Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Beating the dead horse: toxicity

I'm getting a bit confused about endless complaints about toxicity. The way some players cry out, you'd think 90% of the DBD playerbase is made of carefully selected Jerry Springer guests.
My experience is very different. So... I went ahead and started to keep track of my games. Not recording, just keeping notes on how "toxic" players were, and how the endgame chat looked like. So far, 62 games, most of them with Freddy, rank 1 and 2.
About a third of these were against 3 or 4 SWF.
4 games out of the 62 were ones with people apparently crashing at start, so I mostly farmed, these don't really count.


Endgame chat

  • Not a word: 8 games
  • Friendly chat or at least a "gg": 44 games
  • Whining (e.g. "tunneler", "camper"): 4 games
  • "Toxic" (insults, obscenities and the like): 2 games

In-game behaviour

  • Trolling, e.g. flashlight or sound spamming, excessive teabagging (btw I don't think any of these is really harmful in any way, but I know a lot of people hate it): only 7 games.

I even had games where I slugged everyone with Freddy and let them bleed out, and one where I did a by-the-book facecamping with Leatherface, and still only got a civilized notion: "you could troll less you know".

You whiners out there who constantly cry about DBD playerbase being "cancerous" and "toxic". You're wrong. Even with the occasional mild trolls and the very rare ones who are genuinely obnoxious, DBD playerbase is largely a bunch of nice and polite people. So all you pathetic, whining virgin bitches can ######### off and take your endless crying and butthurt feelings somewhere else :)


  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    My experience is more or less the same with yours.

    I guess it is related to the way you play as well. If survivors think that you played the game without camping and tunneling, they don't say anything even if they had a nightmarish game (Not true all the time, I have been insulted because I use a 'crutch' killer like the clown).

    Also, people's definition of toxicity is vastly different from others. I have had that discussion just 2 days ago. Some people think that tbagging or the insults after the game doesn't change the gameplay so they are not toxic, only camping and tunneling which make survivors' game unfun is, some people think that toxicity only occurs after the game in post game chat, some people think that tbags and flashlight clicks are toxic. Hell I have even seen people calling p3 claudettes and the survivors who wear colorful clothes toxic.

    So for the people who want to see toxicity in this game, there is no shortage of being a toxic player. You won't be able to convince people that the community is not as toxic as people make it out to be but I agree with you.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I mean, anyone can put this together without actually doing it.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Boss said:
    I mean, anyone can put this together without actually doing it.

    Yeah I have the feeling actually collecting data like these is pointless. The ones who CAN'T put this together will not be convinced anyway to give up their whiny ways.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @George_Soros said:

    @Boss said:
    I mean, anyone can put this together without actually doing it.

    Yeah I have the feeling actually collecting data like these is pointless. The ones who CAN'T put this together will not be convinced anyway to give up their whiny ways.

    My personal experience is quite similar to yours.
    The complaints mostly arise because the toxicity is what you'll remember the most.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    That's great and all but my profile includes over 500 (mainly survivor) comments that tell otherwise and I'm not even a Killer main. I guess you can imagine that there were a lot more endgame chat insults.

    The difference between your notes and my notes is that mine are all personalized feedbacks from individual players, effectively signed on my profile while yours are just numbers in the void.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @PiiFree said:
    That's great and all but my profile includes over 500 (mainly survivor) comments that tell otherwise and I'm not even a Killer main. I guess you can imagine that there were a lot more endgame chat insults.

    The difference between your notes and my notes is that mine are all personalized feedbacks from individual players, effectively signed on my profile while yours are just numbers in the void.

    It's true my approach is hardly up to scientific standards. (Not that the topic is really worth a more rigorous approach and all the effort that comes with it.) But it baffles me why I NEVER got comments like that on my profile.

    How long have you played this game? I only bought it 2018. June, though I have about 1300 hours now.

    Kinda jealous.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @George_Soros said:
    It's true my approach is hardly up to scientific standards. (Not that the topic is really worth a more rigorous approach and all the effort that comes with it.) But it baffles me why I NEVER got comments like that on my profile.

