Dead hard must be reworked
If Dead Hard is broken, then prove it. All you have to do to prove Dead Hard is broken is to compare the amount of chase time between all the exhaustion perks using the exact same loop path. Do about 5 loops paths for each exhaustion perk, do about 5 different looping paths. After you get all that information, you can present to the boards the evidence showing that Dead Hard is way out doing the other endurance perks for chase time. In fact, you can just use Lithe, Sprint Burst and Dead Hard for your comparisons so you have endurance perks that will be used everytime. (Balanced Landing and Head On are pretty situational).
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Im MUCH more bothered by sprint burst. Out of position? Just run away at mach speed! No loops in sight? Good thing you've got pocket lightpseed to get you to one! Rightfully earned instadown coming your way? Nope! Seeya nerd. Deadhard cant fix a lot of the above issues which are exceptionally beneficial to killers. Sprint burst can do all of that and more, though. I hate it so much more than DH.
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What more of a proof does anybody need, that you are just some troll than digging into other peoples old comments, just to get a reaction?
I mean you are getting a reaction now, me pittying you. I am not even mad, just sad that for some people, trolling is the only social interaction, they get in life.
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Your the one that said "ruin, bbq, pop goes the weasel, tinkerer, corrupt intervention" aren't as strong as Dead Hard. Killer perks are far stronger than survivor perks and your talking about meta killer perks and saying they're weaker than Dead Hard. You can't say something that disingenuous and not be called out on it. If you are going to make an argument for nerfing a perk, then at least make a truthful argument.
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Let's say a good dead hard in a loop can save you 20 seconds, which is really low for any exhaustion perk. And nowhere near close what actually happens but alright.
Pop can save you a maximum of 275 seconds. Its kinda nonsense to use that number, because you already have won the match once you reached this (because of 11 hooks), but we gotta be REALLY trying to proof dead hard is not that strong
Considering extending a chase give survivors extra gentime a dead hard means 60 extra seconds for survivors.
That means only 5 Dead Hards are needed to outperform OPTIMAL Pop goes the weasel usage. Both things usually do not happen, however 5 dead hards are WAY more likely than 11 Pops. Also: Killer needs to perform well for pop, You do not need to perform well for DH.
There is no way anyone could ever say Pop is stronger than DH. Whoever says that is simply in denial. DH does more for survivors than Pop does for killers.
Ruin is harder to detemine as it has almost infinite potential (Same goes for DH though). We can say at the very least it gives you 14 seconds for the cleanse + whatever time the survivor need to cleanse it. We could go with the data Otz provided in a recent video (in which pop gave the killer WAY less seconds), since its the best data we have lets take it: 171 seconds. Thats literally just 3 dead hards. HOWEVER 3 dead hards happen usually in a match, a ruin staying on to achieve this amount of time is extremely rare. And even then it is heavily outperformed by dead hard or any exhaustion perk in the game.
Whoever says BBQ is stronger than ruin or pop is just beeing silly. Corrupt Intervention sure is a strong perk, still not even close to beeing as valuable as Pop and Ruin. Tinkerer is usually just a perk to make ruin and pop work well in the first place and its practically useless on Killers without some kind of way to go around the map quickly, since you have only 20 seconds to react. You also have to sometimes drop chases to gain anything from it. So we have one perk actually countering TWO Killer perks in terms of seconds gained.
-All these perks need the killer to perform well in chases and map pressure.
-Survivors have to do nothing for dead hard.
-I was beeing VERY kind with DH extending chases for "only" 20 seconds
Nobody can look at these numbers and actually be serious about saying any of these perks reach the power level of DH. It would be an absolute ludicrous, illogical statement. Thats the power of pressing E (or whatever key you have bound).
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Can you guys start typing this under one of the other 300 threads with the same topic. I'm assuming after DH is out of the way SB will be next.
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Don't have problems with sprint burst at all, the only exhaustion perk that must be COMPLETELY reworked is dead hard. Period
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OK you want a suggestion? Here's one:
After using dead hard you can't use windows or throw down pallets for 7 seconds.. Since this perk was thinked for avoid hits, then you can keep it's nature and in the meantime you avoid any use out of his original idea, to avoid a hit... (also it shouldn't work with bear traps and dream snares)
Regarding no mither of course it should be changed as well
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Dead hard is very up and down.
It can even be useless if the killer has too high of ping even if you pull it off in a correct scenario.
Exhaustion perks are meant to gain distance to prevent getting hit etc. so what would be the point of nerfing something helpful to escape tunneling, and ultimately death.
For traps and stuff, well they used their exhaustion perk on a trap and your complaining? If you can't get them while their skill is on cooldown is that you or the survivor at that point?
Dead hard is perfectly fine how it is.
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I bet that you had never played killer... So for you it's perfectly fine if the survivor screw something while looping but a simple button will erase that error... If you think that dead hard is so easy to deal with it then I propose you an experiment: as killer find a match with decent survivors (add the fact that most of the survivors that I'm aganist or that I'm paired with if I play as survivor are with the typical meta build) with that perk and count for how much they'll waste your time after a dead hard, then come back to tell us your experience. Also it's funny that you mentioned bad ping, cause now it will work from the survivor perspective and not from the killer perspective (like pallets, so you as killer will see a correct hit, but the game will deny it cause it will prioritize the stun or the dead hard). You said something correct, exhaustion perks are meant to gain distance to prevent to getting hit, but dead hard is MORE than this... As I said before, you can COMPLETELY counter the killer's power (or eventually to use his power aganist him in the Trapper case) those iframes are a thing that shouldn't be here in the 1st place. Secondly this is the only exhaustion perk that actually works whenever you want (unlike the other exhaustion perks that cannot be controlled directly, this alone is already enough for a well deserved rework/nerf). Thirdly... Tunneling? Are you serious? So if I Chase the 1st survivor that I see on the map at the start of match, this is tunneling... Please, make valid points or don't even write those things... I want solid points if you want to argue my topic.