Disconnect Punishment

I know your job is hard and I also know that I could never do your job and I understand that what may seem easy, may not actually be.

With that said I'm going to beg of you to please figure out how to stop punishing disconnects that weren't on purpose (bad internet connection and/or poor performance issues via console) and start severely punishing those that abandon you two minutes into the game (including those that take all their chances just to commit suicide on the hook). Leaving your team in a bind is cruel and in my opinion, toxic.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I don't think that's possible tho.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    It's just not possible for a program or server to know that THIS disconnect was on purpose and THAT was from internet going out.

    All it can see is that connection disappeared. There is nothing in it that says how or why, and with current technology (as far as I am aware), there is no way to differentiate one disconnect from another.

  • TheGorillaProject
    TheGorillaProject Member Posts: 21

    With the current "ranking system", you can't expect people to stay in a match when for example 2 mates lie on the ground the first 2 minutes. You would rather DC and wait (depending if the penalty timer is on or not) and move on to the next game.

    I will kill myself on the hook if I deem the match not enjoyable for me, for example if the survivors make it unenjoyable or the killer or the map is so bad that you know you are gonna have a miserable time instead of a good time.

    I want to have an enjoyable round, that doesn't means I have to escape or 4k. Always prefer a fun chase.

    You can't punish people "harshly" for dc'ing. if they don't enjoy it then they will leave. This is not a competetive game where you lose ranking and drop from gold to silver for example. Ranking in this game means nothing.

    The timer penalty + pip loss is fine and that's all there is to it.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • Daisymoon87
    Daisymoon87 Member Posts: 68

    People like you really annoy the hell out of me. Who cares if you dc'ing only gets you a lose pip? What about the rest of your team...and ranks DO matter. Ranks don't show how good a player is at the game, no, but they do matter with who you get matched up with and if I'm stuck with douche bags that are constantly dc'ing then it makes it harder for me and my other teammates. I've stuck it out even when multiple people dc but it sucks and it does make the game a lot harder.

    Sure there are games I don't like, but I am either going to die or I'm going to fight like hell to stay alive. It's a lot easier to fight when you've got teammates there to help you.