    How long have you played this game? I only bought it 2018. June, though I have about 1300 hours now.

    Kinda jealous.

    I've been playing since 2016 but I "only" have about 1600 hours. I can safely say that the more efficient you play as Killer, the more insults you'll receive. This shouldn't be a passive-aggressive provocation regarding your playstyle but it's true that you'd rather get negative feedback for stomping the Survivors as a Billy in 3 minutes compared to a 10 minutes Freddy match.

    Freddy (technically) provides a relatively easy match for Survivors so blaming and insulting the Killer afterwards is a bit hypocritical since you're basically already making it as easy as possible for the Survivors to win and yet they still fail. That's nothing but embarassing for them.

    Yes, I'm proud of that salt but it also makes me sad that I am part of such a toxic community. I've played 3000 hours of Dota 2 and not once received an insulting profile comment. I play DbD for 5 matches and I usually already got another insult on it.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    Does this justify insults, though? I know that teabagging, flashlight triggering and certain tactics (excessive looping, camping, tunneling, slugging, gen rushing) are not exactly fun to deal with but that shouldn't be an excuse for insulting someone after the match. You can be a dick ingame (or let's say a tryhard) and you can be a dick after the match (an actual toxic #########).

    I wouldn't consider tryharding as toxic since that's basically just "making use of the mechanics the game provides". It's not my responsibility to make the game fun for everyone else so that shouldn't make me a dick by default.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    My experience is pretty similar to yours as well. Cries of toxicity are overblown.
  • raw_bean
    raw_bean Member Posts: 20

    I've noticed the day and time you play (as well as perhaps the region?) makes a big difference. In my experience weekday evenings are generally polite and fun, but the later you get on a Friday or Saturday night the greater the trolling, toxic, 4-person SWF team frequency trends further and further towards 100%.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @PiiFree said:

    I've been playing since 2016 but I "only" have about 1600 hours. I can safely say that the more efficient you play as Killer, the more insults you'll receive.

    That's not always true though. I think we all know how easily we are called "camper" when we dare to get back to a hooked survivor after doing a long round checking on generators, but also how often we can get a "gg" from someone we just tunneled to oblivion. It has more to do with the maturity of a player than the actual level of our tryhardness.

    Generally, you have much more of a chance of getting a gg after a 0K game than after a 4K. Sad, but unsurprising.

    And @Peanits : just no. Cheating, actually holding the game hostage: yes, I'll report those. But there's no way I'm gonna report anyone for foul speech, insults or anything of that kind. That's censorship.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @George_Soros said:
    And @Peanits : just no. Cheating, actually holding the game hostage: yes, I'll report those. But there's no way I'm gonna report anyone for foul speech, insults or anything of that kind. That's censorship.

    Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence, and only applies to what a government can do.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    @Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.

    are you really saying (AS MOD) its ok and u have to expect to get insulted because killers play like a "dick"? for real dude? i payed for money for this game, i play by the rules etc. but if i dont follow the made up survivor rules its ok for them to insult me and throw some toxic behavior at me. thanks dude, really.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kenshin said:

    @Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.

    are you really saying (AS MOD) its ok and u have to expect to get insulted because killers play like a "dick"? for real dude? i payed for money for this game, i play by the rules etc. but if i dont follow the made up survivor rules its ok for them to insult me and throw some toxic behavior at me. thanks dude, really.

    Did you stop reading after the first paragraph?
    "In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing."

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @George_Soros said:
    Generally, you have much more of a chance of getting a gg after a 0K game than after a 4K. Sad, but unsurprising.

    Exactly my point. As Killer, you are automatically put in the uncomfortable position of "being responsible for everyones fun" - and since no one likes to lose, a 4k usually means the match was not fun for the Survivors. If you tryhard, you're automatically a dick. As Survivor, you tryhard by default since that's "the only thing you can do as Survivor".

    Isn't it a bit hypocritical to expect the Killers to care for your fun while you never consider how unfun your own playstyle might be for said Killers?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I like to punish toxicity where I see it.

    As survivor:

    - If I see someone teabagging and then they get camped. Yeah tough luck pal, I'm not coming back for you. You deserve it.

