the way you got it was a very fun event. It's simple, doesn't cause survivors to throw games (unlike the crowns where a lot of survivors might prioritize crowns over gens, Gnome Chompski only spawned during EGC so gens were prioritized), isn't tedious to get on everyone as you only need to do this once and it can go on licensed characters, and it was also fun to grab him (you had like 2 minutes to successfully find him and get out, that's a main thing that made it fun, the time constraint).
But ignoring the conditions, how is it overall? Well, I'm just a big fan of valve tbh and I like the thought of having a gnome with me as I find that funny.
Tl:dr: Getting the gnome was fun, and I find the idea of carrying a gnome with me funny.
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Vaporous Hexahedron charm from Tome 3 and the Blood Moon from the recent tome.
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The Vial from rift 1
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the blood moon
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Tower of the observer. Love the light on it.
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Mine's a tie between the Seal of Metatron, Umbrella Corporation, Bloodied Token, Blood Moon, and Astral Entity Abstract.
Cheryl runs the Astral Entity Abstract, Seal of Metatron, and Bloodied Token (in that order)
Claire runs the Blood Moon, Umbrella Corporation, and Bloodied Token (in that order)
Chris runs the Umbrella Corporation and Bloodied Token (in that order)
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GG charm.
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The crow
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The pride charm, the chaotic glyph and the iridescent primus coin.
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The pumpkin charm 🎃
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I really like both the Bird Skeleton, and Dwightcrow - though I wish Dwightcrow could be worn on Survivors
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True haha food charms are cute. If only survivor charms were a bit more visible
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Oh wow you have an interesting set of combos. I see I see.
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Pride charm and Lunar Lantern for me easily. Currently every char of mine has those equipped and then one charm I selected specifically for the char. Like Blight got the Serum Vial from tome 1, Nea got her spray paint can.
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I specifically run and love the Entity Abstract on Cheryl because the description states it invokes anxiety in those who hold it, something Cheryl has a lot of.
Blood Moon on Claire is just because I like the charm, and the AEA doesn't fit her as much. I typically try to have a character's specific charm on them though, as seen with Chris and Claire running the Umbrella Charm, and Cheryl running the Seal of Metatron.
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I'm gonna be weird but there's a christmas one for survivors that just looks like a reindeer and I think it's cute.
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Oh nice! I try to do the same with specific characters such as Kate having both her guitar and chibi figurine, but I ended up swapping out the guitar since its so tiny and tends to clip with some of her dress cosmetics so I just keep the figurine charm on her.
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Looks like the blood moon charm is getting a lot of love. It's a very pretty charm.
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This one.
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I just love this one :)
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Gnome chompski because I got the HL2 Ep2 achievement involving him
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I personally love the Halloween ones; both Jack-o-lanterns and the trick-or treat bucket. After that is easily the crow skeleton as it reminds me of the one we bought from Spirit a few years ago. Very honorable mention is the Cand-Eye Cane charm from the 2nd Rift.
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I love the zombie Halloween pail because I'm a ######### for Halloween.
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The lantern and the Fog Whisperer charm.
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The Pustula Flower has to be my favorite.
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Mangled Unicorn :)
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Dwightcrow easily. I don't wear it on all killers though.
Kinda sad I didn't get mr. Puddles charm.
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Anything lore and Hollowed Blight related is top tier for me.
Currently, this is my favorite:
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Probably my Chibi Bill that came from this tome. I obviously don't have much, but I have a feeling this will be a favorite for quite some time to come.
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Glad to see the lantern getting more love <3
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This one:
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I like my hook to share a story..
I can’t wear survivor charms though. I’m oddly superstitious at times and consider wearing them bad luck lol.
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Mr Puddles stuffed animal charm