A question for console killer

With the current state of the game which killer is the most bearable to play?
I did only play one survivor match since the resident evil release, but im thinking about getting some bloodpoints and rift progress in the last week.
Wraith and trapper are okish.
Avoid Nemesis and Oni.
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Wraith for sure. Strong and doesn't get screwed by optimization as much as the others.
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Meyers and Clown are fine.
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Basic killers like trapper, wraith, and myers are really close to being okay. Which is unfortunate since those are some of my least favorite killers to play.
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straight up just spirit lol, I haven't played spirit for about a year as a console killer main, but I know she's the most bearable killer on console, killers I usually avoid playing are nurse and blight, both those killers are so unbearable on console and make it feel like you're playing on single digit fps. The game isn't properly optimized for consoles and never has been. If you would want to play this game on 30 fps minimum, your best option is just playing on pc. Even next-gen consoles have issues like the older ones, my experience with this game on console has been dreadful for the past 4 years of playing this game. If you would want a smooth experience playing this game, don't bother with a console, just get a pc.
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Ghostface, Spirit, Oni.
Don't know why people are saying Wraith. At least for me the game freezes a solid second every time I uncloak, it makes his speed boost useless.
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Good luck steering Oni on controller.
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Killers with lots of animation are impossible. Best to stick with survivor you'll still lag back and freeze unfortunately. But, if you're gonna play killer stick with someone simple and doesn't have too much animation.
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I’ve been ok with Hag on the PS4 Pro. Getting 4Ks consistently and hardly notice any issues.
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The more basic killers, like Trapper, Wraith and Myers are your best options, Spirits also a safe choice aswell.
I'd recommend avoiding Ranged killers, I main Trickster and evetytime I go to throw my knives the game lags for about a second and a half too two seconds. Yesterday a David led me on a near 2 minute chase that should have been 10 seconds due to lag spikes and frame drops when I went to throw:(
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I play him since 2019 and do fine lol. He's not that hard.
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I have spent a lot of time on doc, wraith and ghosty. Played a few games with pig and not so bad. My issues seem to be when any animation starts or stops that I get my issues. Also attempts to hit someone or chases more than 10 seconds. I feel that I would agree though, stick to a fairly basic killer, the less stuff to mess up the better. Xbox series X btw.
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Wraith can be okay, as long as you don't have Sloppy Butcher lol. Wraith will struggle a bit more at pallets since he can't move with as much precision. If you're at red ranks, I'd say Wraith is not the best choice.
The absolute BEST killer to play is Spirit. She's such a basic killer and yet look at how awful she is to play lmao
That being said, Spirit's still Spirit so you can just win by lagging in place :<)
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I play him on PS4 since his release >:(
He's perfectly fine to play on controller
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You play on a next gen console,of course you aren't experiencing any performance issues lol
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Yup, Oni handles perfectly fine if you're okay with being violent with your sticks.
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Ha ha ha.
I'm kidding, though I do miss out on a lot of the other killers I would love to play, but I found a new love for Ghostface. So... ehh?
I do hope the frame rate issues lighten up when Candyman come through.
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No killer is safe from the freezing.
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Trapper is ok. I keep losing ppl every time I hit them though, no matter the killer.
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Lucky, I'm stuck on last gen until more consoles are made and stop being snapped up by vultures.
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Hag is great, even better with body block Hag on RPD map
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I'm a Legion main, and luckily they're not too bad compared to everyone else.
Wraith is also pretty good, but I simply can't stand playing his annoying-ass.
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I play Legion mostly, and they are okish, had times with the frame drop definitely screw me over, but their power aint that good anyway outside of injuring healthy survivors, i would give them a 7/10 when it comes to FPS issues, so just fine.
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I think every killer is barely playable, Myers you pop tier 3 and huge lag spike, legion and bubba is just frustrating with these lag spikes, you missed a feral frenzy slash or bump into something due to lag spikes just plain sucks. People act like Xbox series x and ps5 grows on trees, I been trying to get a new console but they always out of stock and I don’t feel like paying $1000s of dollars from a greedy bot
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Lol none.