    - If they say "ez ez" post game I tell them not to be toxic little shits. No need to gloat, you turn good killers toxic with your toxicity.

    - If a killer facecamps all game, congrats, I'll be teabagging you at the exit gates

    As killer

    - you tbag, im going hard. Expect tunneling.

    - You try to farm a fellow survivor? Im going after you and leaving them alone

    Also I don't do hatch standoffs or slugging, but I get to choose who gets the hatch. You tbagged? Then im not hooking the other person, they can do gens while I hunt you down.

    It does make me laugh when you see a survivor trying to be toxic, so you go hard on them and they rage quit and then get salty post game like you're the toxic one.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @The_Crusader said:
    Also I don't do hatch standoffs

    Good for you being the bigger person.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @PiiFree said:

    I wouldn't consider tryharding as toxic since that's basically just "making use of the mechanics the game provides". It's not my responsibility to make the game fun for everyone else so that shouldn't make me a dick by default.

    I agree. I can't understand people who are surprised by tryharding in high ranks. The game's so much more fun if you give it your best. Just learn to take a loss without getting mad. That's the achievement, not performing 50 kobes :)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Boss said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Also I don't do hatch standoffs

    Good for you being the bigger person.

    Ha, it's purely because I'm too lazy to do them.

    The fun of the game is in the chases and the early game pressure.

    When its spending 10 mins looking for 2 immersed claudettes sneaking around the map waiting on the hatch its so slow lol I'd rather just let ond get the hatch and move on to a new game than sit there for 10 mins for a few pitiful points. Could earn more points by moving to a new game.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @The_Crusader said:
    Boss said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Also I don't do hatch standoffs

    Good for you being the bigger person.

    Ha, it's purely because I'm too lazy to do them.

    The fun of the game is in the chases and the early game pressure.

    When its spending 10 mins looking for 2 immersed claudettes sneaking around the map waiting on the hatch its so slow lol I'd rather just let ond get the hatch and move on to a new game than sit there for 10 mins for a few pitiful points. Could earn more points by moving to a new game.

    Well yeah, that's my reason to: Just don't wanna deal with ######### mechanics.
    But the result is the same: Not wasting eachother's time while earning nothing.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    Kenshin said:

    @Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.

    are you really saying (AS MOD) its ok and u have to expect to get insulted because killers play like a "dick"? for real dude? i payed for money for this game, i play by the rules etc. but if i dont follow the made up survivor rules its ok for them to insult me and throw some toxic behavior at me. thanks dude, really.

    No? I literally finished off that post saying that you can report them and we'll review it. All I'm saying is that if you do something to make people angry, they're going to be angry.
  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
    edited December 2018

    Well, as peanits says. 'You get what you give'.
    If you camp someone, the others will probaply t-bag you at the exit gate.
    If you t-bag someone, the'll probaply do anything they can to kill and camp you.
    Be nice people, BUT!

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    I often get salty comments from own survivor teammates on a Friday or Saturday night.... Though sometimes I agree as let's just say I'm not at my best after a skinfull of booze ;-) 
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
    edited December 2018

    I like toxicity, I am toxic, I want players to be toxic, I dream on this:

    Vote up if T-bagging should give BPs!

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @branchini1979 said:
    I often get salty comments from own survivor teammates on a Friday or Saturday night.... Though sometimes I agree as let's just say I'm not at my best after a skinfull of booze ;-) 

    There's an obvious explanation for that. Friday and Saturday nights: it's either getting out and hooking up, like a real person, or rotting away at home, playing DBD, getting mad. No wonder they're salty :D

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    OP, would be interesting to know how many of those games ended up in a 4k / 3k /2k / 0k?

    I'm sure there is a direct relation to the results of your matches. People rarely judge the matches based on the actual experience during the game, all that matters is the result.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @PiiFree said:
    OP, would be interesting to know how many of those games ended up in a 4k / 3k /2k / 0k?

    I'm sure there is a direct relation to the results of your matches. People rarely judge the matches based on the actual experience during the game, all that matters is the result.

