Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Fix slugging, killer camping, building pallets and having a tier 4

First of all, I have an idea for fixing killers that slug as it’s not intended gameplay, by allowing survivors to get into a locker while in the downed state, to be able to pick themselves up. (Balancing it: maybe the survivor got to recover to 95%, before they can jump in. )

Secondly, Survivors that get faced camped by killers should be awarded Blood point based on terror radius, because one you’re distracting the killer and two there’s nothing worst than getting into a match and straight off the bat, get in a chase, for 1-5 minutes go down, and than get face camped, The survivor is obviously seen as a threat and should be rewarded for being good.

Thirdly, building pallets obviously has to be a perk but let me explain as it would be on a fine line of being broken, a survivor would spend a short period collecting used/broken pallet pieces, collect enough pieces (maybe 5 or 6), and the survivor could build an additional pallet anywhere a broken pallet is.

Lastly, tier 4 perks which every killer and survivor will only have 3, being they’re own perks, no ones better at what they do but them, giving every survivor a uniqueness to them. For e.g Meg’s T4 sprint burst would be no more than 5% better across the board (faster, longer, Cool-down reduction, etc) this would make perk builds on certain survivor and killers specialised. This would add a little bit of flavour and bring some non played killers and survivors back into the mix because everyone likes an edge. Now about unlocking the t4 would be in the blood web after Lvl 45 it would start spawning randomly.

These are my suggestion, tell me what you think, agree on, disagree on, or if you like it but the balancing is off let me know.

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  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Killer face-camping and Killer soft-camping/tunneling is definitely an issue to be fixed.

    My suggest is to give an extra 1,000 bloodpoints every 10 seconds to a hooked survivor that has a killer standing within 32 meters of the hook and not in a chase and not in EGC. Also remove 1,000 bloodpoints from the Killer every 10 seconds.

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  • Member Posts: 4

    1000 every 10 seconds is far too much, that is way too overpowered, face camping is a strategery but it should reward the survivor as they're distracting the killer, and Killer shouldn't lose points as they're losing points anyway for not actively being in chases

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited July 2021

    Ah then gotta love survivors just being outside of chase on two sides costing killers a large amount of BP as if they leave its a free unhook if they don't with your system they lose 6K+ BP.

    Can we please stop with these spiteful ideas. Killer's BP is irrelevant to the survivors and this wouldn't fix anything.

  • Member Posts: 816

    When did the devs decide slugging wasn't "intended"? Seems like the rules say otherwise, so it feels like you're just making ######### up. Slugging and letting survivors bleed out is crappy sportsmanship and ######### behavior, but IT'S NOT AGAINST THE RULES. They didn't accidentally put it in the game, the killers didn't mod the game to add these mechanics, the devs did.

    Read the rules. Just once.

  • Member Posts: 4

    A Killer gets most of their BP from hitting and hooking survivors, the new game UI reflects this as well, the point of slugging is a way to put pressure on the survivors because you have that person down doing nothing and one person going for the save, dragging the game out, but its's poor game design and non-engaging, and should only be a short term advantage not a way to win. All I'm suggesting is a way to balance the risk vs reward.

  • Member Posts: 778

    -It's interesting, because I've found that slugging makes the game much more interactive for the survivor team as a whole. Obviously not for the survivor on the floor, but when survivors are slugged their teammates actually have to get off their butts, off of gens to try and save their teammates. It creates this scenario where the killer needs to manage survivors that are constantly coming into their territory, and survivors need to be smart about how they position themselves in order to get saves.

    It's also a good way for a killer to build pressure without depending on slowdown perks, which I've been told by survivors is a sign of being bad at the game or something. Slugging is useful. Slugging everyone and never hooking anyone is bad though, and I would hope the devs can figure out something to make that better.

    -Regarding camping and tunneling, I think there should be a better reward for survivors helping their teams. Survivors that distract the killer all game (camped or tunneled) should get a load of points and then extra points for every teammate that makes it out, in fact all survivors should be awarded points for teammates that escape. However, controlling an area and making unhooks difficult is a valid tactic, so is focusing on a survivor that is weaker.

    -I could get behind survivors maybe going through 5 or 6 broken pallets, picking up their pieces and making a new one wherever they want. It could really come in clutch, it'd give survivors something else to do, and like this i don't think it'd be overpowered at all. There should never be a perk that just allows survivors to make more pallets around the map.

    -Because of the disparity in perk utility, if you do that you'll see meta survivors that everyone will use because they have the tier 4 version of a strong perk, and you will never see certain survivors. Likewise, some killers could get some ridiculous tier 4s.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    2 Survivors not doing gens and allowing you to immediately start a chase as a killer is definitely not a bad thing. A survivor is always going to try and unhook a survivor, whether you camp or not, and a killer wants to be in a chase as soon as possible. This scenario is not detrimental to the killer at all but does screw the survivors.

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