    As Killer, to me at least, getting a gg from a Survivor who died is like running 4 Hex Perks (with 1 of them being Hex: Haunted Ground & Hex: Ruin while Hex: Thrill of the Hunt NOT being one of them) and having none be cleansed at the end.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @PiiFree said:
    OP, would be interesting to know how many of those games ended up in a 4k / 3k /2k / 0k?

    I'm sure there is a direct relation to the results of your matches. People rarely judge the matches based on the actual experience during the game, all that matters is the result.

    Umm... all right then.
    You asked for it.

    1/ Freddy, 0K, not a word
    2/ Freddy, 3K plus giving Hatch, a few kind words with the one given hatch (two ######### suicided)
    3/ Freddy, 2K, a few kind words with one of the escaped survivors (he said "sorry" for a last second flashlight save!)
    4/ Freddy, 0K "gg gg gg :)"
    5/ Freddy, 0K, had a very easy shot at tunneling one to death early but didn't do it. A bit of whining about "tunneling" in chat, but nothing serious
    6/ Freddy, 2K, "nice tunneling" (true, I DID tunnel and it WAS nice)
    7/ Freddy, 2K, lots of teabagging, "gay camper" / "get rekt"
    8/ Freddy, 2K, I'll quote: "every sociopath idiot has to play this game either camping or tunneling style"; "ultra boring"; "dumb as #########" :)
    9/ Freddy, 4K (Devour Hope, 5 tokens!), still get a "gg" from one of the survivors (a Russian no less)
    10/ Freddy, 1 sacrifice, 1 hatch, 1 suicide on hook and a DC. Last two: pathetic trolls with multiple VAC bans, spamming sound notifications. Got a "gg" from the one who escaped through Hatch.
    11/ Freddy, 1K, tunneled DS guy to oblivion, the rest escaped. Even so, "Gg"- s all around.
    12/ Freddy, 1K, tryhard SWF group. Tunneled the Obsession to oblivion. "Gg"-s from the ones who escaped.
    13/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"-s
    14/ Freddy, 4K, "gg wp" friendliness all around
    15/ Freddy, 2K, "gg" from one escaped

    16/ Wraith 0K, a single "gg"
    17/ Hag, 0K, a single"gg"
    18/ Freddy, 4K, "gg".
    19/ Freddy, 3K, 2 "gg"-s
    20/ Freddy, 0K, everyone "gg gl"
    21/ Freddy, 4K, not a word
    22/ Freddy, 3K, "gg" only from escaped surv

    23/ Wraith, 0K, "gg"
    24/ Freddy, 4K, "gg", friendly chat
    25/ Freddy, 0K, lots of exit gate teabagging, "gg"-s after game
    26/ Freddy, 3K + giving hatch, friendly chat
    27/ Freddy, 4K, not a word
    28/ Freddy, 1K, not a word
    29/ Freddy, 1K, "gg"
    30/ Freddy, 0K, friendly chat
    31/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"x2
    32/ Freddy, only 2 guy, farming
    33/ Freddy, 3K, not a word
    34/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"-s
    35/ Freddy, 1 kill, 1 suicide, 1 DC, one given hatch.
    36/ Freddy, 1 kill, 2 DC, 1 given hatch, "gg"
    37/ Freddy, 1K, long game against SWF, "gg wp"
    38/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    39/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    40/ Freddy, 2K, "gg"
    41/ Freddy, 2K, "gg"-s, from dead ones too
    42/ Freddy, 3K, something incoherent
    43/ Freddy, 0K, flashlight clicks, teabagging, but "gg"x2
    44/ Freddy, 1K, flashlight clicks, teabagging, but "gg"x2
    45/ Freddy, 2K, SWF, flashlight spamming, teabagging, "lol get bullied xD"
    46/ Freddy, 2K, full SWF, not a word
    47/ Freddy, 2K, full SWF, "gg"
    48/ Leatherface, 0K, friendly chat
    49/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    50/ Freddy, 3 DC, one given Hatch. A river of tears about "camping" and "tunneling"... from a team that did flashlight switching, silly unhooks and missed their DS.

    51/ Freddy, 1K, 2 DC, 1 Hatch, "gg"
    52/ Trapper, 3K, not a word
    53/ Trapper, 0K, flashlight spamming, "gg"-s
    54/ Trapper, 1K, "gg"
    55/ Trapper, 0K, "gg"-s
    56/ Trapper, 3K, "gg"
    57/ Leatherface, 1K. Civilized chat, even though I did a by-the-book facecamp.
    58/ Freddy. 1 sacrifice. Slugged the rest and waited till they all bleed out, like a complete #########. All I got was "you could troll less".
    59/ Freddy, 1K. The one dead throws a tantrum.
    60/ Clown, 4K. Friendly chat.
    61/ Wraith, 3K, not a word.
    62/ Leatherface, 0K (Speed Limiter, ok?!), "gg"x2

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    I believe you.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    That doesn't surprise me at all then:

    20 x 0 kills
    9 x 1 kill
    12 x 2 kills
    13 x 3 kills
    8 x 4 kills

    With a few farm matches and free hatch escapes.

    If you don't tryhard, what makes you think you'd receive toxic reactions? Now try to play a bit more "objective-oriented" - as you're supposed to do after all - and let's see how they react ;)

    I did the "Ironman challenge" as Billy; from Rank 20 to Rank 1 without ever using a single perk, add-on or offering and in the 51 matches I played, only a handful of Survivors managed to escape. You can imagine how much salt and insulting comments I got from that, but I never camped or tunneled, I simply played as efficient as possible...

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    @PiiFree both my records and my experience suggests, when things turn salty, it's more about the personality of the player than the end result or playstyle. Many of the 3-4K games do not have salt after them.

    I'm guessing the high salt content of your games is in no small part due to you playing on console. From what I hear, console players are much more immature than PC people.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @George_Soros said:
    @PiiFree both my records and my experience suggests, when things turn salty, it's more about the personality of the player than the end result or playstyle. Many of the 3-4K games do not have salt after them.

    I'm guessing the high salt content of your games is in no small part due to you playing on console. From what I hear, console players are much more immature than PC people.

    What makes you think I'm playing on console? I'm on PC.

    Of course this is all about personality of the player but to trigger certain reactions, all it takes is a merciless victory or a "too efficient" playstyle :)

    I mean, we could go on like that forever, there's no way to prove what effectively triggers toxicity but from my experience, if many Survivors escape = more likely to get a gg and if they all die, you'll most likely get flamed. Just my experience. I also think we have to differenciate between "toxic" playstyles and toxic behaviour via insults. One doesn't justify the other, so even if I theoretically facecamp every survivor I come across, it would be mean but that wouldn't justify them insulting me. (I'm not doing that, just saying)

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    PiiFree said:

    @George_Soros said:
    @PiiFree both my records and my experience suggests, when things turn salty, it's more about the personality of the player than the end result or playstyle. Many of the 3-4K games do not have salt after them.

    I'm guessing the high salt content of your games is in no small part due to you playing on console. From what I hear, console players are much more immature than PC people.

    What makes you think I'm playing on console? I'm on PC.

    Of course this is all about personality of the player but to trigger certain reactions, all it takes is a merciless victory or a "too efficient" playstyle :)

    I mean, we could go on like that forever, there's no way to prove what effectively triggers toxicity but from my experience, if many Survivors escape = more likely to get a gg and if they all die, you'll most likely get flamed. Just my experience. I also think we have to differenciate between "toxic" playstyles and toxic behaviour via insults. One doesn't justify the other, so even if I theoretically facecamp every survivor I come across, it would be mean but that wouldn't justify them insulting me. (I'm not doing that, just saying)

    Sorry about that.
    But yeah death is an important factor.

    Speaking of which, this horse here is dead enough. Thank you all for your contribution :)
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    edited December 2018
    Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.
    So would camping or rbt crouch tunneling a guy who does a last second switch for no reason other then to run dh and ds togeather count as toxic or is it just showing them how you feel at doing something that a lot of people find to be a nuisance and is uncalled for?
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    @PiiFree said:
    OP, would be interesting to know how many of those games ended up in a 4k / 3k /2k / 0k?

    I'm sure there is a direct relation to the results of your matches. People rarely judge the matches based on the actual experience during the game, all that matters is the result.

    Umm... all right then.
    You asked for it.

    1/ Freddy, 0K, not a word
    2/ Freddy, 3K plus giving Hatch, a few kind words with the one given hatch (two ######### suicided)
    3/ Freddy, 2K, a few kind words with one of the escaped survivors (he said "sorry" for a last second flashlight save!)
    4/ Freddy, 0K "gg gg gg :)"
    5/ Freddy, 0K, had a very easy shot at tunneling one to death early but didn't do it. A bit of whining about "tunneling" in chat, but nothing serious
    6/ Freddy, 2K, "nice tunneling" (true, I DID tunnel and it WAS nice)
    7/ Freddy, 2K, lots of teabagging, "gay camper" / "get rekt"
    8/ Freddy, 2K, I'll quote: "every sociopath idiot has to play this game either camping or tunneling style"; "ultra boring"; "dumb as [BAD WORD]" :)
    9/ Freddy, 4K (Devour Hope, 5 tokens!), still get a "gg" from one of the survivors (a Russian no less)
    10/ Freddy, 1 sacrifice, 1 hatch, 1 suicide on hook and a DC. Last two: pathetic trolls with multiple VAC bans, spamming sound notifications. Got a "gg" from the one who escaped through Hatch.
    11/ Freddy, 1K, tunneled DS guy to oblivion, the rest escaped. Even so, "Gg"- s all around.
    12/ Freddy, 1K, tryhard SWF group. Tunneled the Obsession to oblivion. "Gg"-s from the ones who escaped.
    13/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"-s
    14/ Freddy, 4K, "gg wp" friendliness all around
    15/ Freddy, 2K, "gg" from one escaped

    16/ Wraith 0K, a single "gg"
    17/ Hag, 0K, a single"gg"
    18/ Freddy, 4K, "gg".
    19/ Freddy, 3K, 2 "gg"-s
    20/ Freddy, 0K, everyone "gg gl"
    21/ Freddy, 4K, not a word
    22/ Freddy, 3K, "gg" only from escaped surv

    23/ Wraith, 0K, "gg"
    24/ Freddy, 4K, "gg", friendly chat
    25/ Freddy, 0K, lots of exit gate teabagging, "gg"-s after game
    26/ Freddy, 3K + giving hatch, friendly chat
    27/ Freddy, 4K, not a word
    28/ Freddy, 1K, not a word
    29/ Freddy, 1K, "gg"
    30/ Freddy, 0K, friendly chat
    31/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"x2
    32/ Freddy, only 2 guy, farming
    33/ Freddy, 3K, not a word
    34/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"-s
    35/ Freddy, 1 kill, 1 suicide, 1 DC, one given hatch.
    36/ Freddy, 1 kill, 2 DC, 1 given hatch, "gg"
    37/ Freddy, 1K, long game against SWF, "gg wp"
    38/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    39/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    40/ Freddy, 2K, "gg"
    41/ Freddy, 2K, "gg"-s, from dead ones too
    42/ Freddy, 3K, something incoherent
    43/ Freddy, 0K, flashlight clicks, teabagging, but "gg"x2
    44/ Freddy, 1K, flashlight clicks, teabagging, but "gg"x2
    45/ Freddy, 2K, SWF, flashlight spamming, teabagging, "lol get bullied xD"
    46/ Freddy, 2K, full SWF, not a word
    47/ Freddy, 2K, full SWF, "gg"
    48/ Leatherface, 0K, friendly chat
    49/ Freddy, 0K, "gg"
    50/ Freddy, 3 DC, one given Hatch. A river of tears about "camping" and "tunneling"... from a team that did flashlight switching, silly unhooks and missed their DS.

    51/ Freddy, 1K, 2 DC, 1 Hatch, "gg"
    52/ Trapper, 3K, not a word
    53/ Trapper, 0K, flashlight spamming, "gg"-s
    54/ Trapper, 1K, "gg"
    55/ Trapper, 0K, "gg"-s
    56/ Trapper, 3K, "gg"
    57/ Leatherface, 1K. Civilized chat, even though I did a by-the-book facecamp.
    58/ Freddy. 1 sacrifice. Slugged the rest and waited till they all bleed out, like a complete [BAD WORD]. All I got was "you could troll less".
    59/ Freddy, 1K. The one dead throws a tantrum.
    60/ Clown, 4K. Friendly chat.
    61/ Wraith, 3K, not a word.
    62/ Leatherface, 0K (Speed Limiter, ok?!), "gg"x2

    Lol dude the guy throwing a tantrum for being killed by Freddy mind teĺing us what it was as I got one from a guy that was blantently hookrushed the second I hooked him 2 times in a row then says good camping please delete the game so I pointed out he was hookrushed 2 times
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    This is what we call "anecdotal evidence".
    Should i post screenshots of people messaging me to help ops point? I get the occasional "gg" or "you were better than me you should have escaped". 

    Rarely hate mail. Usually salt is from other survivors who got themselves ######### and blame me. 

    Even as camping LF I've got one message. "Why. Why play like a dick?" I told him I needed faces
    Got an "ok". No hate.
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.
    So would camping or rbt crouch tunneling a guy who does a last second switch for no reason other then to run dh and ds togeather count as toxic or is it just showing them how you feel at doing something that a lot of people find to be a nuisance and is uncalled for?
    You can't see their perks in the lobby anyway, the only reason to do so is for items. Even then, I can't blame them, too many people dodge over petty things like items. For all you know they were just spending bloodpoints on another survivor.

    But going back to the original question, that killer would be in the wrong there because there's literally no basis to it.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @George_Soros said:
    I'm getting a bit confused about endless complaints about toxicity. The way some players cry out, you'd think 90% of the DBD playerbase is made of carefully selected Jerry Springer guests.
    My experience is very different. So... I went ahead and started to keep track of my games. Not recording, just keeping notes on how "toxic" players were, and how the endgame chat looked like. So far, 62 games, most of them with Freddy, rank 1 and 2.
    About a third of these were against 3 or 4 SWF.
    4 games out of the 62 were ones with people apparently crashing at start, so I mostly farmed, these don't really count.


    Endgame chat

    • Not a word: 8 games
    • Friendly chat or at least a "gg": 44 games
    • Whining (e.g. "tunneler", "camper"): 4 games
    • "Toxic" (insults, obscenities and the like): 2 games

    In-game behaviour

    • Trolling, e.g. flashlight or sound spamming, excessive teabagging (btw I don't think any of these is really harmful in any way, but I know a lot of people hate it): only 7 games.

    I even had games where I slugged everyone with Freddy and let them bleed out, and one where I did a by-the-book facecamping with Leatherface, and still only got a civilized notion: "you could troll less you know".

    You whiners out there who constantly cry about DBD playerbase being "cancerous" and "toxic". You're wrong. Even with the occasional mild trolls and the very rare ones who are genuinely obnoxious, DBD playerbase is largely a bunch of nice and polite people. So all you pathetic, whining virgin bitches can [BAD WORD] off and take your endless crying and butthurt feelings somewhere else :)

    ^ Get this man a medal.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    Peanits said:6
    Peanits said:
    In my experience, you get what you give. If you play for fun and try not to make the game miserable for the other side, you get a lot of positivity. If you play like a dick, people get mad and treat you like one.

    That, and the bad sticks out more than the good. You can meet a dozen nice people, but then one bad guy comes along and suddenly you look at your entire session as a negative experience.

    In any case, please report toxic people. We've got chat logs and we do review them and ban for that sort of thing.
    So would camping or rbt crouch tunneling a guy who does a last second switch for no reason other then to run dh and ds togeather count as toxic or is it just showing them how you feel at doing something that a lot of people find to be a nuisance and is uncalled for?
    You can't see their perks in the lobby anyway, the only reason to do so is for items. Even then, I can't blame them, too many people dodge over petty things like items. For all you know they were just spending bloodpoints on another survivor.

    But going back to the original question, that killer would be in the wrong there because there's literally no basis to it.
    What would the killer be in the wrong about?